no ad box by mod*mom
mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

:: links ::
pbs kids
mom forum
mod*pals [*]

:: archives ::
09.2004 01.2006 02.2006 03.2006 04.2006 05.2006 06.2006 07.2006 08.2006 09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 02.2007 03.2007 04.2007 05.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 09.2007 10.2007 11.2007 12.2007 01.2008 02.2008 03.2008 04.2008 05.2008 06.2008 07.2008 08.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 12.2008 01.2009 02.2009 03.2009 04.2009 05.2009 06.2009 07.2009 08.2009 09.2009 10.2009 11.2009 12.2009 01.2010 03.2010 06.2010 07.2010 10.2010 11.2010 01.2011 02.2011 03.2011 04.2011 05.2011 06.2011 07.2011 09.2011 10.2011 11.2011 01.2012 02.2012 04.2012 05.2012 06.2012 07.2012 08.2012 09.2012 10.2012 11.2012 12.2012 01.2013 02.2013 03.2013 04.2013 05.2013 07.2013 08.2013 09.2013 10.2013 11.2013 02.2014 03.2014 04.2014 05.2014 06.2014 07.2014 08.2014 09.2014 10.2014 11.2014 12.2014 01.2015 02.2015 03.2015 05.2015 08.2015 10.2015 11.2015 01.2016 09.2016 05.2017 06.2017 07.2017 08.2017 08.2018 11.2018
check out my archives for more mod stuff!

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:: happy mother's day ::


:: happy father's day ::



do you remember gumby + pokey? dig their groovy theme song!

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.3.07 © 2 comments


mod*mom giveaway :: offi tiki stool from modernseed

modernseed is sponsoring a mod*mom contest with an offi tiki stool!
i LOVE modernseed's online shop + new spring outdoor products!
i want a panton junior chair + modern kite + tiki stool/side table.
enter to win a mod offi tiki stool before midnight april 10th!

email me the answer to "what's your favorite moderseed product?"
(or leave the answer in the "comments" section of this post.)
i'll pick a random winner + modernseed will mail the prize to the winner.
(tip: the answer is on modernseed)

by ~mod*mom~ at 29.3.07 © 38 comments


mod*tot is the newest member of the international junior society!
the aim of their frequent meetings will be to explore better than average children’s design. check out the merit badges + apply for membership here.
illustration by s.britt

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.3.07 © 3 comments

hoppy easter!
(sixties slap happy sticker pics via ticktocktoys)

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.3.07 © 2 comments

butt station has colored paper clips under him on his magnetic butt.

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.3.07 © 1 comments

mod*tot is on spring break from nursery school this week + we're busy!
pic cozytomato via print+pattern

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.3.07 © 4 comments


apartment therapy :: smallest coolest nursery contest enter by april 6th

baby pics: tassofiel 1970 (what a groovy pad + family!)

by ~mod*mom~ at 27.3.07 © 4 comments


dancing with the stars :: go uncle apolo!
i'm so excited to watch apolo + his partner julianne dance! i'm pretty sure they're going to win the disco ball! we love apolo + his father yuki + we're so excited for them. i spotted yuki in the balcony at the beginning of the show! i loved watching apolo race short track as a teenager even though my husband was competing with him. you have to love apolo, he's a wonderful guy + works hard. he's very talented + funny too. we're just so excited for him + enjoying every minute we can see him on tv! you can see him dancing here. we're cheering for you apolo!
(airs mondays 8pm/7pm central)

are you going to watch? y
ou can vote on your phone for free up to 11 times per phone line at 800-868-3411 during the show + up to 30 minutes after + you can vote online until noon the following day. so please vote for apolo :)

by ~mod*mom~ at 26.3.07 © 2 comments

a few of these bullet planters would look great scattered around our patio
via purecontemporary

by ~mod*mom~ at 25.3.07 © 2 comments


2modern is sponsoring a mod*mom giveaway with a retrosuede pillow!
i LOVE 2modern's online shop + product selection + the inhabit grass pillow!
we've been planting new grass seeds + pulling weeds for weeks preparing for egg hunting + walking barefoot in our yard. gardens, farm fresh fruits + vegetables, hiking in the woods + native plant landscaping are on my mind.
to enter the contest to win this pillow, answer the following question:
"what is your favorite product, brand or designer featured on 2modern?" leave your answer in the comments below before midnight, april 5th.
i'll pick a random winner + 2modern will mail the prize to the winner.
(tip: the answer is on 2modern)

by ~mod*mom~ at 23.3.07 © 12 comments


smafolk :: original danish graphic print products are groovy!
via print+pattern

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.3.07 © 2 comments


laphoeff design :: cubo :: children's lifesize dollcase
via at: the nursery

by ~mod*mom~ at 20.3.07 © 3 comments

flower power! spring is here! happy vernal equinox! happy spring!
pic lefor-openo

by ~mod*mom~ at 20.3.07 © 3 comments


i want these "eggs" for easter! modpod 1964 (debuted at 1964 world'sfair),
henrik thor-larsen's ovalia 1956 + arne jacobsen's egg 1958

by ~mod*mom~ at 18.3.07 © 12 comments


dante beatrix :: flowerchild totes diaper bags for groovy expeditions.

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.3.07 © 4 comments

mod*mom giveaway ::
boon flair pedestal highchair with pneumatic lift: "revolutionary new highchair, combining innovative features with distinctive modern style. the seamless seat makes clean-up easy and the pneumatic lift allows for effortless height adjustment."

enter to win this mod 2007 boon flair highchair before midnight tonight!

email me the answer to "what is modernnursery's mission?"

by ~mod*mom~ at 15.3.07 © 2 comments

mod*mom giveaway :: pop ink clean + slobber soaps set!

i love pop ink's dinnerware, soaps, giftwrap, books, napkins + notecards
email me the name of their parent company before midnight april 1
(hint: the answer is on popink)

by ~mod*mom~ at 14.3.07 © 3 comments


karim rashid's kid-sized kapsule chairs come in groovy new colors!
modern nursery

by ~mod*mom~ at 13.3.07 © 2 comments

give those lemons a squeeze! it's time again to go to lemonland to protect yourself from breast cancer. spread the word. it's time to squeeeeeze!
i went to a cardiologist last week for the results of an ekg, ecg + chest xray to see "where my hearts at" + what the cardiologist recommends regarding continuing 9 months of herceptin that previously damaged my heart. he said the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over again + expecting a different result. he also said my heart was into the normal range + their aren't any drugs to protect my heart from the damage, but i should resume the chemo because of it's cancer recurrence prevention benefits + he'll treat the heart failure symptoms as they reappear with ace inhibitors. now i have to have a follow up appointment with my chemotherapist, but i'm not in a hurry. i haven't seen her since november, when i refused to have my infusion + wrote about it here.
basically, it's up to me whether to resume infusions that have a 50% chance of preventing a life threatening cancer recurrence + a 100% chance of damaging my heart. the moral is: detect + treat life threatening illnesses as early as possible :)

by ~mod*mom~ at 11.3.07 © 10 comments


ella osix handmade vintage fabric baby products from holland are mod!

by ~mod*mom~ at 10.3.07 © 2 comments


spring ahead sunday!

thank you for the contest shout outs:
apartment therapy: the nursery
parents magazine: goody blog

i hope everyone will enter!
ipod deadline march 31
fatboy deadline march 21
boon highchair deadline march 15

by ~mod*mom~ at 9.3.07 © 1 comments

mod*mom giveaway :: ipod shuffle

is sponsoring a mod*mom contest with an ipod shuffle!

i love thisnext for spotting the latest trends on the internet.
register on thisnext social shopping network + go browsing online.
add your favorites to thisnext + tag them "modmom"
the winner will be the poster with the most recommended products tagged "modmom"
before march 31 at midnight.

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.3.07 © 6 comments


did you see bloom's coco bouncy seat will be available in mod plexistyle?!
pic at: the nursery

by ~mod*mom~ at 7.3.07 © 2 comments


i want mod 60's classic garden chairs redesigned for the 21st century!
the egg chair portable garden seat is weatherproof when closed.
i'm crazy for the mod classic indoor/outdoor arkana style barbie chair!

by ~mod*mom~ at 6.3.07 © 4 comments


babygeared is sponsoring a mod*mom giveaway with a fatboy junior!
ukka setala from finland designed the fatboy 21st century beanbag.
i love babygeared + mod*tot + i loved lounging on fatboys at the dwell on design conference + showcase of all the latest mod furnishings + homes.
fatboys are very sturdy too. i dragged mod*tot around on one like a sled :)
email me the answer to the following question before march 21 at midnight,
"what is babygeared's founder's background?"
(hint: the answer is on babygeared)

by ~mod*mom~ at 5.3.07 © 4 comments


time for spring cleaning with apartment therapy's 8-step home cure group!
i'm ready! why don't you join in? this week we make a list of all repairs + solutions, dream up ideal decor + furnishings, gather pictures of what we want, vacuum + mop the floors, + for 10 minutes without music or tv, sit quietly in a part of your home you usually don't spend time in.

by ~mod*mom~ at 4.3.07 © 2 comments

i've got spring fever from listening to luxuriamusic free internet radio!
just click listen + choose a player from the menu + voila! mod mood music!
pic via traderbeck

by ~mod*mom~ at 3.3.07 © 4 comments


vintage alexander girard: environmental enrichment panel, 1972,
for herman miller, screen-print on linen of a four-leaf clover,
"printed signature and date, 45”w x 57”h, very good condition"
treadway/toomey galleries :: 20th century art + design auction

by ~mod*mom~ at 2.3.07 © 2 comments

fredflare's NEXT BIG THING 2007 contest starts now! deadline april 20th!

by ~mod*mom~ at 2.3.07 © 2 comments


mod*tot is loving nursery school + today was her 3rd day. i'm still hanging out there to make sure she's getting comfortable, but today i just had to get a chest xray before i see my cardiologist next monday + i can't bring her into the xray room, so i told her i was going to get zapped at the doctor + be right back before snack time (she knows she can't go in the zapping room, from when i had radiation daily for 6 weeks a few months ago. she hand motioned me to go + when i came back in an hour, she was sitting in a row boat outside with another little girl. yay!!!!!!
pics via webgirlpip

by ~mod*mom~ at 1.3.07 © 3 comments

here comes st.patrick's day + it finally feels like winter in silicon valley. there's snow on the "mountains" above san jose, but it's supposed to be 68 degrees this sunday. i felt an earthquake tonight + it turned out to be a 4.2 about 50 miles away near mt.diablo. yikes.
it's soooo fun hosting giveaways + getting to "meet" readers of my blog via email. i wish everyone could win. i really love the online shops + products i'm featuring + i have lots more to post! i'm getting swamped with entries + i'll keep it up as long as i get donations for giveaways.

pic s.britt

by ~mod*mom~ at 1.3.07 © 2 comments