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mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

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time again to check yourself or someone you love for signs of breast cancer

i'm late with my reminder + update, because my right arm was tightly bandaged 24/7 for a 2-week lymphedema decongesting treatment. i had to go to the hospital monday through friday for lymph massage, a shower + bandaging. they removed 1" of lymph fluid from the circumference of my upper right arm. gross, i know, but i am sooo happy to have that done + see my arm look + feel close to what it looked like before my mastectomy + lymph node surgery. i learned how to bandage my arm + hands to the fingers in intricate compression wrap using 4 bandages. i have to daily lymphatic massage , wear a compression sleeve + glove during the day, + bandages at night, unless i'm swimming, because water exerts pressure.

mod*tot's birthday party + her nursery school carnival were this weekend + they were both awesome + she had a fantastic time. we are so lucky to have such wonderful friends + neighbors! i'm sorting through pics to post.

now i'm going to catch up on my blog giveaways, but i'm also on the 3rd week of an 8-week workshop to learn to destress with meditation, plus i have physical therapy almost every day, so bare with me please :)

get breast cancer information at

illustration: bo lundberg

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.5.08 ©


Go Mod*Mom!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/22/2008 12:22 AM  

Did you ever get my address? I won a giveaway and sent my address.

hope your arm gets better soon

Jen Harrison

By Blogger Jen Harrison, at 5/22/2008 5:58 AM  

Hope things even out for you a bit. Take good care of yourself and mod*tot!

By Blogger Superdumb Supervillain, at 5/22/2008 6:16 AM  

I'm a new follower... Didn't know you had breast cancer. What caused the fluid buildup in your arm? Trhe surgery? Thanks for the friendly reminder, and I hope that things keep improving by leaps and bounds for you!!!

If you ever just need to chat about the therapy, and all the medical stuff just email me! I can relate. Had a brain tumor 2 years ago, and 7 surgeries to remove it. Had to relearn to walk, swallow, and all that good stuff. Finally starting to get back to a "ne normal" in the last few months, though.



By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/22/2008 6:34 AM  

Oh yeh, here's my email

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/22/2008 6:34 AM  

You have so much do deal with ModMom. I love your spirit (and your giveaways)LOL

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/22/2008 6:37 AM  

thank you for the encouragement pals!

jen: yes, i forwarded your address to method 2 weeks ago, so your prize should be on it's way

shauna: removing my lymphnodes because of cancer, caused a "plumbing problem" where lymph fluid in the upper quadrant of my body can't drain through the underarm lymphnodes, so it pools + the fluid stagnates + stretches the tissues + deposits proteins between the cells that are painful + if left untreated it worsens, + the proteins harden permanently. daily lymphatic massage moves + redirects the flow of the fluid to other lymph nodes in the opposite under arm + same-side groin area, then the compression garments are supposed to keep the fluid from collecting.

that's aweful you had to go through all the brain tumor treatment + i'm so glad you're recovering + have the joys of being a mother :)

By Blogger mod*mom, at 5/22/2008 6:49 AM  

I love that you can talk so freely about health issues. I too am able to talk freely about my own health problems, hospitalizations and surgeries, and I must tell you that I HATED those compression sleeves more than ANYTHING. I've had to wear them during a 4 year period while I had 50+ surgeries, and those things itched so bad. I wasn't supposed to take them off my legs, but I would do anything to get them off; Forcing myself out of bed directly after surgery, make a deal with the night nurse, push the morphine button and fall asleep... thank god for that button. ;)

I constantly threatened to turn them into bejeweled 60's Pucci-esque socks so they would make me WANT to keep them on, but alas...the hospital denied my request.

I hope things continue to get better, I know it takes a lot of work and time, and it's easy to want to give up, but I'm glad to hear you work hard at it!

Maybe you should give yours a nice Marimekko/Panton'll make it much more fashionable:

<3 Danielle

By Blogger Danielle, at 5/22/2008 8:18 AM  

aw danielle!
that's terrible you had over 50 surgeries! but it's great they had a treatment for your problem (i'll have to go over to your blog + ask for more detail).

thank you so much for the groovy suggestion + image link there is some company called lymphadiva that makes sleeves in patterned fabric, so i should take a look. the fabric is specialized or i'd make my own (i was a seamstress for custom athletic racing clothes: cycling + speedskating

By Blogger mod*mom, at 5/22/2008 11:45 AM  

Take your time Mod*MOM and take care of yourelf first. We'll be here.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/22/2008 5:39 PM  

Wow honey, that's quite a couple of weeks.

By Blogger Bebemiqui, at 5/24/2008 3:22 PM  

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