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![]() mod*mom giveaway :: 3 whole foods market natural first-aid kits $150 "sunburn + scrapes, bites + bruises remind us that summer’s not all easy. fortunately, there are effective natural products for addressing nature’s small challenges. learn how to create your own summer first aid kit with essential oils, vitamins, herbal ointments + homeopathic remedies." whole foods wants mod*mom readers to listen to their new podcast. to enter to win a whole foods market natural first aid kit, listen to their natural first-aid remedies podcast (click here to listen) + leave me a comment telling me your favorite natural remedies before midnight, july 4 please include your email address + your url, if you have one. *use the little envelope icon below this post to share this with your friends by ~mod*mom~ at 18.6.08 © 226 Comments:
Great information. I can't wait to get my own kit set up.
My mom always kept an aloe vera plant in her bedroom. Anytime we had a burn or cut, she would break a piece off and squirt the juice on the wound. By michelle, at 6/19/2008 3:36 AM
Interesting podcast. By annulla, at 6/19/2008 7:25 AM I know it's a popular one, but I have to agree that Aloe is wonderful. I once got sooooo incredibly sunburned that I was sick. A friend brought me some big juicy aloe leaves and they were the only thing that eased my pain. I am convinced it is the best solution for sunburn. By Fangirl Jen, at 6/19/2008 7:27 AM
My daughter recently had a bout of lice and we've used peppermint oil shampoo to kill them and a tea tree/olive oil/shampoo mixture to repel them. My son and myself are very pale skinned and always get sunburned despite using sunscreen. Peppermint to help will be something new to try. By Courtney, at 6/19/2008 7:50 AM
Heard good advice to help prevent bug bites.I did not know that you could change the taste of your skin by taking B Complex vitamins and by eating onions and garlic-makes you less tasty for the bugs! Aloe seems to have more healing properties than anything out there. By Pat Schraier, at 6/19/2008 8:04 AM
home made plum jam for burns
apply plain yoghurt for sunburns
meza-angel@sbcglobal.net I shop there everyday , atvitamin e for cuts and to prevent scarring. you have to put it on more than once for it to work but I fell off my bike once and put it on my bruised and scraped knee for about a week and it healed better than it would have from first aid cream. it helps heal many things. sierramuse8@aol.com By Deborah Stinson-editor, at 6/19/2008 8:16 AM
I also use aloe for burns; always have an aloe plant growing in my window. Another good remedy for burns is to use pure vanilla extract - it takes the sting out immediately. By guysrose, at 6/19/2008 8:18 AM
baking soda for bug bites! I learned this trick in Girl Scouts as a kid. I still remember the tiny bag of baking soda in my bandaid box first aid kit! By Renee Nefe, at 6/19/2008 8:18 AM Baking soda & vinegar for bug bites By wdworkman, at 6/19/2008 8:31 AM
Chocolate. It's my cure-all for anything that ails me...lol By Mya Brooks, at 6/19/2008 8:40 AM Hi! I use Absorbine Jr. on mosquito bites. . takes the itch right out. . but remember you have to do this BEFORE you scratch the top off. If not, it will sting. , atI keep a large aloe plant in my house for burns of all kinds! , at
I take a large dosage of a B complex supplement and don't have much trouble with mosquitoes. Also, a hand held yard sprayer filled with a mix of water and garlic does help keep mosquitoes at bay. By Sweep Finds, at 6/19/2008 9:23 AM
My daughter suffered three months from an ongoing bronchial infection that antibiotics wouldn't touch. We were at at whits end, and were afraid at times we would lose her. Then a friend, who is well-versed in herbs and herbal therapy, noticed that horehound and elderberries were growing on the property where we lived. She recommended a tea of horehound leaves three times a day, and also another tea of elderberry flowers. In 24 hours my daughter made great improvement. In three days she was completely well. I am a strong believer in herbal remedies because my grandmother used them, and healed a nasty infection on my ankle when Western medicine could not help me. My mom is a nurse and she said that a doctor once told her that about 80 percent of headaches can be solved by drinking a large glass of water! By renfam5, at 6/19/2008 9:59 AM tamanu oil for burns and scars- try it!! By weeblet, at 6/19/2008 10:02 AM
Awesome podcast! By fluggy, at 6/19/2008 11:01 AM
I keep meaning to get an aloe vera plant...that was one of my mom's favorite tricks. I loved the feel of it on a burn. By Bebemiqui, at 6/19/2008 11:03 AM I love rescue remedy :) By psipsina, at 6/19/2008 11:03 AM
Never heard of peppermint on sunburns. I have tried the aloe vera on sunburns. My grandma used to put vinegar on sunburns. She also used to blow smoke in my ear if OI had an ear ache. lol. Thanks so much for the opportunity. By Unknown, at 6/19/2008 11:31 AM I don't know if this works or not, but my great grandfather always wanted to put chewing tobacco on everything like a bee sting. Whether it works or not I don't know. By Uniquely Yours, at 6/19/2008 11:36 AM Aloe works on almost everything. But when I was a kid, I got in a wasp nest and my dad's chewing tobacco was the only thing that made it better. By ezmerelda, at 6/19/2008 11:44 AM Baking soda for bug bites By kamewh, at 6/19/2008 11:57 AM Baking soda for bug bites By kamewh, at 6/19/2008 11:57 AM For some reason I don't think about natural remedies usually, so the podcast was great - especially taking a large dosage of a B complex supplement to help with mosquitoes By phxbne, at 6/19/2008 12:12 PM Every first aide kit needs Tea tree oil and withc hazel. Both clean and soothe cuts. By Carly, at 6/19/2008 12:40 PM i was stung by a wasp this summer and my favorite, baking soda helped me. By Unknown, at 6/19/2008 12:59 PM aloe is great for burns,sunburns,cuts,etc. By agordon10, at 6/19/2008 1:04 PM The St Johns Wort and lavender are pretty amazing! By Superdumb Supervillain, at 6/19/2008 1:21 PM Aloe Vera By linav8, at 6/19/2008 1:50 PM Thank you for this giveaway. White vinager works great for taking the stinging out of sun burns and bee stings. Pour on a paper towel and hold on infected areas. Works great. By peg42, at 6/19/2008 2:13 PM aloe for burns By mverno, at 6/19/2008 2:40 PM
You know, my grandmother always had a beautiful healthy aloe plant in her place; and I followed that tradition. I truly believe that aloe is one of nature's greatest healers. By Annie1, at 6/19/2008 2:42 PM Vinegar -- for just about everything By Milton, at 6/19/2008 3:44 PM
I use tea tree oil for everything from bug bites to acne blemishes. I love it! By Dawn, at 6/19/2008 3:53 PM Ginger for nausea. By LINDALSHOT, at 6/19/2008 4:53 PM I use aloe vera for burns. By kygirl, at 6/19/2008 5:45 PM i own an aloe vera plant By chromiumman, at 6/19/2008 6:43 PM My Mom would always put apple cider vinegar on our sunburns to take the sting away. By Dumaurier, at 6/19/2008 7:07 PM
We keep Aloe plants for burns. aloe vera plant stems... for burns. By Stephen Saunders, at 6/19/2008 8:48 PM Just as they mentioned, Lavender does a lot of things for your skin. It is one of the few essential oils that can be used "neat" (undiluted) directly onto your skin. The fragrance is awesome. It is my favorite! By Unknown, at 6/19/2008 11:13 PM My favorite natural remedy is using a salt gargle for sinus problems. By mar, at 6/19/2008 11:16 PM My favorite natural remedy is applying honey to a bruise to get rid of the discoloration. By janetfaye, at 6/19/2008 11:29 PM Moisturizing boo boos after cleansing with almond oil to prevent friction and to seal and then covering with a cotton bandage if necessary. By Meredith, at 6/20/2008 12:43 AM
Great podcast! I believe honey can solve just about any problem. When I feel a cold developing, I use make tea (from tea leaves, not the packaged stuff), mix in the juice of half a lemon, and a big dollop of honey. It cures it almost immediately. I also take it for sore throats and it helps so much. Thanks!
I always have aloe vera, arnica cream and tea tree oil around for a variety of first aid. We have a homeopathy kit that has also been helpful. I am always learning:-) and would love to have this kit! We always had aloe vera plants around when I was growing up for burns of any kind, but I have never heard of pepermint for sunburn! I will have to try that. By Unknown, at 6/20/2008 4:22 AM Love the tip about eating garlic and onions to keep away the biting bugs. By Aprilshowers, at 6/20/2008 5:53 AM We use baking soda paste on itchies, or even white stick deoderant!! By Kari, at 6/20/2008 6:04 AM aloe plant for burns. By vboackle, at 6/20/2008 6:54 AM God bless our troops By tsslug, at 6/20/2008 7:49 AM Aloe Vera plant to heal burns and cuts , ataloe for boo boos and honey and salt for sore throats By littlelatina, at 6/20/2008 7:53 AM Vinegar. For almost anything. Actually a great vacation and you forget everthing else. , atLemongrass spray as a bug repellant. , atI always keep Bach Flower Remedy -Rescue Remedy on hand By Unknown, at 6/20/2008 8:53 AM Tea tree oil for cuts. By cl, at 6/20/2008 10:03 AM Aloe Vera is still a great-all round after sun soother. By shannons, at 6/20/2008 10:04 AM Vinager for toe fungus! By denyse, at 6/20/2008 10:15 AM aloe is great for lots of things especially burns, love it. By Prek Noey, at 6/20/2008 10:24 AM Great podcast - I wish I'd known about the arnica two weeks ago! It was nice getting confirmation that eating onion and garlic helps keep the mosquitos away. By Deborah, at 6/20/2008 10:44 AM
Aloe Vera By KYbuckbuster, at 6/20/2008 10:47 AM Baking soda, because it's good for pretty much everything, and Aloe is another of my fave. Let's say if I was on a deserted island, these are the two things that I would like to have with me. By mel, at 6/20/2008 10:51 AM
My favorite natural remedy is baking soda paste on a bug bite. Please enter me in the contest. By pintolinda, at 6/20/2008 10:52 AM We have an Aloe Vera plant and we use it for burns! By mogrill, at 6/20/2008 11:17 AM
My husband uses Tea Tree oil for dandruff. I used to use it when I had dreads and it worked perfect!! By PS, at 6/20/2008 11:18 AM wet the tip of a match and rub it on a bug bite - it takes the itch away. By sillelin, at 6/20/2008 11:20 AM We use vitamin E oil to soothe chapped lips/noses when the kids have a cold. Thanks for the contest! By Elena, at 6/20/2008 11:27 AM great prize good luck to every one , atLast summer my husband was sting by a wrasp. I took baking soda and water, made a paste, put this on his sting, it pain was gone just in a few seconds, it really amazed him that this worked. Thank you By Judy, at 6/20/2008 12:12 PM Put a slice of raw bacon in an old nylon stocking and tie it around your neck for a sore throat. Ok it smells -- but it works. By Toystory, at 6/20/2008 12:22 PM Wet a mosquito bite slightly then add a small amount of salt. It won't itch anymore! By Vicki and Noel, at 6/20/2008 12:23 PM I always have aloe vera on hand, plus Neosporin By Sunnyvale, at 6/20/2008 12:31 PM i want to win By maweisberg, at 6/20/2008 2:01 PM Aloe is the best for burns! By Ginny, at 6/20/2008 2:28 PM Amonia for mosquito bites. Don't know how natural that is, but it is a home remedy that works. Put it on the bite, before you scratch it and it will take the itch out of it. By trishden, at 6/20/2008 3:09 PM
we have an aloe vera plant that we have used and I remember my mom putting mud on our skin when we touched stinging nettle! it worked! By Unknown, at 6/20/2008 3:22 PM Baking soda for cleaning everything from your teeth to the sink. Cannot live without it By Colengal, at 6/20/2008 5:31 PM
Emu oil for scars and any other skin problems is awesome. My favorite home remedy is aloe and tea tree oil for acne By Sunny, at 6/20/2008 7:30 PM Aloe vera is an amazing plant. I once burned my hand on the coil in an electric oven. I kept it moist with pure aloe vera and within a week the mark was completely gone. By retc, at 6/20/2008 7:47 PM aloe... I always use it for sunburns By msrodeobrat, at 6/20/2008 10:18 PM Ginger tea for upset stomachs By miriama, at 6/20/2008 11:14 PM Aloe vera for burns. Thanks for the chance to win. By clc408, at 6/21/2008 4:06 AM I always used egg white for burns, but aloe vera works, too. By abeaudet, at 6/21/2008 8:09 AM Honey exudes with natural antiseptic and anti-microbial properties and I would recommend it as remedy. , atMy favorite natural remedy is ginger root. I grow it and make a tea out of it that settles tummies better than any product you could ever buy over the counter!! I also use peanut butter to get gum out of hair (is that considered a natural remedy:) By 3boyzmom, at 6/21/2008 9:32 AM I have heard soaking your feet in tea will make them not sweat as much. I haven't tried it though... By Julie Marie, at 6/21/2008 11:04 AM I like Aloe Vera for burns and Baking Soda for itchy skin, bites & sunburn. By tuxedo, at 6/21/2008 11:15 AM my neighbor gave me a big aloe vera plant and it does wonders for cuts and scrapes. i love it! By judybrittle, at 6/21/2008 11:26 AM I grow my own Aloe Vera and use it regularly. , atLove the natural remedies! My favorite remedy of all time is powdered ginger mixed with warm water until it tastes very strong, but not burny and too strong, give about a teaspoonful to a colicky newborn wait 20 minutes and either repeat or cuddle up with your now comfortable and content baby and get in a little nap. This worked so well it was amazing! Went from heartbeaking inconsolable crying and wiggling to calm and comfy in 10 minutes!!! By Pam, at 6/21/2008 3:55 PM WOW peppermint. I never heard of that on but Aloe is a must have. I use it as a mosturizer and anything with skin (skinburns,cuts scrapes). It works great By malleycc, at 6/21/2008 4:14 PM Great, informative Pod Cast. I would have never known that with just a few drops of St Warts Extract or even Lavender oil and also Avocado oil are good for sunburns. When I was real young - My grandmother used Mayo to relieve sunburn. I can remember going to the beach and afterwards she would smear that mayo on the sunburn. By Brn2lisn, at 6/21/2008 4:16 PM Eating fresh garlic to reduce blood pressure By Unknown, at 6/21/2008 4:34 PM My son and myself are very pale skinned and always get sunburned despite using sunscreen. Peppermint to help will be something new to try. By dhunt, at 6/21/2008 4:55 PM We use meleluca oil for all skin problems. It is miraculous! By Megan, at 6/22/2008 7:51 AM The spice turmeric is an excellent natural antibiotic and can get rid of a staph infection pretty quickly. By Greywolf73, at 6/22/2008 8:35 AM I loved the podcast, very helpful. I am going to try the peppermint remedy. I have an aloe vera plant, I think to works great on burns. By Lemonade, at 6/22/2008 9:47 AM I saw someone else say they also use Melaluca . It is absoultey the best. Better than aloe. It works on burns cuts and the toothpaste will REVERSE periodontal disease. Tastes a bit starnge but works wonders ! By ~JEWEL~, at 6/22/2008 12:14 PM When I got stung by wasps my grandfather used chewing tobacco on my sting, It worked! For a bee sting he put a piece of bacon on the stinger and it drew out the stinger, Also we used plain white vinegar for sunburn, and if you could stand the smell it would soothe the burn. By Carol Brooks, at 6/22/2008 12:25 PM have always been interested in using natural remedies.favorite of course is baking powder paste for bites , atI like putting Aloe on sunburns from an Aloe plant. By Anna, at 6/22/2008 5:46 PM Thanks for the tips. I'm going to try the diluted Lavender essential oil to help promote healing. By plshenk, at 6/22/2008 5:55 PM I never heard of peppermint for sunburn. I am going to have to give it a try. By Judy, at 6/22/2008 6:24 PM Tape a penny to a bee sting. No swelling, no sting. , atVery interesting... I will try lavender oil along with aloe vera for sunburns. I've used aloe vera for a while but have never added lavender oil. By blandmj, at 6/22/2008 8:56 PM The B vitamin was news to me. I didn't know it was possible to change the way we "taste" to bugs. Thanks! By Melanie Sheridan, at 6/22/2008 9:57 PM
Thank you for the information, I had not thought of most of these remedies. Peppermint oil and lavender oil will be added to my list along with aloe gel. Not sure about using witch hazel; will need to get more info on that. Thanks again! By Alyson and Ford, at 6/23/2008 6:36 AM We keep an aloe plant going for minor skin burns even sun burns. Learning about peppermint and its value was great. By judis121, at 6/23/2008 10:23 AM
I'm SO going to try the B complex to keep the mosquito away. We hike with our kids most weekends and I'm usually covered in bites. Hope it works.
my favorite natural remedy is aloe for all those sunburns! By Roxy, at 6/23/2008 5:08 PM The best natural cure-all is jumping into the shower completely naked. This treats: heat exhaustion, fatigue, scrapes, aches, croup, dandruff, eczema, insomnia, wrinkles, dry skin, oily skin, dual-skin. Jumping into the shower clothed doesn't quite cover the same benefits but adds washing your clothes to the list. By CAPITALISM CENTRAL, at 6/24/2008 3:25 AM
thank you for your natural remedies pals! By mod*mom, at 6/24/2008 8:08 AM I have a homeopathic kid's kit from whole foods, it always has something to help what ails 'em. By jennO, at 6/24/2008 8:20 AM the only natural remedy is time. , at
My fave natural remedy is gargling salt water to help your sore throat. It's helped me plenty of times over the years and will continue to act as a quick resolve for me! Thanks for another great offer! We keep a bar of soap at the foot of the bed, under the sheets... it prevents leg cramps. Thanks. By txterrib, at 6/24/2008 2:33 PM Drink water and breathe deeply. It will pass By jlafount, at 6/24/2008 7:22 PM tobacco for bee stings By Trish, at 6/24/2008 9:35 PM Hot peppers are wonderful pain killers. By Belinda, at 6/25/2008 4:50 AM Vitamin E to prevent scarring, I swear it does help. By jodene, at 6/25/2008 7:53 AM Baking soda paste for stings. By Erica G, at 6/25/2008 2:18 PM Wet the tobacco from a cigarette or use chewing tobacco on any kind of bee or wasp sting to relieve pain. Tee tree oil on a pimple...will clear it up fast. By April, at 6/25/2008 3:56 PM my favorite natural remedy is aloe, thanks! By yyeres, at 6/25/2008 4:20 PM Have been sunburned many times. Vinegar draws the heat out , at
I like to use peppermint when I get an upset stomach/nausea. It works great.
I use fresh aloe for scrapes and burns. Honey applied to a wound will make it heal much faster. Of course, organic honey is best to use. I tried this myself on a deep scrape that just would not heal over. It was amazing how it started filling in with new tissue in the first day and healed very nicely. I put a small amount of organic honey on the scrape and covered it with a good quality bandaid. I changed the bandaid a couple of times a day, always using more honey. By heaventrees, at 6/25/2008 9:52 PM
we've always used aloe for scrapes and burns
I thought it was interesting that for less bug bites take a B-complex and eat garlic and onions By bison61, at 6/26/2008 10:44 AM i like aloe because you can grow it at home By wigget, at 6/26/2008 11:32 AM I also use aloe for burns; always have an aloe plant growing in my window. Another good remedy for burns is to use pure vanilla extract - it takes the sting out immediately. By Donna, at 6/26/2008 5:59 PM Arnica Montana for sore muscles and spasms. By eluckstead, at 6/26/2008 8:17 PM First sign of a soar throat or runny nose--gargle with warm salt water--my mom made us do this when we were kids--and I still use it! By kakihara, at 6/26/2008 11:24 PM A woman Mary whom I work out with had a bad bruise under her fingernail after a basketball game. She was in severe pain from the pressure under her nail. I rubbed arnica gel over her nail and finger. Mary is not one to quickly believe in natural remedies. By the time we walked into the gym, she said the pain was gone. Later she told me it was strange when she washed her hands and the arnica gel off her hands after the workout and the pain returned. , at
I really liked the B complex advice regarding bug bites. I know this works! Also aloe vera is great for burns. By dawns41, at 6/28/2008 8:15 AM While in Bermuda, I suffered a very painful, "surprise" sunburn. I was given an Aloe leaf by a hotel employee. It was miraculous. Nature always seems to "know best". By Unknown, at 6/28/2008 9:02 AM A few sprigs of mint from my herb garden makes the garbage disposal smell sweet By louiseb130, at 6/28/2008 9:35 AM Kava Kava to relax. By Denise S., at 6/28/2008 11:55 AM I love using a pureed cucumber to soothe sunburn, it works instantly! I've also found that a piece of raw onion takes the sting/itch out of bug bites, the enzymes help to break down the compounds that cause itching and pain. By Jessilyn82, at 6/28/2008 2:09 PM We use homeopathic remedies all the time, but one of my favorite natural remedies is papaya enzymes. For tummy aches, indigestion, etc. Always works. By Unknown, at 6/28/2008 2:15 PM Aloe for sunburns. By Kathy, at 6/28/2008 8:06 PM A spoonful of peanut butter to stop the hiccups -- of course it only works for those without peanut allergies :) By Tammy, at 6/28/2008 8:52 PM I keep a steady supply of vitamin E tablets for itchy skin. I liked the podcast. I'm always looking for new ways to get rid of mosquitoes. I just noticed the other night that they are starting to come out again. :( By Molly C., at 6/28/2008 9:39 PM A little bit of lavender oil on the temples really helps when I have a tension headache. By Unknown, at 6/28/2008 9:59 PM I am a big fan of irrigating my nasal passages with a mixture of warm water, kosher salt, and baking soda during cold and allergy season. By Ashley, at 6/29/2008 1:09 PM aloe for sunburn By bemi, at 6/29/2008 4:39 PM Great podcast! Need to try the peppermint for sunburns - smells better than vinegar! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! By Unknown, at 6/30/2008 5:47 AM The matchstick on a bee sting was news to me! By Beth/Mom2TwoVikings, at 6/30/2008 12:50 PM
I have a bottle of vitamin e around,too. I really want to purchase an aloe plant. I like to drink cranberry juice when I feel a UTI coming on. I also feed my kids a lot of yogurt when they are first showing the signs of an ear infection. More than once it has cleared it up. By Unknown, at 6/30/2008 5:01 PM Baking soda mixed with water makes a paste. When applied to bee sting makes stinger come out and pain go away. I hear the paste also work great on boils. By jo1brat, at 6/30/2008 9:15 PM
I like using saline to clear a stuff nose. My favorite idea from the pod cast is lavender essential oil diluted in water for sun burn relief. I would feel safe using that for my young children. By CanCan, at 7/01/2008 4:30 AM I have several aloe plants just for using when unexpected burns occur. WOrks great , at
Pepermint for sunburns what a great idea. By Unknown, at 7/02/2008 8:08 AM Ice packs and aloe for burns By dvice12, at 7/02/2008 2:14 PM I use turmeric on wounds. By Hetal, at 7/02/2008 5:05 PM the best and most reliable natural remedy I use is drinking cranberry juice for a urinary tract infection By Unknown, at 7/02/2008 5:15 PM We are outdoors quite a bit. How to keep bugs away is very helpful , atI would never have thought to use peppermint for sunburns! We currently use aloe plants but I'll try peppermint next time. By Sonya, at 7/02/2008 6:39 PM My son has lots of allergies and we have been trying to find some natural remedies. By idahodad7, at 7/02/2008 7:36 PM I think Castor Oil is a wonderful natural remedy for a lot of ailments and good for preventing a lot of them as well! I use it to wash and moisturize my face, clean my teeth and it also works great as a laxative! :) By Heather Curtis, at 7/02/2008 7:54 PM I barely get sick, but when I do get a stomach flu/food poisoning, I always keep ginger around. It helps my stomach relax, and I don't have to worry about getting out and going to the store. By AmandaK, at 7/02/2008 8:31 PM
Peppermint on suburns is new to me. I will have to try it, the next time I get a sunburn. Aloe and Tea Tree Oil. Indispensible. By ky2here, at 7/03/2008 4:55 AM
I can think of three immediately that I current use almost daily for various reasons: Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel and Hydrogen Peroxide. By LMcLendon, at 7/03/2008 6:02 AM I have a aloe vera plant and it is great for soothing burns and scrapes. By arvard, at 7/03/2008 6:04 AM I make mint tea for upset stomach and I take Homeopathic remedies. I also take garlic tablets daily and bugs don't bite me! By candigrlme, at 7/03/2008 6:14 AM
Putting peppermint oil in bath water for sunburns was great to learn. It would smell good and be a great additive to Aloe. Thanks for the info! By April, at 7/03/2008 7:10 AM Mix a little baking soda in with your shampoo for dandruff, also boiled tea bags (cooled) for a sunburn. , atI use peppermint and ginger tea for upset stomaches By Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm, at 7/03/2008 1:21 PM
My aloe vera plant is my friend. mint for upset stomachs and lemon juice for a sore throat and acne! By Samantha P, at 7/03/2008 3:20 PM I use Aloe Vera for burns and even shaving nicks By Karrie, at 7/03/2008 3:39 PM
Lots of good ideas. I have always found Teat Tree oil will keep off ticks etc, but never thought to use it for cleaning and soothing. I also like the idea of adding beneficial oils to lotion - like peppermint to help a sun burn. By Unknown, at 7/03/2008 4:25 PM I have a bottle of Tea Tree Oil, which is an awesome natural antiseptic for cuts and scrapes. By AineCasey, at 7/03/2008 5:24 PM
I do not get stung very often as an adult, but as a child my mother put a mixture of baking soda and water on my bee stings. It really helped to ease the pain especially on the sensitive arch of my foot where I always seemed to get them!
We keep aloever gel on hand.. I love withchazel too. I didn't know about the peppermint for sunburns. Thanks for the tips.. I enjoyed the odcast. By Mississippi Songbird, at 7/03/2008 6:41 PM My aloe plant. By Aisling, at 7/03/2008 6:58 PM We use feverfew for headaches By sachidewey, at 7/03/2008 7:03 PM Chewing tobacco juice on bug bites. this is as old as the hills,but it works. yjaneyates@bellsouth.net , atAloe is the best for any kind of burn. , atI have a huge aloe garden outside my front door. It is soooo good for sunburn. By Angela, at 7/03/2008 8:04 PM I always use aloe on cuts or burns. By Jinxy and Me, at 7/03/2008 8:22 PM you can use green tea for everything! like put it on your eyes to reduce puffiness. or create a mask out of oatmeal and grapefruit, that's really great for your skin! By Unknown, at 7/03/2008 9:50 PM eating garlic and onions to fight of bug bites - who would have guessed By JOYVEN, at 7/03/2008 9:58 PM Painful burns are quickly relieved with a piece of an aloe vera plant. By NesieBird, at 7/03/2008 10:10 PM A quick rub of an ice cube on a burn, then aloe or lavender essential oil. Thanks for the contest. , at
...raw garlic for colds, tea tree oil for minor cuts, etc By Brian E., at 7/04/2008 12:47 AM Aloe vera gel! By KLM39, at 7/04/2008 2:55 AM |