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:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

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the spaceship home :: prefab by noem:
"The building is constructed with 3 prefabricated modules which arrive almost completely finished from the workshop-it only remains to assemble and connect them on site. One of them houses all the apartment’s facilities and equipment: it is the technological hub of the ship. The other two, combine a solid wooden structure with large openings that allow complete enjoyment of the views."

time-lapse spaceship home "landing" via dwell

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.11.18 ©


1960s Johnny Cash song The Talking Leaves :: Cherokee language symbols

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.11.18 ©


cherokee high school art teacher googledoodle video with flute

by ~mod*mom~ at 9.11.18 ©


thanksgiving :: enjoy native american food + books + crafts

via coolmom

"As I mentioned in our recent post about Thanksgiving crafts for kids, I think a lot of us at Cool Mom Picks are feeling more determined to better understand the Native American point of view of Thanksgiving so that we can avoid hurtful caricatures, be more sensitive to cultural appropriation, and overall, evolve in how we talk about history with our kids.
And look, I know that can be hard. I also grew up buying into the whole kumbaya story about the Natives and the Pilgrims, and making “Indian headdresses” for Thanksgiving crafts; it’s not always easy to totally shift both perspectives and traditions at once.
Fortunately, there are quite a few fantastic books and resources out there to help us better educate ourselves and our children... a few Thanksgiving books for kids from the Native perspective look really interesting. I especially like that most were written by (or at least with the help of) Native American authors.  I only wish that there were more, that are more recent. This is a perspective that needs to more widely accessible."

by ~mod*mom~ at 7.11.18 ©


1st native american rocket scientist is "googledoodle" today

i'm a citizen of the same cherokee nation sovereign government her great grandfather ran for 40 years, before during + after forced removal of "the 5 civilized tribes" from their ancestral homes east of the mississippi river, to make way for immigrants.
during the civil war, her great grandfather took the cherokee nation treasury money + hid out in philadelphia, pennsylvania. here she is on What's My Line? 1958

by ~mod*mom~ at 9.8.18 ©


in 1977 a native american singer breastfed her baby on Sesame Street.
she's in a new documentary featuring Native American rock musicians.

the Indians Who Rocked the World :: documentary trailer
movie is in theaters now rumble movie calendar

"Since her folksinging debut in 1964, singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie, a Cree Indian, has been an avatar of the international protest movement and a performer of the first order. She wrote “Til It’s Time for You to Go” and “The Universal Soldier” in 1973, sang with Pete Seeger, Johnny Cash, and the Muppets, and aided Native Americans through her foundation. 50 years on, her voice has lost none of its presence and power.

Buffy Sainte-Marie concert next month - Stanford University 

September 22, 2017 at 7:30pm ... Bing Concert Hall ...

PRE-SHOW TALK: 6:30pm with founder and Executive Director of the Polaris Music Prize

Some of you may know Buffy from her early days as a musician and activist in the 1960s. Or maybe you remember her from her time on Sesame Street in the late 1970s or know her Oscar-winning song from An Officer and a Gentleman. What you may not know is her recent history as both a critical voice for indigenous issues and the recipient of the Polaris Prize, Canada’s top musical honor.—Chris Lorway, Executive Director

by ~mod*mom~ at 19.8.17 ©


ᏣᎳᎩ :: cherokee syllabary charts i created :: sound :: shape :: abc song

i made a cherokee language version of the ABC song with the corresponding cherokee syllable phonetic sounds for the phoenician characters + look-a-likes shared in the english language. ABC is pronounced go, yv, dli... there are 60 more cherokee characters. cherokee has 86 characters that are syllables, rather than letters.

each syllable has a meaning, so putting syllables together conveys a lot of information. it's a descriptive language + 1 multi-syllable word can contain as much information as a long english sentence. cherokee also has no capitals like english does. so each syllable sound has only 1 character to represent it + there's no punctuation.

the cherokee language has been spoken for many thousands of years.
cherokee syllable characters were created almost 200 years ago: 1820.
there were originally over 100 syllable characters in an ink + quill cursive style.
a few years later the cherokee nation got a printing press + had to modify the complicated shapes + edit down the amount of characters. a syllabary chart was published in the cherokee nation newspaper + has been used ever since.

even though cherokee was the 1st native american language included on apple macs + iphones, microsoft windows, + google chrome browsers,+ keyboards, cherokee is a dying language. older speakers are literally dying + not being replaced fast enough. this is considered a hard language to learn, so i split the old cherokee syllabary chart into 2 new charts: 1 organized by sound + the other organized by shape.

to make the "by Sound" chart, i took a standard Cherokee Nation syllabary chart that is arranged by 6 vowel columns + 13 consonant rows (with extra consonants sharing spaces), then i moved the outer vowels + consonants labels into each space, so each syllable character has it's own sounds with it. this chart alone is still visually hard for me to memorize, because similar shapes can have very different sounds, so i created a complementary "by Shape" chart, to use in addition.

to make the "by Shape" chart, i took my new "by Sound" chart + rearranged the syllables by similar shapes. since each syllable character now has their consonant + vowel with them, you can memorize them in visual order too. i also put each character into it's own space, so i added a column to make room. it was like solving a puzzle.

fluent native speakers even have trouble distinguishing some syllable characters.
i think that's because some of the shapes should be changed to be more distinct;
there are too many similar shapes with tiny variations, rotations or mirror images.
the written language could be the cause of losing (or saving) the spoken language.
until we get new characters, i hope my new charts help cherokee language learners.

if you want to learn cherokee language, there are free online classes at

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.7.17 ©


free food :: american agriculture economics association is based in cheese hat state

WIC (Women, Infants, + Children) is the USA’s 3rd-largest free food assistance program.
54% of infants + 31% of children ages 1-5 years old are fed by WIC : US Dept of Agriculture 

AAEA emailed me an invitation to interview their food expert at their annual convention:

"A report by the National Academies released earlier this year recommends modifications to the WIC program as a whole. Any proposals to change the WIC program are being made with the goal of providing nutrition to promote the well-being of pregnant women, infants and young children,” says Helen Jensen of Iowa State University. “We are looking at factors associated with participation in WIC and whether benefits are attractive enough to keep people enrolling in the program.”
        Jensen, who is an internationally-known expert on food and nutrition policy, will lead a session entitled “Food Assistance Program Design in WIC: Mechanisms for Targeting Nutritional Needs” at the 2017 AAEA Annual Meeting in Chicago July 31.
        “There is a lot of interest in food assistance programs both because of funding and because of the success and concerns of improving food security,” Jensen said. “Funding for WIC is tied to participation and since 2008 participation has fallen.”
        For more information, or to set up an interview, please contact Jay Saunders in the AAEA Business Office. Milwaukee, WI

Cheesehead is a nickname in the United States for a person from Wisconsin or for a fan of the Packers [meat] NFL football franchise.

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.7.17 ©


uggg i just found out what pizzles are + why we say pee + piss

Pizzle | Definition of Pizzle

1 : the penis of an animal. 2 : a whip made of a bull's pizzle. 1st known use: 15th century.

pizzles are sold raw dehydrated as chews for dogs (+ raw for human consumption)

cow pizzles aka bully sticks were tested for bacterial contaminants:
-27% were contaminated with Escherichia coli (Ecoli)
-4% were contaminated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
-4%  were contaminated with Clostridium difficile

"these bacterial strains have been shown to infect humans. Researchers advise all pet owners to wash their hands after touching such treats, as they would with any raw meat. The very young, elderly, pregnant, immunocompromised and other high-risk individuals should avoid all contact with raw animal-product based treats and "

"We were surprised at the clear misconceptions pet owners + veterinarians have with pet foods + the popular raw animal-product based pet treats on the market. For example, 71% of people feeding bully sticks to their pets stated they avoid by-products in pet foods, yet bully sticks are animal by-products."

excerpted from

by ~mod*mom~ at 20.7.17 ©


if you know me in person, you know i'm a vegan, but i don't push it. 
when people complain to me about health problems, i do tell them there is a simple remedy: stop eating animals + their excretions + eggs

i'm the only vegan i know, besides celebrities, + it's isolating. i watch vegans on youtube showing gorgeous food they make in their vitamix.
i love documentaries + got to meet the Forks Over Knives founder a few years ago at Whole Foods + participate in his 30-day vegan challenge.
he prepared a vegan dinner from his recipe book that was scrumptious!
i asked him how he gave up cheese + he replied: cheese is disgusting!
i agree now + i was sooo excited about the Cowspiracy documentary + 
there's a fantastic new documentary i hope you'll watch "What the Health"

 i wrote this review on IMDB for "What the Health

"watch this multiple times with people you care about :) save lives. be
a healer :) the health heroes interviewed are inspiring, intelligent,
strong + vibrant role models for adults + children. info is presented +
edited in compelling, eye-opening way empowering average people to
heal, be fit + live longer healthier. grateful to filmmakers + brave
contributors fighting ag monster. "What the Health" should be
compulsory Health class film in schools!!!!! but don't wait, watch it
on Netflix or ASAP"

this is not sponsored. i'm excited about vitamix + vital veganism :)
i buy all the things you can make in a vitamix, but i could have been making them myself exactly the way i want, saving $ + eating more.
i'm so excited they still sell a mod looking classic vitamix model they almost retired after 25-years. it's a 5200. i ordered from

i've survived a terminal breast cancer diagnosis for over a decade,
by cutting out all animal products + eggs + excretions (dairy).

i think i wouldn't have ever gotten breast cancer, if i wasn't told by a government funded lactation coach program in Berkeley, California "drink milk, to make milk" + given free coupons for cow milk + cheese

watch as many documentaries as it takes to unlearn animal eating.
the next new vegan documentary i want to watch is "Eating You Alive"
+ i haven't yet seen the classics "Earthlings" + "Unity"...

local tip: RawDaddy is AMAZING at Palo Alto farmers market

by ~mod*mom~ at 19.7.17 ©


midcentury suburbia cartoon :: Barbecue Brawl :: Tom + Jerry 1956 


by ~mod*mom~ at 8.7.17 ©

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House pavers side exterior

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House pavers side

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House bedroom doors

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House bedroom mirrors

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House bathroom orange table

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House kitchen

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House desk dining

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House pavers living room eames

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House pavers

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House bedroom

prefab 1960s harvard design London Wimbledon House pavers back yard

1960s prefab tour of harvard design school in London via dwell magazine

by ~mod*mom~ at 7.7.17 ©


bbq origin etymology
the English word "barbecue" + its cognates in other languages are derived from barabicu found in the language of the Arawak people of the Caribbean + the Timucua of Florida; it has entered some European languages in the form of barbacoa

Oxford English Dictionary (OED) traces the word to Haiti aka Hispaniola, + translates it as a "framework of sticks set upon posts". After Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492, the Spaniards found indigenous Haitians roasting fish over a grill consisting of a wooden framework resting on sticks above a fire. The flames + smoke rose + enveloped the flesh, giving it a certain flavor.

Related image

"Gonzalo Fernández De Oviedo y Valdés, a Spanish explorer, was the first to use the word "barbecoa" in print in Spain in 1526 in the Diccionario de la Lengua Española of the Real Academia Española." 

the word barbacoa migrated from the Caribbean into other languages + cultures; it moved from Caribbean dialects into Spanish, PortugueseFrench, + English. According to the OED, the first recorded use of the word in English was a verb in 1661, in Edmund Hickeringill's Jamaica Viewed: "Some are slain, and their flesh forthwith Barbacu'd and eat". The word barbecue was published in English in 1672 as a verb from the writings of John Lederer, following his travels in the North American southeast in 1669. The first known use of the word as a noun was in 1697 by the British buccaneer William Dampier. In his New Voyage Round the World, Dampier wrote, " ... and lay there all night, upon our Borbecu's, or frames of Sticks, raised about 3 foot from the Ground".

Spanish atrocities committed in the conquest of Carib native's land included barbecuing them, as shown in Catholic Bishop Bartolome Las Casas's "Brevisima relación de la destrucción de las Indias", illustrated by Flemish artist Joos van Winghe + engraver Theodor deBry in 1663.

Related imageSamuel Johnson's 1756 dictionary of English Language gave these definitions:
  • "To Barbecue – a term for dressing a whole hog" (swine are imported animals)
  • "Barbecue – a hog dressed whole" (with or without head and feet)
the standard modern English spelling of the word is barbecue, variations including barbeque and truncations such as bar-b-q or BBQ may also be found.
because the cooking method of barbecue originated in native american groups, Europeans gave it "savage connotations."  Theodor de Bry's Great Voyages, "present smoke cookery as a custom quintessential to an underlying savagery ... that everywhere contains within it a potential for cannibalistic violence."


by ~mod*mom~ at 1.7.17 © 0 comments


REAL ID state enforcement map : state identification travel requirements

REAL ID Act of 2005, goes into effect this year. REAL ID Act, is a measure passed after 9/11, designed to establish federal standards for the issue of state IDs for entrance to federal facilities, including airports.
residents of 24 states can travel with a state-issued driver’s license, but others may need a federal identification document to cross state borders.
green states: drivers license
red states: federal identification document
yellow states + territories: drivers license OR  Passport, not determined yet
federally-issued forms of identification to fly domestically, include a passport, military ID, or permanent resident card.
kids under 16 aren’t required to show any identification to travel domestically, so younger children won’t need passports to fly within the USA

ACLU + other groups suggest the act is a slippery slope to a national ID card system + a violation of the 10th amendment of state’s rights which will “facilitate the tracking of data on individuals” by the government + have a “tremendously destructive impact on privacy.”
"We are getting a vaguely uncomfortable Brexit-y feeling that needing a passport to travel from state to state feels a lot more European Union than United States of America."-CoolMomPicks
Real ID state enforcement map : state identification travel requirements

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.6.17 ©

Image result for alcatraz native baby

1960s native rights :: alcatraz was my family's home

as a native american citizen i am grateful alcatraz occupation attention
focused the world on native existence + reignited native pride as
separate from american pride, + us government didn't hurt the natives. 

as a mixed native, i wouldn't have been born if it weren't for alcatraz;
one of my ancestors was the 1st european boy born on alcatraz 1878.
so i am descended from both lineages + assimilated. watch this:

image: museum of california 

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.6.17 © 0 comments


midcentury Johnny Cash family :: wife of 12 years Vivian + Johnny had 4 daughters

do you like Johnny Cash?
here's Johnny Cash from the 1960's
reading a story that in the middle
names my great great great great Uncle
who famously saved General Andrew Jackson
in 1814 before he was US President Jackson.

My Great Uncle was duped + deeply regretful.
He was doing his military duty per treaties with U.S.

by ~mod*mom~ at 31.5.17 ©


candy odyssey ::  origin of gummies, jellies, marshmallows, gelatin...

artificial bright colors, shapes, flavors + smells seduce your sweet-tooth. this 1 minute video traces gelatin candy in reverse, from mouth to package to candy-making process inside a candy factory to a live pig.

Over eten - De weg van een snoepje from Eén

filmmaker alina kneepkens website says:
"‘Over Eten’ from flemmish public broadcaster VRT brings reports on what we know about food today. Where does it really come from and how is it produced?

"I got the assignment to direct some reversed stories showing the production of some of our food and dishes. I saw quite a few slaughter houses and examples of both industrial and artisan food production. A true eye opener.

‘Jelly’ is candy. But only few people know they’re made of gelatine from the skin of pigs. Sweet?"
(it wouldn't embed, so i used a copy video. pic via designtaxi)

by ~mod*mom~ at 4.9.16 ©


1964 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Martin Luther King Jr., Phd, studied at Harvard University, Boston University, and University of Pennsylvania.

1963 book, "Why We Can't Wait," about the origins of racism in U.S.A., 
King condemned the injustices inflicted on Native American people: 

"Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of Negroes on our shores, the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society. From the 16th century forward, blood flowed in battles of racial supremacy. We are perhaps the only nation which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its Indigenous population. Moreover, we elevated that tragic experience into a noble crusade. Indeed, even today we have not permitted ourselves to reject or feel remorse for this shameful episode. Our literature, our films, our drama, our folklore all exalt it."

-Martin Luther King Jr

by ~mod*mom~ at 11.1.16 ©