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mod*mom ~
good bye 2006! thank you very much for the good times! pic torufukuda by ~mod*mom~ at 31.12.06 © 0 comments
a happy new year! pics torufukuda drawingwonder by ~mod*mom~ at 30.12.06 © 3 comments
keep decorating + celebrating! rockpaperscissors holiday cards are on sale. let's keep the holidays going a couple more weeks :) via coochicoos by ~mod*mom~ at 29.12.06 © 2 comments
mod*mom made top 10 quintessential blog posts list at eye of the goof!!! by ~mod*mom~ at 28.12.06 © 0 comments
i want to tour the prefab clever home mini :: 480 square feet via inhabitat by ~mod*mom~ at 26.12.06 © 0 comments
vintage alexander girard christmas card :: merry christmas to YOU!! pic ? by ~mod*mom~ at 25.12.06 © 0 comments
prefab modern gingerbread house made with graham cracker technology house by hurtyelbow via strollerderby update: great modern prefab cookie house post at populuxe! by ~mod*mom~ at 24.12.06 © 2 comments
"holiday histrionic disorder: overview: anxiety based disorder specifically related to the end of each calendar year, lasting for a relatively short period of time between thanksgiving + new year’s day. symptoms intensify as the year closes, + often disappear completely by the 3rd week in january. commonly known among lay persons as “christmas chaos disorder” population: tends to manifest itself mainly in females (especially mothers) of the type a personality . although in recent years, numbers of persons diagnosed has risen among the male population. note: there is a direct correlation between the number of children + the severity of the symptoms. diagnostic criteria for holiday histrionic disorder is as follows: a. excessive anxiety + worry, occurring more often + increasingly towards the end of december. b. general feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness or incompetence. c. the disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of the weather (see seasonal affectiveness disorder), although these 2 disorders can occur in conjunction with each other, as well as exascerbate symptoms. d. the anxiety is associated with 3 (or more) of the following symptoms: (1) feeling keyed up or on edge, with the inability to distinguish between meaningful + insignificant issues (eminent bankruptcy vs. broken tree ornaments) prognosis: excellent. patients respond positively to treatment during peak cycles + often function normally during dormant cycles. treatment: drug therapy in conjunction with at home relaxation techniques like aromatherapy + social drinking. current medication prescribed: asitwerejan 2 (available in eggnog liquid or peppermint tablet forms). generic name: nodecstress X black market/street name: "sugar plums" (via momish) by ~mod*mom~ at 23.12.06 © 5 comments
lala from the kitschen cooking up fun + christmas cheer with her dollies lala's pal jelene at 3 in 1976 is cooking for her cute dolly (i want that doll!) by ~mod*mom~ at 22.12.06 © 7 comments
mashable! :: social shopping awards check out these social shopping sites + vote for your favorite. i just found this digital day counter on wists that keeps track of perishable items... -crowdstorm -stylehive -kaboodle -thisnext -hawkee -stylefeeder -shopwiki -etsy -fivelimes -dealbundle -mypicklist -gopowwow -desiresin -wists by ~mod*mom~ at 22.12.06 © 0 comments
i'm interested in ikea's new circular stove exhaust hood + it's only $549 but the range hood i really want is the cylindrical futuro jupiter $1549 by ~mod*mom~ at 20.12.06 © 0 comments
karim rashid designed menorahmorph for a 21st century hanukkah! by ~mod*mom~ at 17.12.06 © 2 comments
we're back from a wonderful time at disneyland! i miss the old tomorrowland futuristic style + kitchen of the future. the innoventions attraction is so outdated, but 2 employees told me they're building a new "house of the future" within the building that will be ready next summer. it's going to be called "the connected house" it's a small world is my favorite attraction. it is sooo darling, especially with my mod*tot + mod*pop to share it. the light display was spectacular. every 15 minutes the exterior was transformed. here's a video link by ~mod*mom~ at 16.12.06 © 4 comments
happy ping pong paddle + cover with ball holder from fredflare! by ~mod*mom~ at 13.12.06 © 3 comments
blogger's new version includes a great "search blog" box!!!! i am so happy! i just "switched" the mod*mom blog to google's new blogger version + wOw! i got a cool "search blog" box on the blogger toolbar at the top left corner. yippeeeee! do you see it? try it out! put in a search word like baby or stroller or mod*tot + see for yourself. it's so cooooooool! it's not just a google search page, it's vintage mod*mom posts! i've wanted a great search box forever. this is better than i'd imagined :D thank you google! p.s. the new version also has a "categories" feature!!!! by ~mod*mom~ at 12.12.06 © 0 comments
propaganda makes these modern ballerina dolly whiskbrooms + dustpans by ~mod*mom~ at 12.12.06 © 0 comments
` vintage alain gree illustrated games + books!!! i love these images i collected this year + i've got so many images i'm trying to organize + match with bookmarked links (i'll post the links asap) by ~mod*mom~ at 11.12.06 © 8 comments
fiveten gifts boutique modern gift shop just opened in palo alto i love the dolly kitchen gadgets + acrylic candelabras. i got a cinderella whisk broom for mod*tot. the dustpan is the prince! by ~mod*mom~ at 11.12.06 © 5 comments