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mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

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1959 Disney TV :: how Space Age families will travel in rockets:

Century of the Child :: Museum of Modern Art :: exhibit, book + itunes

growing by design 1900-2000 exhibit at MoMA NYC July 29 - November 5

by ~mod*mom~ at 28.7.12 ©


our food pals at LYFE Kitchen are in the new issue of WIRED Magazine!

here's an edited excerpt of my favorite parts + quotes:

Mike Roberts, cofounder + chief executive of Lyfe Kitchen, was president + chief operating officer of McDonald's. Now he's healing our future with food.
"We're in the middle of the first stage of the food revolution," Mike says. "I'm dreaming of a place where science, medicine, producers, farmers, and restaurateurs meet to say we are on a journey together."

WIRED: "Lyfe Kitchen, a soon-to-be-chain of restaurants might just shift the calculus of American cuisine. At Lyfe Kitchen (the name is an acronym for Love Your Food Everyday), all the cookies shall be dairy-free, all the beef from grass-fed, humanely raised cows. At Lyfe Kitchen there shall be no butter, no cream, no white sugar, no white flour, no high-fructose corn syrup, no GMOs, no trans fats, no additives... Lyfe's ambition is to open hundreds of restaurants around the country, in the span of just five years.

Yes, for the moment the only Lyfe Kitchen is in Palo Alto. It opened less than a year ago as a sort of prototype. But imagine tens of millions of local, sustainable gourmet meals, served with the efficiency and economy that one expects from a national fast-food chain. Such a feat of feeding has never before been attempted, and if Lyfe Kitchen succeeds, the results will reverberate far beyond our stomachs.

Lyfe's aim is not just to build a radically sustainable, healthy brand of fast food. The hope  is to transform the way the world produces organic ingredients, doing for responsibly grown meat and veggies what McDonald's did for factory-farmed beef. These days, the utopian vision of responsible agriculture is premised on a return to small and slow. If Roberts is right: The nirvana of eco-gastronomy may at long last be attained, but only thanks to the efficiencies of supply-chain management.

As McDonald's metastasized across America during the 1960s, US farmers weren't prepared to supply it and its competitors at the staggering scale that they reached during the 1970s. The rise of fast food transformed the entire world agricultural system, in many ways for the worse. If a sustainable-food chain could achieve even a fraction of McDonald's growth today, then the whole system might shift again, this time for the better...

finish this wonderful story on WIRED

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.7.12 ©

you can win this mod groove quilt pattern + materials. enter at pile o fabric

by ~mod*mom~ at 24.7.12 © 0 comments



Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey :: Kitschy Colorful Circus 

i scanned these from a vintage circus program  :)

i love this kitschy colorful circus created by Winn Morton, Costume Designer, with Floats and Props by Reid Carlson, Scenic Designer. program says "watch for a variety of space-age, state-of-the-art technical innovations".

Ringling Brothers Circus schedule +tickets 
code "MOM" = 4 tickets for $44 (W-F AM) 
or   "MOM5" =  $5 off weekends

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.7.12 © 1 comments


Cavalia is equestrian arts, stage arts + high-tech effects in a futuristic tent 

cavalia :: A Magical Encounter Between Human and Horse, innovative multi-media + multi-disciplinary production created by the, co-founder of Cirque du Soleil, is in Silicon Valley for the 1st time! we got to attend the amazing advance premiere + meet the horses + performers :)

Normand Latourelle, Founder, President, + Artistic Director of Cavalia was our host. "Cavalia has travelled across North America and Europe for 9 years, to 3.5 million people and we are glad to have now found a home for our unique show in the heart of Silicon Valley.”

Cavalia's horse training is based upon a philosophy of understanding horses, rather than making horses understand the humans around them. Cavalia celebrates the relationship between humans + horses. 49 magnificent horses + 37 riders, aerialists, acrobats, dancers + musicians from all over the world perform in front of a constantly changing 200 foot wide digital background that draws spectators into dream-like virtual environments. Cavalia's white big top tent is 26,264-square-foot area + 110 feet high to give the horses space to gallop at full speed, at times running free. 

schedule + tickets are at

by ~mod*mom~ at 18.7.12 © 0 comments

Museum of Modern Art has a kids collaboration with Chronicle Books

the latest Modern Play Family kit Play Town by Illustrator Laura Ljunkgvist launches 7/25.
i'm thrilled i got to ask Laura about her art + get a sneak peak of Play Town:

"Well, I guess it all started in 06 when I  was assigned to do the covers for the MoMa design store catalogue. That lead to more work for MoMa and I am happy to say that I am finishing up another kids product for them now.

Chronicle Books is producing Play Town, so that is who I worked with on the design and production. Both MoMa and Chronicle are dream clients, who will give you a brief that's very "conceptual" and lets you interpret that in your way. They of course have their opinions and we go back an forth a few times until we're all happy.   I can rest assured that everything will be of high quality and well made in the end, but why it's such a pleasure to work for a client with such stature is that they are confident. Confident in their choice of you as the artist. They picked you because they want  what you do and they aren't gonna stand over you and hold your hand and try to make you do something that's not you. 

But oh, how much fun I had doing Play Town! I really needed all my professional experience going in to this as this was pretty technical with lots of "problems to solve" (love doing that by the way!). Yet, creatively, I felt like I was back in art school. My art has always been very flat. I don't mean flat in the sense that it is printed on paper, but I hardly use any perspective, so there is not that much depth in my art. Not in a conventional sense anyways.

One of the things I had most fun constructing with was the hospital building. When I made that "3D red cross" on the roof and the entrance with the awning above, I felt like a genius! Another one that made me feel pretty smart was designing the "entrance with the stairs", leading up to the "federal building".

I am obsessed with patterns. I have a huuuuge library of patterns in my computer that I have created. This was the time to apply some of them! One of my favorite patterns shows up on a few buildings in different ways and is also the dominant visual on the box. It comes from that "orange plastic grid" that sometimes you can see at construction sites. I always liked it,  I knew I wanted to do something with it, so one day stole a piece and scanned it in to my MAC. "Play Town" was the time to bring it out!"

now the MoMA modern play family by Chronicle has a town :)

MoMA Modern Play Family by Chronicle

by ~mod*mom~ at 12.7.12 © 4 comments


XBOX is as close as we're going to get to swinging london this year :) 
i want this XBOX special edition london 2012 summer olympic games celebration pack with removable mod union jack flag skin + games.

by ~mod*mom~ at 11.7.12 © 0 comments



lSaK design family .... welcoming adorable "harvest" print dishes soon :)

isak shop at

by ~mod*mom~ at 10.7.12 © 3 comments


adult roller shoes :: mom + dad pop wheelies on heelys :)

i love my retro canvas purple wheel-heeled roller skate shoes!

more places accept families heelying...
great america last week, was so fun for us to roll around.
we saw a 1960's Peanut's themed ice skating show that is spectacular!

we LOVE skating, but can't always put on skates...
heely's are perfect, because we can walk when we want to.
+ when mod*tot gets tired, i can just pull her along.

people are always stopping me to ask where to get heelys.
they're surprised they're in adult sizes + only $49

thank you heely's :)

by ~mod*mom~ at 9.7.12 © 2 comments


cyber summer camp :: microsoft store :: windows phones

we're learning the features of windows phones by NOKIA thanks to T-mobile.
BingVision software built into NOKIA windows phone cameras translates instantly, so you don't have to google websites or use apps. just hold the camera over text it's scanned automatically, then choose which of 36 languages to translate into. amazing!

i had coffee with NOKIA's Chief Technology Officer, dr. henry tirri, before his long board surfing trip to Hawaii. he was a professor at Stanford. here's one of his lectures where he explains the evolution of computer "phones" with his delightful finnish accent...

microsoft store locations

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.7.12 © 2 comments