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mod*mom ~
![]() mod*mom back-to-school giveaway :: 3 student body gift bags $150 whole foods has a new back-to-school podcast + they want to know what mod*mom readers think of their work, so they're giving away 3 gift bags of products mentioned in the podcasts this month :) to win a whole foods market back-to-school student body gift basket, listen to their new back-to-school podcast, then leave them feedback in the "comments" + be sure to put modmom.blogspot.com in the “website” field on the comment form, to be entered in this giveaway. + please leave me a comment to tell me what you thought of the podcasts before midnight tuesday, september 30 by ~mod*mom~ at 3.9.08 © 44 Comments:I'm heading over there to listen! , atI love Whole Foods. They always have good suggestions and this podcast was great. , atPod cast was great, I'll be getting some supplements for my daughter this week. I am expecting my second child and am wondering if I should be taking a DHA supplement along with my prenatal vitamin. I'll have to ask my Dr. next week at my appointment. Thanks for the give away tip, Whole Foods is great. Love the 365 Line. , at
Podcast was really informative, I am going to be getting some supplements for my daughter soon. I hope she likes them because she has refused to eat most of the kinds we have tried! By Rebecca, at 9/04/2008 1:11 PM I love podcasts that are actually worth something! Thanks for showing me the way!!!! By James and Monica, at 9/04/2008 2:40 PM helpful tips By wigget, at 9/04/2008 7:01 PM
Hi, Their podcasts are always worth watching. There is always something to learn about that I wouldn't learn anywhere else. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks, Cindi] By windycindy, at 9/04/2008 8:34 PM It was unclear to me where I was supposed to comment, but commented there with my feedback. By EG, at 9/05/2008 7:48 AM Love the podcast. Since I babysit 5 grandkids, 2 of which are picky eaters, I am always looking for ways to add to their diet in a healthy way. By plhill2000, at 9/05/2008 8:01 AM
Thanks for the giveaway! Can I ask what exactly is in a student body gift pack? By Wehaf, at 9/05/2008 10:24 AM Great podcast! I'm always looking for new info on nutrition for my kids By Andee, at 9/05/2008 10:31 AM
This podcast was a little more relevent than past ones. I liked the supplement suggestions. By Bebemiqui, at 9/05/2008 11:01 AM I loved it. , at
i'm glad you love the podcast pals! By mod*mom, at 9/05/2008 11:26 AM I watched their podcast and left a message---while I was there I decided to watch a 2nd podcast also. Good information to have. By Betty N, at 9/05/2008 1:37 PM
I watched their podcast-it was very interesting. Good information about children's nutrition and growth By bison61, at 9/05/2008 3:12 PM I watched the podcast, and although I am not a mother, I am a teacher and found everything about nutrition veru informative and useful. I am doing a nutrition unit next month and would love some help from you guys! , atwonderful ideal,good podcast with good ideals,I have some picky eaters also,thanks By VickieC, at 9/05/2008 4:28 PM The podcast was very informative. I never knew that omega-3 fatty acids were so important for our children. Thank you so much! By judybrittle, at 9/05/2008 9:19 PM
very informative ! interesting info about supplement suggestions.
I learned a thing or two, thanks By Unknown, at 9/06/2008 4:35 PM wow loved the podcast, sure feel like I learned alot that I shoulda already knew..oh well I am human...please enter me By MOMFOREVERANDEVER, at 9/06/2008 10:53 PM Thanks mod*mom! this was super educational as usual! I can't wait to head over to whole foods!! By butterflyny, at 9/07/2008 10:13 AM great podcast with great suggestions! i learnt alot! By yyeres, at 9/07/2008 5:19 PM Podcast has great suggetions and I will use some of them! By kaylee8, at 9/09/2008 2:55 PM Very informative info about nutrition and suggestions about what kids will like! , atThe most recent podcast really interested me, as it dealt with one of my favorite supplements: omega-3s. It's nice to get 5 minute straight-talks about things we, as parents, need to know. Thanks! By /\Heather/\, at 9/12/2008 8:27 PM wow i wish my mom knew to give me more EFA's, ii love whole foods...wish i could afford to do all my shopping there!!! By MamaMy, at 9/12/2008 9:56 PM good information from whole foods! By Nancy, at 9/13/2008 12:39 AM lovve it and would love the body pack By petteytiffany@yahoo.com, at 9/17/2008 3:28 PM That's a great podcast... I've always believed in the importance of supplements for kids. It really makes a difference when they take them :) By Wendy, at 9/20/2008 11:21 AM I really like it, there was a lot of information in there that was new to me which I'm suprised about because I thought it was just going to be about the typical stuff (omega 3s, hfcs, trans fats) but it was very informative. I think the talking was a little robotic though which might turn some people off to listening to this. By annalene, at 9/23/2008 1:07 PM For some reason it had not occurred to me to think about supplements for my daughter yet - good tip! By phxbne, at 9/23/2008 1:28 PM
I thought the podcasts were pretty informative, but nothing I didn't already know. I found them to be very informative. By dani, at 9/27/2008 9:26 PM Good information. Thanks for the link. By Annie, at 9/28/2008 1:11 PM Podcast was great. The more information, the better. , ati really enjoyed, so much information! By Samantha P, at 9/29/2008 6:57 PM
That was a neat podcast. It reaffirmed to me how great my doctor is. He had me taking DHA while pregnant with my youngest and it helped post partem depression, but more importantly, my youngest is just zooming through her milestones and is almost walking at 7.5 months. By Unknown, at 9/30/2008 10:01 AM
I never really thought of brain nutrients in particular but that just makes complete sense. I appreciated the podcast's info very much! We would love to win! Thanks for a great giveaway! By Unknown, at 9/30/2008 4:18 PM I found the podcast very informative. I learned a lot about nutrition for children and growth. By NASCAR Race Mom, at 9/30/2008 6:05 PM
I thought the podcast was very interesting. I am happy I've been giving the kids some of the recommended supplements!
Excellent information on EFA's and why our growing children need them. By janetfaye, at 9/30/2008 8:17 PM |