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mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

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pbs kids
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:: archives ::
09.2004 01.2006 02.2006 03.2006 04.2006 05.2006 06.2006 07.2006 08.2006 09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 02.2007 03.2007 04.2007 05.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 09.2007 10.2007 11.2007 12.2007 01.2008 02.2008 03.2008 04.2008 05.2008 06.2008 07.2008 08.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 12.2008 01.2009 02.2009 03.2009 04.2009 05.2009 06.2009 07.2009 08.2009 09.2009 10.2009 11.2009 12.2009 01.2010 03.2010 06.2010 07.2010 10.2010 11.2010 01.2011 02.2011 03.2011 04.2011 05.2011 06.2011 07.2011 09.2011 10.2011 11.2011 01.2012 02.2012 04.2012 05.2012 06.2012 07.2012 08.2012 09.2012 10.2012 11.2012 12.2012 01.2013 02.2013 03.2013 04.2013 05.2013 07.2013 08.2013 09.2013 10.2013 11.2013 02.2014 03.2014 04.2014 05.2014 06.2014 07.2014 08.2014 09.2014 10.2014 11.2014 12.2014 01.2015 02.2015 03.2015 05.2015 08.2015 10.2015 11.2015 01.2016 09.2016 05.2017 06.2017 07.2017 08.2017 08.2018 11.2018
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mod*mom breast cancer giveaway :: 2 pink dyson vacuums $300

dyson is launching their new spage age dyson DC16 root 6 pink vacuum + i'm so excited they're sharing 2 vacuums with lucky mod*mom readers!

"Dyson is proud to support breast cancer research with the introduction of the DC16 Pink. The limited edition vacuum, which uses Dyson’s patented cyclone technology + does not lose suction, is available exclusively at Target. Dyson + Target will donate over $1 million to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation from sales of the DC16 Pink. Dyson understands how critical research is in advancing early breast cancer detection + treatment, + is dedicated to supporting efforts to develop a cure in our lifetime."

as a breast cancer survivor, i'm so excited dyson is offering these giveaway prizes + raising awareness that 1 in 8 women in the us will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime according to the american cancer society.

to enter to win a dyson dc16 pink vacuum, tell me in the comments how breast cancer has affected you + ways you can detect it early.
(include your email address + blog url, so i can contact you when you win)
if you have a blog, please link to mod*mom before midnight october 31

by ~mod*mom~ at 22.9.08 © 343 comments


mod*tot + i are getting ready to go to the 60th Annual Emmy Awards
"style lounge" this week in hollywood. this exclusive event offers emmy nominees + celebrity guests a chance to get "red carpet ready" with luxury services + gifts in a 5,000 square foot secret location transformed into an ultra luxurious gift lounge + spa. we're invited as part of the "press" with magazines, newspapers + tv shows. it's so exciting to be included as a real mom getting to interview celebrities. i hope i get to interview christina applegate, sally field + the actors from desperate housewives, ugly betty, house + the late night talk shows. i'd like to ask them about their ideas on saving the environment+being healthy role models.

the 60th Annual Emmy Awards will air this sunday september 21 on abc

by ~mod*mom~ at 15.9.08 © 13 comments


i've been so busy getting mod*tot started back to school + playdates.
mod*tot is really good at "virtual" public school kindergarten. it's a lot of online games, but they also mailed her a great hp computer + printer, headphones, microphone, lots of books, cds, dvds, maps + extra stuff.
it's been taking a week to get acclimated + organized + excited.

the k12 website software has the lesson plans + it tracks attendance, so i just have to read the instructions. she's breezing through the 1st courses, because she has known her alphabet since she was 2 + she's a webhog. her nursery school was play-based + we read several books a day to her, but we haven't tried to teach her to read. she recognizes a lot of words + she's so bright i think she'll be reading on her own soon. it's so exciting to see her learn + answer questions correctly. it's just as exciting as seeing her pull up to standing for the 1st time or take a 1st step. it's awesome too, when she corrects my spelling or that i'm explaining something incorrectly :)

the stanford kindergarten math module is a great supplement + it adds the extra challenge, because the public school math is not challenging yet. the stanford software adapts to her answers, so if she gets a lot of questions in a "strand" correct, it won't work on that area + it will work on weaker areas.

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.9.08 © 9 comments


i'd love to road trip in this futuristic caravan
‘Every customer configures his own very personal caravan according to his or her wishes and needs, with the help of an online configurator. The honeycomb exterior design is continued in the interior: Each function has its own cell.’

by ~mod*mom~ at 3.9.08 © 12 comments

mod*tot is starting virtual kindergarten this week + i want to make sure i don't squander her precious creativity + talents of childhood. this video on educating the whole being by supporting daily dance, art, play + music as much as academics is a must for parents, educators + human ecologists.

"the purpose of public education is to produce university professors (who live in their heads-disembodied). public education is a protracted process of university entrance designed to meet the needs of industrial-age jobs, but now we're in a world of revolution that requires intelligence + creativity."

by ~mod*mom~ at 3.9.08 © 3 comments

mod*mom back-to-school giveaway :: 3 student body gift bags $150

whole foods has a new back-to-school podcast + they want to know what mod*mom readers think of their work, so they're giving away 3 gift bags of products mentioned in the podcasts this month :)

to win a whole foods
market back-to-school student body gift basket, listen to their new back-to-school podcast, then leave them feedback in the "comments" + be sure to put in the “website” field on the comment form, to be entered in this giveaway.

+ please leave me a comment to tell me what you thought of the podcasts
before midnight tuesday, september 30

by ~mod*mom~ at 3.9.08 © 44 comments