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mod*mom ~
![]() ![]() ![]() modernseed is sponsoring a mod*mom contest with an offi tiki stool! i LOVE modernseed's online shop + new spring outdoor products! i want a panton junior chair + modern kite + tiki stool/side table. enter to win a mod offi tiki stool before midnight april 10th! email me the answer to "what's your favorite moderseed product?" (or leave the answer in the "comments" section of this post.) i'll pick a random winner + modernseed will mail the prize to the winner. (tip: the answer is on modernseed) by ~mod*mom~ at 29.3.07 © 38 Comments:
Hi Kristen
Hello Mod Mom,
the killer kite
q. what's your favorite modernseed product?"
Hi Mod Mom:
I don’t know as favorite is the same as popular, but the fatboy jr. is popular (as are 10 other items) I would love to have a PANTON chair. I think its so cool that they have the Junior sized one, and the colors are so great!! By Jessie, at 4/01/2007 9:43 PM
I love the cribs in the NettoCollection. The storage drawers are awesome!
I love the Pantoon chairs and the Fruit and Vegetable bean bag chairs! By Jennifer McNichols, at 4/02/2007 11:32 AM
my favorite modernseed product is the bb2 bed. it's beautiful, sturdy, simple and it has a bench/shoerack/stuffed animal shelf at the bottom. Hi mod mom. I like the nightlight rugs and the angela adams rugs. I enjoy your site a lot. Thanks! , athere is my email...mschubert64@nyc.rr.com , atIf I had to pick just one thing, I'd say the FatBoy Junior in orange. I love ORANGE:) By Sara Schneider, at 4/02/2007 12:56 PM
Just found your blog! It's great! :)
Trioli 3-in-One. My son would have such fun with that!
I love so many of modernseed's products, especially the likeabike.
Hi mod*mom,
Stokke KEEP Complete (http://www.modernseed.com/stkekeepcomplete.html)
Hard question, but my favorite Modernseed product is the Blu Dot Dodu
Hey, I love this site... and I'd love to win the contest! My fave Modernseed product is the Fatboy Junior. I think my daughter would get a huge kick out of it! By Anna, at 4/02/2007 6:44 PM
My favourite Modernseed product is:
Oooh, that's a hard one. Everything is so great. But I think my
Anna Wulick has left a new comment on your post "modernseed is sponsoring a mod*mom contest": I love modernseed! My fav product is the Offi Chalkboard Table! Thanks, Patricia C. , at
My favorite modernseed product is Bovist Floor Cushion. By Unknown, at 4/02/2007 7:26 PM Hands down, the Netto Moderne Crib is my favorite. But, the Bilibo comes in second place. By Missy, at 4/02/2007 9:12 PM
Hi Modmom, By zobars, at 4/02/2007 9:52 PM
I love these cards and think it'd be great fun to build structures with them and our little guy: By Beth, at 4/03/2007 6:48 AM
For my money it is the understated chip chair - the white may be on sale
I thoroughly enjoyed this site. My favorites, just in surfing were the Blu Dot Chicago 8 Box, the entire Netto line, the entire Fatboy line, the Olga Roller, the Snap Step, and the Alambra Sketch rug. By Kate The Great, at 4/03/2007 5:50 PM I really love the Nelson Platform Bench. I been looking for a bench and this is just my style. The offi tiki stool will look perfect in the office... give me that creative juice I'm looking for. By Deb, at 4/04/2007 9:07 AM I love the TreBimbi Puppets Flatware and the Modu-licious No. 6 Maple storage unit. This stuff is amazing! Love it! , at
I love, love, love Fernando the Fish Zootimer Clock. Maybe his big belly will inspire my boy to eat... Oh, I love that site and everything they sell. I'm super-jazzed about the Panton Junior chairs, though. That's my current favorite. Great contest!!! By Heide, at 4/05/2007 9:58 AM I love the Tiki Stools, but I also love the Fatboy Juniors and the chalkboard table. By mmmm, brains, at 4/05/2007 6:55 PM
My son looking over my shoulder really, really wants this: By Jill, at 4/08/2007 5:22 PM
I like to think of myself as a hip mom (lol). But i have to say my favorite item is the Classic Sock Monkey. My little boy Zack would love this monkey as his new pal! |