thank you mom-101, back in skinny jeans, punditmom, print+pattern, sarahafterdiagnosis, gingajoy, loveclaudine, motherhoodlum for going pink for october to raise breast cancer awareness + remind women to vigilantly check for signs of breast cancer + to honor women who are surviving + those who are struggling or have lost their lives to breast cancer. color can make a difference!
if i missed a blog that went pink for october, please leave the url in the comments so i can add it to this link list! thank you!
~mod*mom~ at
28.10.06 ©
so i've been hanging out on your site a handful of times and love it! i love your style and attitude, all of it! i must admit, however, that is not the only reason for my email. one of my very good friends was diagnosed with stage iiia/b (i forget if it was a or b) a little over 5 years ago. she went through chemo, double mastectomy, preventative hysterectomy and radiation. then, she thought, she was DONE WITH CANCER. she had a huge party to celebrate the end of her treatments and to welcome a new world cancer-free. (about 300 people showed up...it was in a park.) then, about a year and a half later, she found it had spread to her bones...stage iv. ever since, she has been on a mission...as you can well imagine. she is the most beautiful person i will ever know. she has a huge network of people that love her. truly love her. would do anything for her. her family is extremely supportive and do what needs to be done to see that she is WELL taken care of. her husband is an absolute god. the only thing that her friends and family can't do for her is take her cancer away. i know the cure is near...i just hope it is near enough. she is the also the most amazing person i know. she's my idol. truly. and i don't have idols. except for her. she has been in clinical studies/trials, etc. she has had more radiation and drugs and chemo than anyone would ever want. she is now, obviously, on chemo for the rest of her (hopefully very long) life. she truly is waiting...trying to stay alive...until we reach the cure. and if you would see her, you would probably never know that anything is wrong. but it's in her bones and she lives in chronic pain...with a smile...everyday. and night. it is heartbreaking that she has to live like this. but, the opposite is not in her vocabulary.
anyway...i'll stop rambling about how incredible she is and get to my question. i was just wondering...if in your travels since your diagnosis...have you come across any noteworthy natural treatments or supplements? i know she has tried various things but after having to step out of her latest clinical trial due to extreme bad side effects, she is on traditional chemo but is looking for a supplement on the natural tip. she is going back to her no sugar diet (apparently cancer cells love sugar) and has tried different herbs, etc.
you seem to also be well connected in the breast cancer scene...so i thought maybe you'd be able to help me try to keep my friend, sherry, alive.
i am sorry that you are going through this, too. i know it can't be easy. but i also know, from personal experience (ovarian cancer when i was 28...8 years ago), that having something as devastating as cancer gives you new eyes. i know i had them starting in my recovery and ever since. everything seemed much clearer. i know people say that phrase often ("it was like i was looking at it with NEW EYES!") but i honestly really felt i DID have new eyes. the fall trees that i had once taken for granted now seemed to me the most incredible things i had ever seen. having mod*tot, too, must give you pause for reflection. in one of your postings you said something about hoping she isn't afflicted with this disease like her mod*mom and all those moms before her. i think she will from the lucky generation...the ones who get to live without cancer...i really feel a cure will be found, if not in ours, her lifetime. my fiance, who is the smartest person i will ever know, has been doing a bunch of research on life extension (if you don't have a life, read "the singularity is near") and he is convinced that medical technology will be taking off at an exponential speed...that it is already. people will be living until they're 150...people like the next generation. and then it will just keep getting older and older. who knows about all that...?!
i've hereby broken my promise and did NOT stop rambling. i will now.
and if you have a minute and have some good natural treatments, i would love to hear about them.
good luck to you. continue doing what you're doing. on the website and in your life in general. mod*tot, and you, are better for it!
take care...Julie Mathis
sloan kettering cancer center in new york has the best website for alternative cancer fighting herbs + things. i've heard a lot about artemisinin aka wormwood, qing hao or absinthium as being cancer fighting with no known side effects. here's a link about it:
there are organic pharmacies online that sell it very inexpensive, but it's supposed to be very effective.
thank you for emailing me. i'm sorry for you + your friend. i wish you the best :) webhug! keep in touch!
Hi ModMom, I did, as well. Thanks for stopping my my site! My best friend of 25+ years lost her battle with breast cancer in August. I continue to find ways to pay tribute to her.
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