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mod*mom ~
![]() mod*mom halloween giveaway :: 6 fair trade chocolate winners $100+ global exchange wants to educate us + our trick or treaters on the importance of fair trade chocolate that doesn't exploit workers. global exchange is a wonderful non-profit company dedicated to socially conscious artisans + products. i'm so excited they're offering 1 fair trade organic halloween is boo-tiful kit, plus 5 boxes of fair trade organic chocolates made of the finest ingredients--18-piece assortment. to enter to win environmentally friendly + socially responsible chocolates + gifts from global exchange, please leave me a comment telling me your favorite global exchange products + why fair trade is best for everyone . (include your email address + web url, to identify you when you win!) before midnight, wednesday, october 22 winners announced thursday, october 23, so check to see if you won, so you can email me your mailing address before halloween by ~mod*mom~ at 9.10.08 © 152 Comments:
This is a great reminder that people around the world are not as fortunate and I appreciate Global Exchange's commitment to Fair Trade products. The scarves are great. Fair trade values justice and human dignity. By Kristen M., at 10/09/2008 12:46 PM Ditto on the scarves (love the raw silk!) and also those striped fingerless gloves (sadly, unavailable). Fair trade is empowering and promotes a sense of global connection. , at
I really like the Hmong Textile Wall Hooks. I like the design and it's something that would be really useful for us.
Fair trade is making a positive & lasting impact on the economic situation in 2nd & 3rd world countries. By Erin, at 10/09/2008 2:00 PM
75 dollar Chocolate Lover's Gift Baskets are my favorite chocolate. fair trade is so important for the health of our world -- having regulations and guidelines for work (people and environment). By Stephanie, at 10/09/2008 3:13 PM Fair trade coffee and other products help to lift up workers and their families to a life above the poverty level. People who work hard every day shouldn't have to watch their children go hungry. By Amy L, at 10/09/2008 4:50 PM
Fair trade products are the only way to go if you have a conscience. More and more are available all the time so you don't have to go out of your way to find them.
I have often shopped Global Exchange and even held a sales drive for them at work. I love the: Frog Instrument with Lilypad Pouch. By Jodi Renshaw, at 10/09/2008 7:27 PM
Fair trade promotes brotherhood across nations. Many, many people are not as fortunate as we are, and it is our responsibility to work towards equality and justice. (Did that answer sound too Palin?) By Katina Sharp, at 10/09/2008 8:45 PM
I am glad to see all of the Pink promotions. Unfortunately, many of them are just self-promoting and not much help to the fight against breast cancer. So I like it when I see a giveaway, as opposed to a sale of pink items tnat generate a very small donation to the cause or promotion of awareness among women.
I like the Fair Trade Soccer Ball. from their site: soccer fans, Fair Trade Sports sweatshop-free soccer balls have finally arrived! "Right to Education" is printed on this ball in nine languages, overlaid on a global map. Each soccer ball was hand-stitched in Pakistan by adult stitchers that are ensured fair wages and a healthy, safe working environment. They are skillfully stitched using superior Japanese cordley shine leather. Fair Trade Sports donates all of its after-tax profits to various children's charities such as the Boys & Girls Club and Room to Read. Fair Trade Sports is also heavily involved with the NOT FOR SALE campaign, which has been working tirelessly to end slavery and sweatshop labor. Playing fair never felt so good. By elaina, at 10/10/2008 5:59 AM
I love the Recycled Horn Salt & Pepper Shakers. By Unknown, at 10/10/2008 6:32 AM It's so important to educate people about Fair Trade. Most people don't realize the human and environmental price that is paid for the things they buy. Global Exchange has lots of great fair trade products - and especially nice baby toys. I love the organic cotton veggie toys! By Mindful Momma, at 10/10/2008 6:39 AM
My favourite products from Global Exchange are the Eco-Globe String Lights and the Capiz & Coco Wind Chimes, Fair Trade is good for everyone because Fair Trade has helped farmers provide for their families' basic needs and invest in community development.
I love that fair trace helps the people who actually make the products in the third world and not the middle men!! By butterflyny, at 10/10/2008 7:33 AM
I've been a Global Exchange fan for awhile now. I love the products that are both fair trade and recycled!
The recycled glass multi-color necklace is really pretty. I love that fair trade ensures sustainable farming practices. Slash and burn methods of clearing land may be cheap, but it just depletes resources. By Lori, at 10/10/2008 9:40 AM My favorite are the Hand-beaded African Bangles. Fair trade is best as it gives back to communities that need it and does not take too much out. By phxbne, at 10/10/2008 11:44 AM
I try to buy fair trade, whenever available. I buy organic bananas, because the company who produces them give stable jobs and a fair salary to both man and woman working in the fields. I buy fair trade coffee and tea for the same reason. Although I switch brand all the time, depending on availability, most are pretty good. I do it so that the man and woman picking and carrying tea and coffee work in decent conditions, are not beaten or abused, have enough money to eat and send their kids to school. By mel, at 10/10/2008 1:50 PM
I really like the button picture frame. Cute, cute. By dust and kam, at 10/10/2008 2:50 PM
I like the recycled glass multicolored necklace. I think fair trade is good because they even out the benificiaries of the earnings. By Bebemiqui, at 10/10/2008 3:05 PM
My favorite item is the Organic Cotton Veggie Toys Set. By lace, at 10/10/2008 6:39 PM
I love the musical instruments. To think of someone making those by hand only makes an instrument all the more precious. When you give someone an instrument, you give them so much more than just a gift. The Red Sardine Bowl is my favorite. I belive Fair Trade is right on because it promotes brotherhood which is so needed in our world today. By mar, at 10/11/2008 6:23 AM I really like the Gift Baskets, where you get a variety of items and can feel confident that they were made by people being treated fairly. It's good for us and them when both parties get a fair deal. Fair trade is just the morally, ethically right thing to do. By Aisling, at 10/11/2008 6:38 AM I like the Mother's Day gift basket; I like that Fair Trade promotes environment responsibility, thanks By nancy, at 10/11/2008 7:40 AM
Putumayo's Music from the Coffee Lands
I'd love to try Global Exchange's "Peace Coffee" for the name alone ! The greatest contribution that I make toward a system of fair trade is making sure that all of the coffee that I buy (whether for myself or as gifts) is grown fairly. I go through a lot of coffee, and so do my relatives, so I hope that I am making a small difference. By 5webs, at 10/11/2008 9:41 AM I am a subscriber. By danosor, at 10/11/2008 10:15 AM
I love the scarves. Fair trade helps the less fortunate. By HilLesha O'Nan, at 10/11/2008 11:14 AM
I like Silver Filigree Necklace. Fair trade enhances the humanity inside.
i like the silver lotus earrings! fair trade helps the environment! By Croasla0, at 10/11/2008 11:50 AM
fair trade coffee has been one of my favorite product ideas--it helps the small person get a decent wage for his work.
the elephant teapot cozy is FANTASTIC as is the sardine bowl. But I'm a foodie, so what can you expect? Such fun items at this store! By Holly Dart, at 10/11/2008 1:13 PM Fair trade promotes brotherhood across nations.We could use more of that By agordon10, at 10/11/2008 1:39 PM Wow! Global Exchange has so many wonderful things that it's hard to pick just one, so I chose the One World, Many Cultures Gift Basket. I believe that free trade is the moral way to live, and I am grateful that I can make choices that help women struggling in third-world and emerging cultures build their lives, businesses, and self-esteem. Thanks for the wonderful offer! By geekbearinggifts, at 10/11/2008 2:15 PM LOVE the coffee!! They are all about peace on earth which I think is a good message to be sending, especially during these trying times the world seems to be going through. email is on profile. By B., at 10/11/2008 2:42 PM
I love the jewelry and crafts , especially the Matahari Sterling Hoop earrings and of course the ~Chcocolate~ . Fair trade is so important for all peopels of the earth. Everyone should have enough to feed cloth and shelter their families. We should encourage the acceptace of products that may be different from what we are used to. Purchase them and help the world economy. We complain about illegal aliens in the US but if they were allowed to make a decent living in their own countries they would be happy there. Please help by purchasing homemade and free exchange goods this holiday By lunadelmar, at 10/11/2008 3:19 PM I like the scarves I like that Fair Trade promotes environment responsibility, By susan1215, at 10/11/2008 3:46 PM wow i so would love to give them a try thanks By jenny, at 10/11/2008 4:24 PM
I like the Ultimate Gourmet Gift Basket. Global Exchange Implements the principles of socially and economically responsible business by operating according to Fair Trade Criteria.
Sterling Silver Frog Pin and the hemp hoodie- there are many things I like...I beleive in keeping the small businesses- and helping others who want to help themselves going. Yes I shop at walmart but find I would rather have quality handmade items and buy direct whether its from fair trade or etsy..its usually alot better quality and you are helping them not a major corporation who gives their ceo 15 million dollars as a bonus for selling alot of crap and sitting on their but. Lets support these people in our country and other countries who want to survive by their talents. By MOMFOREVERANDEVER, at 10/11/2008 6:27 PM
I like the Multi-Strand Glass Bracelet. By Tonya, at 10/11/2008 7:38 PM
May Canadians enter? By ikkinlala, at 10/11/2008 8:04 PM i like the raw silk scarf. fair trade eliminates the middle man so that the small-scale producers don't get screwed by big business. By redfuzzycow, at 10/11/2008 8:19 PM
I love to purchase fair trade jewelry. Jewelry, in general, is a hard thing for me to purchase. But when I know that an artisan is making a living out selling me something pretty, we both win. By jlmk, at 10/11/2008 8:23 PM I think the gift baskets are great because the recipient can sample so many products and goodies. I like the idea of fair trade that benefits the local farmer and artisan and puts pretty, quality products in my hands. By pintolinda, at 10/11/2008 8:40 PM
I LOVE the Rwandan Laptop Sleeve. It's so pretty! By AmandaK, at 10/11/2008 10:09 PM
I would like to see fair trade grow and flourish as a concept throughout the world. Amongst other things, it offers a different option than the attitude that we should squeeze as much as we can out of people and the environment while giving as little back as we can. That attitude only causes suffering for all involved.
I've always really liked the equal exchange coffee!! I love Equal Exchange Coffee. Fair Trade's the right thing to do because children in other countries have the same rights to food, healthcare, education, etc. as our children do, and only with fair trade can adults provide those things. By Deborah, at 10/12/2008 7:01 AM
Dark Chocolate Minis Gift Box By Unknown, at 10/12/2008 7:56 AM
Equal Exchange Hot Cocoa looks good. Fair trade = happy workers = better stuff. Fair trade should be THE way to go, and COFFEE has always been my favorite fair trade products.ashlyn@chuparkoff.com , atThe scarves are beautiful. Fair Trade is the primary way we will have a world economy, and every one will benefit when third world countries can function on their own economy. By Beverley, at 10/12/2008 9:21 AM Fair trade allows people to get what they deserve and not screwed over by companies. Chocolate is my favorite. By Unknown, at 10/12/2008 10:06 AM Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm candy!!! I am not noble, I, like everyone every where, want the candy! Oh, that makes us alike and maybe that is why fair world trade is wonderful... , atI love the occasion gift baskets By Sunnyvale, at 10/12/2008 10:49 AM dollar Chocolate Lover's Gift Baskets are my favorite chocolate fair trade is best for everyone involved, but only if it is FAIR TRADE> By redron, at 10/12/2008 11:52 AM I try to buy fair trade if I can, if you have ever read about slave labor and how some people suffer to make products we buy it really can change you, I like the home decorations and especially the lotus earings By Unknown, at 10/12/2008 12:42 PM My fave products are coffee & chocolate. Fair trade is good for all of us because it promotes peace. By Winah3373, at 10/12/2008 2:33 PM I really like that your products are enviromenttally friendly. The item I like is the Batick Soap Box By Tammy, at 10/12/2008 3:29 PM I really love the organic veggie toy set. Those are really great. Fair Trade brings the benefits of trade into the hands of communities that need it most. By judybrittle, at 10/12/2008 4:15 PM Coffee and chocolate are my favs. Thanks for the contest. , atI love the Hand Beaded african bangles. SO PRETTY! By mogrill, at 10/12/2008 7:49 PM Mmmmm... chocolate. I could really enjoy the chocolate lover's gift basket. By Brooke Lorren, at 10/12/2008 9:23 PM
I like the Art Deco Earrings. By janetfaye, at 10/13/2008 12:53 AM I love the raw silk scarves. Fair trade is best because everyone needs to have the chance to earn a living wage. By clc408, at 10/13/2008 4:11 AM
I like the Festive Zulu basket with lid. This provides low income artisans & farmers a living wage for their work By bison61, at 10/13/2008 8:53 AM The COFFEE! Yum! And it's so important to purchase Fair Trade goods. The misplaced coffee farmers in Chiapas Mexico can certainly attest to that. catherineann at mindpsring dot com By Catherine, at 10/13/2008 9:17 AM The Square Bamboo Salad Bowl Set would make a beautiful addition for my future kitchen! Such a great collection of things and a great cause :) By Kristy Blanco, at 10/13/2008 9:39 AM The salad bowl By kygirl, at 10/13/2008 10:52 AM
I like the Garnet & Pearl Earrings from Nepal. This comment has been removed by the author. By Unknown, at 10/13/2008 2:14 PM
I love supporting fair trade where people get what they deserve! By Unknown, at 10/13/2008 2:15 PM i really love the no sweat sneakers, i plan on purchasing a pair soon as my current pair of sneakers are wearing out now. fair trade is best for everyone because... well, its fair! it's important that people are fairly compensated for their hard work so that they can support their families and have the opportunity to live as comfortably as possible. By annalene, at 10/13/2008 7:02 PM I enjoy buying jewelry made through free trade at fairs. I like that it helps women in third world countries. By 409cope, at 10/13/2008 7:39 PM when my son was born, i got a global exchange onesie as a gift and it was my favorite thing ever. it was so soft and made me feel good that it was made with a conscience. it just makes you feel better about wearing/using the products. thanks for the giveaway, i hope i win!! ;) By you da mom!, at 10/14/2008 11:04 AM Equal Exchange Coffee: Breakfast Blend By DOODLEGIRL, at 10/14/2008 1:39 PM I like the 3 Leaf Bamboo Bowl Set, perfect for Fall By Dumaurier, at 10/14/2008 2:59 PM Silver Lotus Earrings are pretty. Fair Trade helps exploited producers escape from this cycle and gives them a way to maintain their traditional lifestyles with dignity. By miriama, at 10/14/2008 4:06 PM
I love the Karen Tribe Silver Flower Bracelet By Bonnie in FL, at 10/15/2008 8:37 AM
The jewelry is lovely. I especially love the Chandelier Heart Pearl Earrings. Fair Trade is wonderful because it provides an opportunity for people in struggling countries to make a fair wage while using their talents and skills. What a wonderful concept. By Cherie J, at 10/16/2008 8:29 AM
Fair Trade - can't say enough about it. By Karen, at 10/16/2008 11:38 AM Fair trade helps us build better relationships with developing nations. And I love the coffee! By Smooshy, at 10/16/2008 1:24 PM I think the food items. I think most people can relate to food and are willing to sample new things. By LINDALSHOT, at 10/16/2008 3:50 PM Oooh, great giveaway mod*mom!!! Pick me, pick me!! My husband is a chocoholic, so the Chocolate Lover's Gift Basket is my personal pick from the site. By bonggamom, at 10/17/2008 2:12 PM Fair Trade helps exploited producers escape from this cycle and gives them a way to maintain their traditional lifestyles with dignity. I like scarves! By RE, at 10/17/2008 2:57 PM
I like the Deepa Tote Bag. Fair trade is important because all people deserve to be paid properly for their work The chocolate is beautiful and the fact that it is free trade, even better... By cupcakesandcoffee schwartz, at 10/18/2008 8:11 AM I like Global Exchange's Fair Trade Jewelry, especially the beautiful seed necklaces, beaded bracelets, and silver necklaces and pendants. I always try to buy Fair Trade jewelry when possible, which is especially cool because you get to wear jewelry from other cultures and can come to learn their meanings! , atI like the fair trade soccer ball. It's important to pay people fairly. By JulieMoe, at 10/19/2008 3:05 PM
Let's do the Peace and Love Gift Pack because it sounds ideologically sound and I get chocolate. By ky2here, at 10/19/2008 5:41 PM
I would love to get the Gourmet Snack Lover's Gift Basket. By Stacy, at 10/19/2008 8:00 PM Artbar Chocolate Gift Box - click to enlarge Artbar Chocolate Gift Box By Unknown, at 10/19/2008 8:18 PM I love the Organic Cotton Hoodie. Fair Trade is good for everyone because it gives many opportunities to women which in turn benefits there childrens future as well as the future of the world. By Aprilshowers, at 10/20/2008 5:39 AM
Fair trade partnerships work to provide low-income artisans and farmers with a living wage for their work. That is awesome!My favorite is the Capiz Shell & Palm Sushi Gift Set. By Jessica @ Piece Of Me, at 10/20/2008 12:10 PM Fair Trade is essential in order to support a global economy that serves the best interest of mankind.Gourmet Snack Lover's Gift Basket would be great! Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize! By Millie, at 10/20/2008 3:41 PM
I forgot to put my email By Millie, at 10/20/2008 3:42 PM
I love the star shaped tealight candle holders. Fair trade helps people to make a living wage in a safe work environment. Everyone deserves that! By Unknown, at 10/20/2008 4:03 PM As a basket weaver, I like the baskets! Thanks senekers(at)comcast(dot)net , at
The hemp and cotton baby booties are so cute. Fair trade is better for everyone because you know the people who made the product your purchasing were treated right and payed decently... no guilt!
I love Equal Exchange Coffee and fair trade ensures that people are being treated well and humanely for their work.
i like the retro crocheted friends. having been to 3rd world countries i definitely believe in fair trade and have seen how much learning a skill/craft can do for people. By Kristan, at 10/20/2008 6:41 PM The market baskets are beautiful and would make excellent storage for bathroom or crafts. So pretty. , at
thew hemp hoodie defintiely By petteytiffany@yahoo.com, at 10/20/2008 9:11 PM
i love the coffee lover's gift basket. i support fair trade because it benefits both farmers, the marketers and the consumers. My favorite, and I'm speaking from experience here, are the chocolate covered espresso beans by Deans Beans. They are so amazing! The best thing about fair trade is that it's just that, fair. It's not exploitive and it's not an oppressive way of doing business. By Unknown, at 10/20/2008 9:50 PM The coffees. I can tell that I have personally seen in the villages of Africa, Mexico and Brasil the people who grow it and to know that with Fair Exchange they will be the ones to actually make most the $$ from these products is exciting ! By ~JEWEL~, at 10/20/2008 11:33 PM The Artbar Chocolate Gift Box has a nice selection of chocolate bars. Fair trade is best for everyone because everybody deserves a living wage. By Suzie Williams, at 10/21/2008 3:40 AM The Chocolate Lovers Gift Basket is my favorite item! By kaylee8, at 10/21/2008 8:48 AM
I like Fair Trade not just because it has broad social and economic impacts, but because it is simply the right philosophy - treat people fairly. By Wehaf, at 10/21/2008 9:09 AM
I love the Putumayo's Music from the Chocolate Lands!
Love the jungle animal baby quilt.
I just love those cute Retro Crocheted Friends.... there is just something about a little stuffed animal that my kids go for everytime. By abigail @ Paper and Cake, at 10/21/2008 11:53 AM I love the silk scarves! By carolpie, at 10/21/2008 11:57 AM I like the Bamboo and Black Lacquered Serving Bowl Set. Free trade helps developing countries and enables everyone to enjoy goods made through out the world. By dani, at 10/21/2008 5:18 PM
The Thanksgiving Coffee Co. - Gorilla Blend looks great!! Fair trade is best for everyone because they Pay a fair wage to their employees.
I frequently purchase fair trade coffee, chocolate, spices and jewelry. By Helen, at 10/21/2008 8:23 PM
I love Fair Trade certified organic coffee. In no way do I wish to support child labor violations, especially prevalent on coffee plantations. By nape, at 10/21/2008 8:26 PM those chocolates look wonderful. I really like the coffee and spices. Fair trade is important because it promotes fairness, safety, and peace. Thank you for the chance to win! By Darcy, at 10/22/2008 1:51 AM I shop Global Exchange. Thanks for spreading awareness intime@myself.com By intime, at 10/22/2008 2:41 AM I love any thing fair trade I buy the coffee By demmi, at 10/22/2008 7:17 AM I love the Cloudforest Coffee. Fair Trade is important to me because I like to support companies that treat their employees the way that I would want to be treated. Also, it shows the global markets that treating employees well can be profitable. By Brooke, at 10/22/2008 7:22 AM
I like the Fair Trade jewelry and I couldn't resist the yummy looking chocolates. By arvard, at 10/22/2008 7:36 AM
Wow! Love the Wrap Skirt from India. By /\Heather/\, at 10/22/2008 7:40 AM I am just learning about Fair Trade and quite honestly don't feel qualified to comment on it just yet. But you have sparked my interest in learning more. That and those chocolates. :) By ladcraig, at 10/22/2008 7:45 AM The Wood serving utensils .. thanks for the chance here.skyskyaa11(at)gmail.com By checkers, at 10/22/2008 8:07 AM
Eco-Globe String Lights and Cloud Forest Coffee Any fair trade chocolate is good. fair trade is good for the people and the planet. By theolotto, at 10/22/2008 8:33 AM i love the Mother's Day Gift Basket and fair trade is good for the world :) By klp1965, at 10/22/2008 8:58 AM I really like that your products are enviromenttally friendly. The item I like is the Batick Soap Box By fancyfeet48, at 10/22/2008 10:10 AM I love the boy and girl blue monkeys! Fair trade is important because no one should be treated as less than another! By Sahm Lee, at 10/22/2008 11:14 AM
I love the boy and girl blue monkeys! Fair trade is important because no one should be treated as less than another! By Sahm Lee, at 10/22/2008 11:14 AM
Fair trade is important because karma--aka global ethical and moral implications--should be part of every purchase decision. My favorite is the New Mom Gift Basket, which I've actually ordered previously. By jennem, at 10/22/2008 11:37 AM
chocolate is mt favorite Gourmet Snack Lover's Gift Baskets is my fave. Fair trade is important for the economic stability of the entire world. By Melissa B., at 10/22/2008 12:15 PM I think I would have to say I'd enjoy a cup of Peace Coffee! Just what the world needs! By mgster, at 10/22/2008 12:53 PM
I like the Batik soap box set :) I like how fair trade gives workers a fair wage. I love the chocoholics gift basket. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com By Bakersdozen, at 10/22/2008 1:43 PM I like thebJamtown Musical Instrument Paks. angel_2417@yahoo.com , at
The Horn Salt and Pepper shakers are really nice and the Chocoholics Gift Basket looks yummy! By Angie, at 10/22/2008 2:29 PM
Forgot my email addy, please include it with my comment. By Angie, at 10/22/2008 2:30 PM
So many interesting things. I love these for our aproaching winter, Alpaca Wool Set: Gloves, Chullo, and Scarf ....afordably priced and beautiful sets. Wool is so warm.... By deelong, at 10/22/2008 3:13 PM i really love the scarves. having lived in africa i know how important fair trade is By Buki Family, at 10/22/2008 3:23 PM
I like the Silver Flower Bud Ring. By Charlene Kuser, at 10/22/2008 6:37 PM
i really like the Silver Lotus Earrings, so pretty! By Samantha P, at 10/22/2008 8:15 PM i love the animal friends, and fair trade means workers in poorer countries won't be taken advantage of as much and we all benefit from that. By Jolene, at 10/22/2008 8:27 PM
I would like the Chocolate Gift Box Assortment. It is important for trade to be free. By Donna, at 10/22/2008 9:28 PM I love the scarves! By lilyk, at 10/22/2008 9:59 PM the scarves are really nice, this is a great idea By Amira M, at 10/23/2008 9:08 PM |