no ad box by mod*mom
mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

:: links ::
pbs kids
mom forum
mod*pals [*]

:: archives ::
09.2004 01.2006 02.2006 03.2006 04.2006 05.2006 06.2006 07.2006 08.2006 09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 02.2007 03.2007 04.2007 05.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 09.2007 10.2007 11.2007 12.2007 01.2008 02.2008 03.2008 04.2008 05.2008 06.2008 07.2008 08.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 12.2008 01.2009 02.2009 03.2009 04.2009 05.2009 06.2009 07.2009 08.2009 09.2009 10.2009 11.2009 12.2009 01.2010 03.2010 06.2010 07.2010 10.2010 11.2010 01.2011 02.2011 03.2011 04.2011 05.2011 06.2011 07.2011 09.2011 10.2011 11.2011 01.2012 02.2012 04.2012 05.2012 06.2012 07.2012 08.2012 09.2012 10.2012 11.2012 12.2012 01.2013 02.2013 03.2013 04.2013 05.2013 07.2013 08.2013 09.2013 10.2013 11.2013 02.2014 03.2014 04.2014 05.2014 06.2014 07.2014 08.2014 09.2014 10.2014 11.2014 12.2014 01.2015 02.2015 03.2015 05.2015 08.2015 10.2015 11.2015 01.2016 09.2016 05.2017 06.2017 07.2017 08.2017 08.2018 11.2018
check out my archives for more mod stuff!

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:: happy mother's day ::


:: happy father's day ::



happy halloween + so long october from my other favorite artist toru fukuda!

by ~mod*mom~ at 31.10.06 © 0 comments

happy halloween! so long october. pics from my favorite artist s.britt

by ~mod*mom~ at 31.10.06 © 3 comments


american look (part 3 of 3) cutting edge modern design + futurism 1958
watch all 3 parts please! so exciting + beautiful! i'm going to faint!

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.10.06 © 1 comments

american look (part 2 of 3) cutting edge modern design + futurism 1958

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.10.06 © 0 comments

american look (part 1 of 3) cutting edge modern design + futurism 1958
these are theeeeee best! i'm in heaven! watch them now please!
via designpublic

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.10.06 © 0 comments

tiny love super deluxe gymini playmat with lights + music
a reader emailed me today asking for recommendations for mod playmats. this is the playmat mod*tot used. she liked the dangling animals + i added a tiny love windup musical spinning bugs thing that i was constantly winding up to keep her amused. she loved this mat!
does anyone know other nice ones to recommend? otherwise, she's going to make some herself. i put her email in the comments. update: here's a recommendation by anonymous reader. any more?

by ~mod*mom~ at 30.10.06 © 8 comments

megan mullally show :: young breast cancer survivors, monday, october 30

by ~mod*mom~ at 29.10.06 © 2 comments

the tormentos :: dragstrip night :: beach party!
groooooovy! i'm crazy for surf music! tikis for mr.balihai

by ~mod*mom~ at 29.10.06 © 0 comments

the shadows :: apache 1960 :: surf classic!

by ~mod*mom~ at 29.10.06 © 0 comments

the ventures :: wipe out! :: 1960
this is what i'm cleaning house to today!
i'm in a surf party mood! we rollerskated the san francisco friday night skate!
my husband + i met short track ice speedskating 12 years ago. we also inline speedskated + cycled a lot, like twice a day, before mod*tot was born. mod*pop lived at the olympic training center + skated the olympic trials in salt lake city for the 2002 winter olympics (go apolo, go shani!). i used to skate the san francisco friday night skate religiously + i continued until i was 5 months pregnant, but it was too hard for me to skate with mod*tot, because of her bedtime + it's a 14 mile route through the city with lots of hills + tunnels + one part is through a tunnel on the street with lots of traffic, so i couldn't bring her. so we've only skated it once a year with her, so yesterday was our 3rd nightskate + we only did the flat intro along the embarcadero, fisherman's wharf to aquatic park. it was so lovely out + the sea lions at pier 39 were "orping" + the golden gate bridge + alcatraz were lit up. mod*tot fell asleep in her hot pink jogging stroller with her barbie inline skates + full padding + helmet :) it's really nice to be through with chemo + radiation + surgery, but i'm so out of shape with congestive heart failure, i was barely bringing up the rear of the halloween costumed group of skaters. it was sooo nice to see their happy healthy faces! now i'm going to try to get back on the ice.

by ~mod*mom~ at 29.10.06 © 1 comments

thank you mom-101, back in skinny jeans, punditmom, print+pattern, sarahafterdiagnosis, gingajoy, loveclaudine, motherhoodlum for going pink for october to raise breast cancer awareness + remind women to vigilantly check for signs of breast cancer + to honor women who are surviving + those who are struggling or have lost their lives to breast cancer. color can make a difference!

if i missed a blog that went pink for october, please leave the url in the comments so i can add it to this link list! thank you!

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.10.06 © 3 comments

mod*tot is finally old enough to play with her karim rashid kozmos blocks. she spotted them high on a shelf + asked me to bring them down. she's over the gnawing + banging them on every hard surface stage. they are beautifully painted + shaped, but the paint + wood are very delicate. they dent + chip way too easily + they're expensive. i looked into nontoxic shellac or something to give them a durable clear coat without hurting their existing paint, but i chickened out + put them on the shelf.
she builds super high towers + interesting shapes. they'll get messed up, but she won't eat them :)

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.10.06 © 2 comments


i LOVE phyllis diller :: pruitts of south hampton
:: she was a mother of 5 before entering comedy

by ~mod*mom~ at 27.10.06 © 0 comments


love this groovy 70s kitchen! love the tv! is that a monkey centerpiece?
via gatochy

by ~mod*mom~ at 26.10.06 © 0 comments


i LOVE the 1960 pastel kitchen + 50's modern interiors, especially the chimney/kitchen + tv painted like built-in cabinets + "hi-fi storage unit"!
(click images to enlarge) via plan59

by ~mod*mom~ at 25.10.06 © 5 comments

tick tock toys :: vintage halloween masquerade party make up kits

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.10.06 © 1 comments

ross lovegrove :: japan airlines seat :: futuristic + turns into a bed

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.10.06 © 0 comments

rocio romero modern design + prefab architecture
i heard rocio romero's presentation at the dwell conference last month.
"rocio romero designs, manufactures, builds, sells + ships kit homes.

by marrying all these disciplines we are able to better deliver quality design easily + affordably. it is through prefab efficiencies that we are able to control the cost + quality of our homes. currently, we sell 2 different series of prefabricated structures: the lv series + the camp series."

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.10.06 © 0 comments

hgtv :: an interview with mod*mom
i'm anxiously awaiting the publishing of an article on
about modern nursery design, so i can see what they quoted me as saying. this could be embarrassing, like the room above.
(pic retrorandy)

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.10.06 © 2 comments

toychestra :: women (some are moms!)

playing groovy music on toy instruments!

(click image + watch their video!)

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.10.06 © 0 comments



by ~mod*mom~ at 23.10.06 © 4 comments

i'm doing the 8-step home cure!
it finishes up around thanksgiving.
i'm 3 weeks behind, but i'm enthusiastic.
i'm using the time i spent in radiation + chemo + surgery rehab for the last 9 months.

get the book + join in late or check out some before/after/during pictures here.

this book is therapeutic, because it helps you transform your own living space by building your home care skills + the timeline + online group discussion give you motivation + insights to take action!
(pic retrorandy)

by ~mod*mom~ at 23.10.06 © 2 comments


binz-rettungsstation:: by ulrich muther 1968
via rollmops

by ~mod*mom~ at 22.10.06 © 0 comments

santiago calatrava :: sundial bridge over sacramento river in redding
we were up in redding yesterday + mod*pop wanted to fly fish, so we got mod*tot a barbie fishing pole from target + headed toward the river near downtown, because we only had a few hours. we were surprised to find a 300 acre recreation area with a $23 million dollar white glass + steel pedestrian bridge + a 25 acre botanical park. it was unreal. it was beautiful, but audacious. if you put your ear on a steel cable + thump it, it sounds like star wars weapons. mod*pop fished under the bridge in his "waders" + the current was strong. mod*tot did her pretend fishing in the botanical garden ponds for colorful koi. then when we were leaving we heard a band playing in the ampitheatre + we danced on over. mod*tot was wearing her twirly dress + twirled wildly. it was soooo fun. like a flower child party on the grass. they played some of my favorite songs, like the zombie's "she's not there" + they had a colorfully painted van + above the windshield it said, "eternal mods"

by ~mod*mom~ at 22.10.06 © 1 comments


p'kolino :: click :: "playfully smart" desk + chair set! genius!
via swissmiss + mocoloco

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.10.06 © 4 comments


karim rashid shop swing chair, bloob stools, broom + dustpan

by ~mod*mom~ at 19.10.06 © 2 comments

bella tunno groovy kids products
flower power apron + laminated bib

by ~mod*mom~ at 19.10.06 © 0 comments


verdier :: westfalia solar powered hybrid light caravan camper van
the original westfalia was the symbol of the hippy culture. this new
design is based on green energy + the pleasure to be self-sufficient.
thanks indica!

by ~mod*mom~ at 18.10.06 © 3 comments

pink for october :: websites turn pink for breast cancer awareness
the picture is actually a css interactive mosaic of 500+ sites turned pink to promote breast cancer detection + awareness + to honor survivors + victims + promote research efforts to conquer breast cancer!
i encourage all bloggers to go pink for october!

monday, i flunked my heart scan, so my herceptin infusions are suspended (i have 9 months of them to go). they'll scan my heart again in 4 weeks + then every 4 weeks after that + if my heart ever gets strong enough, they'll restart the herceptin, because it's supposed to prevent cancer spread in my type of aggressive her2neu breast cancer that's likely to recur + spread. so they'll try to balance the heart damage against the life-saving prevention of spread benefit. i'm so grateful not to have spread yet + feel so sorry for those who have + are losing or have lost their lives. + it's not fair that other cancers don't get so much press + fund raising + a month of awareness. i feel for those with all cancers like uterine, ovarian, prostate, colon, lung, pancreas, stomach, bone, blood, liver, brain, skin, "nondetermined origin" + any cancer + i hope that advances in treatment for breast cancer bring advances in treatment + prevention of all cancer.

i hope they figure this out soon! i don't want mod*tot to go through what her mom, grandma, 3 great grandmas + a great-great grandma suffered.

by ~mod*mom~ at 18.10.06 © 4 comments


the honeybees :: you need us :: groovy!

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.10.06 © 0 comments

S T U A :: onsa stools

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.10.06 © 0 comments

visions of the future :: imm ideal house 2007 mockup by zaha hadid
via mocoloco

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.10.06 © 0 comments

obumex :: kitchen by francesco ravo
"what is typical of "concepts by obumex" is that the designers offer a refreshing solution to the active person who gives central place to family life alongside professional career, + preferably combines this with active leisure pursuits + a strong appetite for lifestyle + trends."
via apartmenttherapy

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.10.06 © 0 comments


dwell on design :: palm springs december 1-3 :: conference + home tours
a focus on the past, present + future aspects of design + architecture in palm springs. known as a mecca of modern design + boasting one of the highest concentrations of important mid-century modern architecture in the united states, palm springs is the perfect location to address issues of preservation, sustainability + the future of modern living

highlights include multi-media presentations, distinguished speakers, exclusive home tours, a premier screening of desert utopia: mid-century architecture in palm springs + an event at the elrod house, by famed architect john lautner."

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.10.06 © 0 comments

ecopod available for purchase now!
they have a great site with a recycling calculator that tells how much redemption value your cans + bottles are worth + lots of ecological information + links.

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.10.06 © 0 comments

nasa :: international space station model at ames research center
mod*tot + i visited nasa sunday to work on her astrochimp costume spacepack + we got to see the simulated international space station.

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.10.06 © 0 comments

hr pufnstuf :: mama cass sings "different" to witchie poo + crew

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.10.06 © 2 comments

popsci :: future girl :: episode 1:: the house of the future video
future girl talks with dr. barry bergdoll, curator of architecture + design at the museum of modern art in new york, to find out what the house of the future will look like.

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.10.06 © 0 comments

apartment therapy store launched today!
they're stocking the store with useful items suggested by readers!
i LOVE apartment therapy + check them several times a day to see what's new + what people are discussing. right now they're doing a colors contest with very colorful pictures of peoples homes + they just started an 8-step cure session for group therapy decluttering before thanksgiving. they have a special kitchen section for foodies + they have a new baby girl!

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.10.06 ©

compact concepts :: complete circular kitchen :: space saving design
2006 reddot design winner

by ~mod*mom~ at 15.10.06 © 1 comments