no ad box by mod*mom
mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

:: links ::
pbs kids
mom forum
mod*pals [*]

:: archives ::
09.2004 01.2006 02.2006 03.2006 04.2006 05.2006 06.2006 07.2006 08.2006 09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 02.2007 03.2007 04.2007 05.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 09.2007 10.2007 11.2007 12.2007 01.2008 02.2008 03.2008 04.2008 05.2008 06.2008 07.2008 08.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 12.2008 01.2009 02.2009 03.2009 04.2009 05.2009 06.2009 07.2009 08.2009 09.2009 10.2009 11.2009 12.2009 01.2010 03.2010 06.2010 07.2010 10.2010 11.2010 01.2011 02.2011 03.2011 04.2011 05.2011 06.2011 07.2011 09.2011 10.2011 11.2011 01.2012 02.2012 04.2012 05.2012 06.2012 07.2012 08.2012 09.2012 10.2012 11.2012 12.2012 01.2013 02.2013 03.2013 04.2013 05.2013 07.2013 08.2013 09.2013 10.2013 11.2013 02.2014 03.2014 04.2014 05.2014 06.2014 07.2014 08.2014 09.2014 10.2014 11.2014 12.2014 01.2015 02.2015 03.2015 05.2015 08.2015 10.2015 11.2015 01.2016 09.2016 05.2017 06.2017 07.2017 08.2017 08.2018 11.2018
check out my archives for more mod stuff!

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:: happy mother's day ::


:: happy father's day ::



father's day giveaway :: j schatz egg bird feeder in your choice of color
these are my favorite birdfeeders. if you'd like to win a modern eggfeeder ,
tell me in the comments, what are your j schatz favorites?
include your email address or blog link, so i can notify you when you win!
deadline sunday, june 17, father's day

by ~mod*mom~ at 31.5.07 © 77 comments


mason + matisse modern baby shop is sponsoring a mod*mom giveaway!
what should the prize be?

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.5.07 © 16 comments

fredflare : instant father for father's day: paul frank men's babyonboard tee

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.5.07 © 5 comments


dr.hauschka's translucent make-up 01
i have a terrible allergic reaction + this is my 2nd. i bought this make up a couple months ago at a fancy healthfood pharmacy. i've seen dr.hauschka products many times at whole foods (i practically live at various whole foods markets). one day, when mod*tot had just started nursery school i decided to browse around + treat myself to some products to make me look + feel better. a woman applied this + some eye + lip stuff. i thought it looked pretty natural. i bought it + forgot it for a month. then one day i noticed it in my purse + put some on in the car. it's very sheer + i'm not sure if it does anything or it's just a mental boost. anyway, 2 days later, my lips started burning around the edges + i thought it must be some salty crackers i'd eaten, better remember low sodium. the burning intensified + spread over my chin + cheeks. it was puffy + itchy, but not red. i wondered if my daughter contracted something at nursery school. after 3 days of burning pain i went to a doctor who said it was contact dermititis aka an allergic reaction to something applied to my face. i figured it was the makeup or maybe a grapefruit i ate or those crackers or my daughter's sunblock?
i waited 3 weeks for my face to clear (i didn't apply cortisone like directed). then i took the make up to the store + asked what might be in there to cause this allergy. the woman said it's probably not the make up. try it again. i wanted to believe her + keep the make up, so i dabbed some under my eyes + 2 days later woke up with horribly swollen eyelids + under eyes almost shut my eyes + a week later they're still burning + puffy. then this weekend i walked straight into the end of our apricot tree branch + barely missed poking my eye out, so please bear with me.

by ~mod*mom~ at 29.5.07 © 9 comments


santa cruz beach boardwalk, originally uploaded by mod*mom.

we went to the santa cruz boardwalk saturday.
mod*tot LOVES to ride the mod 1967 skyrider!
see the rest of my pictures on flickr

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.5.07 © 4 comments


quinny strollers launched in america with buzz, zapp + carrycot
(the zapp isn't available until august)
read all about them + buy them at magic beans
possible giveaway to come...

by ~mod*mom~ at 25.5.07 © 7 comments


mod*mom giveaway reminders + winners

thank you so much for entering my giveaways + to the fabulous sponsors for donating fantastic prizes!

be sure to enter my open giveaways:
modern hammock from babygeared,
fast folding stroller from miaMODA,
hopscotch rug from nurseryworks + more next week.

here are the winners of my last 11 giveaways so far... yes 11!
eames rocker from sparkability: zoessa (email me your address)
animal bag from boon: lala (email me your address)
potty bench from boon: missy in san diego (email me your address)
outfit + shoes from ryka: mary tsao (email me your address)
sunhat from portable baby: john in richmond
secret surprise from mahar drygoods: catharine in toronto
flightbag from babygeared: judy (email me your address)
egg planter from j.schatz: ms.mamma (email me your address)
french bull plates from givesimple: annie (email me your address)
schoolbus tote from fredflare: william in san francisco
offi tiki stool from modernseed: hilary in kansas

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.5.07 © 7 comments

nurseryworks is sponsoring a mod*mom giveaway with a hopscotch rug!
to enter to win a mod wool 3x5 rug ($290), tell me in the comments before midnight, june 5th, what are your favorite nurseryworks products + why?
(include your email address or blog link, so i can contact you when you win)

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.5.07 © 28 comments


we are sooooo happy for apolo + his father yuki!!!!
we also got to see our friend shani interviewed on the show :)
how exciting + wonderful!!! (watch apolo dancing videos here)

by ~mod*mom~ at 22.5.07 © 3 comments


mod*mom giveaway :: miaMODA cielo baby stroller!
enter to win an innovative award winning fast collapsing cielo stroller in the color combination of your choice. tell me in the comments, before midnight june 5th, what you think of miaMODAs stroller designs + features.

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.5.07 © 103 comments

dancing with the stars! watch apolo + julianne dance tonight! it's the finals + it's a very important show! they need your votes! voting is FREE + you can vote 5 times per phoneline during the show at 800-868-3411
(call as soon as the show starts, so the lines aren't busy later. you can vote up to 30 minutes after the show.) also vote online up until noon tomorrow. please vote for apolo!

here's my husband + apolo skating the warm up at the 2002 olympic trials in salt lake city. i made that camouflage skinsuit. i used to sew custom skinsuits + jackets for inline + ice speedskating. (click images to enlarge)

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.5.07 © 8 comments

klippdockor :: mod 60's paperdolls (click images to enlarge + print)

via martinklasch

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.5.07 © 4 comments

do you know a good breast cancer organization to benefit?
i'm excited to participate in a breast cancer charity fundraiser with (the cutest webshop in the world). i selected some beautiful scarves they'll offer in the fall, with the proceeds to be donated to a national or international breast cancer organization that promotes awareness, prevention + survival.

i suggested young survivor's coalition, but they say they "need a $5000 minimum donation commitment" which we can't guarantee.

can you help me pick another charity to benefit?

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.5.07 © 5 comments

klippdockor :: paperdolls from a 1969 newspaper
(click image to enlarge + print)

yesterday, was my daughter's nursery school carnival. we helped with set up + clean up + we brought a sandcastle cake with organic ingredients + raw brown sugar edible sand covering it for the bake sale. we stayed for the whole carnival. mod*tot got her face painted + played games + made painting masterpieces + ran around with her school friends + listened to music performances, then the stanford marching band + cheerleaders performed. they are LOUD + brightly costumed + fun. we had a long wonderful, memorable day + met lots of new friends. now i've got to catch up on real world + blogworld stuff.

via martinklasch

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.5.07 © 5 comments

mod*mom giveaway :: babygeared: secret prize is a mod flightbag!
this groovy bag is perfect for everyday toting, school, getaways or diapers.
i'm extending the contest deadline to midnight, monday, may 21st!
tell me in the comments below, what is your favorite babygeared product?
(tip: the answer is on babygeared)

by ~mod*mom~ at 18.5.07 © 46 comments


my flickr friend kinchimama won at's smallest coolest nursery contest!!!
i'm very pleased + feel like a successful matchmaker!
as soon as i saw kinchimama's mod vintage nursery photos on flickr, i knew the world would love what she'd done with her daughter's tiny room,
so i told her about the contest + suggested she enter :)

nursery pics + story at at: the nursery

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.5.07 © 3 comments


babygeared is sponsoring a mod*mom giveaway with a headdemock! $399
father's day is coming up! i LOVE this hammock+ babygeared :)
tell me in the comments, what are your favorite babygeared products?
deadline: midnight, father's day, june 17

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.5.07 © 143 comments

thank you so much to you all for entering my giveaways + giving the sponsors wonderful feedback on their products!

a special thank you to the sponsors for donating spectacular prizes + to friends for spreading the word.

the winners are being picked + notified, + i'll update you with their names by the end of this week. meanwhile, please enter my upcoming father's day giveaways + if you're a father with a blog, please send me your button for my father's day blogroll.

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.5.07 © 2 comments


by ~mod*mom~ at 15.5.07 © 4 comments

happy birthday my dearest little lady baby sweetheart mod*tot!
we had a wonderful birthday celebration at fairytale town yesterday
+ today we're going to have a fruit popsicle party at nursery school!
then mod*tot has a goofy golf teetime with her best friend :)
this weekend we'll have some neighbor friends over to swim :)
pic lala

by ~mod*mom~ at 14.5.07 © 9 comments


reminder: enter my giveaways!

most of the deadlines are this sunday may 13th

by ~mod*mom~ at 12.5.07 © 4 comments


1967 proto-travel system :: stair stroller/carseat debuted at expo67

via daddytypes

by ~mod*mom~ at 11.5.07 © 4 comments

happy mother's day! i'm so happy + grateful to be mod*tot's mommy!
*click images to enlarge + read. love these sixties hairdos + design.
pics lala-a-gogo

by ~mod*mom~ at 11.5.07 © 6 comments

mod*mom giveaway :: babygeared secret prize!
babygeared, gear for the modern baby + beyond, is sponsoring a mod*mom secret prize giveaway!
to enter to win a secret prize from babygeared,
tell me in the comments
before midnight, may 18,
what are your favorite babygeared products?

by ~mod*mom~ at 11.5.07 © 61 comments


lemonland :: time to squeeze your lemons or someone's you love!
in the tub, in bed, on the couch, check for signs of breast cancer.
i finally had a normal blood pressure this week for the 1st time in a year.
a few weeks ago, i had a breast cancer scare in my remainining breast.
my oncologist referred me for a mammogram, ultrasound + mri.
i was unnerved + tried not to think of facing another mastectomy + chemo + radiation, but tried to tell myself not to be surprised because my cancer is an aggressive type + likely to recur. i was freaked out, but what a relief when the tests came back, no evidence of disease! i can concentrate on my daughter's upcoming birthday + mother's day giveaways + blogroll :)
i try to "celebrate the temporary" + not wait for tomorrow, live today!

by ~mod*mom~ at 10.5.07 © 14 comments


mod*mom giveaway :: eames rocker
win this modern eames fiberglass arm shell rocker in your favorite color!

sparkability is sponsoring a mother's day giveaway with an eames rocker
i'm crazy about sparkability's online shop + products, like this mod chair
what are your favorite sparkability products? tell me in the comments before midnight may15th + you're entered to win!

update: the winner is zoessa (please email me your address + color choice)

by ~mod*mom~ at 9.5.07 © 198 comments


mod*mom mother's day giveaway :: j schatz modern egg planter!
i LOVE j schatz designs for modern homes. they're superb!
to win a modern egg planter that's just debuted for spring,
tell me in the comments, what are your j schatz favorites?
deadline sunday, may 13, mother's day

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.5.07 © 80 comments

thisnext is sponsoring a mother's day contest with an ipod nano + chocolates! register on thisnext social shopping site + go browsing.
just find things you like anywhere online + tag them "mom rocks"
the person with the best recommendations will be the winner!
deadline may 10th

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.5.07 © 3 comments

apolo + julianne got all 10s last night!
they were fantastic! i was all teared up!

the semifinals are next monday 8/7c
(watch their dance videos + vote online)
vote for apolo during the show at

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.5.07 © 2 comments


mod*mom giveaway :: mahar drygoods top secret new product prize!!!
if you want to win a secret new product that is still being created + should be completed next week, tell me in the comments of this post, your favorite mahar drygoods products + what do you love on junior society?
i love this fabulous coloring book illustrated by the brilliant s.britt
deadline midnight may 17

by ~mod*mom~ at 7.5.07 © 65 comments