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mod*mom giveaway :: 5 selections of ecofriendly organic beverages $250

honest kids + tea are diluted organic fruit blends in ecofriendly packaging.
"efficient packaging means they can add 18,304 more pouches per truckload, which means they will use 277 fewer truck shipments this year to ship honest kids + honest tea, saving fuel + reducing CO2 emissions."

visit honest beverages to learn all about
them + pick your favorite flavors, then leave me a comment telling me why you'd like to win a selection of organic honest beverages with ecofriendly recyclable packaging.
(include your email address + web url, before midnight, monday may 1)
winner announced may 2

*use the little envelope icon below this post to share this with your friends
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by ~mod*mom~ at 10.4.08 ©


WoW this is fabulous! I make our drinks like this, with a little juice diluted in lots of water. These should replace sodas in vending machines! That's why I'd love to win a selection of these drinks.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/10/2008 12:04 PM  

I would love to try the cranberry lemonade. I would love the collection as we are in the hot, hot desert and the greater variety of cool drinks, the better.

By Blogger phxbne, at 4/10/2008 12:40 PM  

This comment has been removed by the author.

By Blogger Ames, at 4/10/2008 12:58 PM  

Oh all the tasty pomegranate drinks! And the white teas - WONDERFUL LOOKING! To have something tasty and healthy all in one - and to have it free... that's why I'd love to win :)

By Blogger Ames, at 4/10/2008 12:58 PM  

I love their tea but I wasn't aware of their Ades or Kids lines... yum! Add in some social responsibility and you have a great product line...

By Blogger Superdumb Supervillain, at 4/10/2008 1:26 PM  

Now that my daughter is a toddler and eating a lot more of the foods my husband and I eat, I've become a lot more aware of the ingredients in the foods we eat (and drink). I appreciate that Honest Tea uses quality ingredients and less sugar. I also try to support Fair Trade companies whenever possible.

By Blogger Becca, at 4/10/2008 2:06 PM  

The pomegranate blue looks tasty and I love their mission statement!

By Blogger Bebemiqui, at 4/10/2008 2:24 PM  

Pomegranate Blue looks yummy.

I need to keep me and three kids hydrated this summer -- we'd love to try some new flavors!

Best of luck today. Sounds like you've got a full schedule!

By Blogger melonkelli, at 4/10/2008 3:01 PM  

I love the Orange Mango.

I'd love to win the Honest Kids to give to my son's Early Intervention class. The teachers do such a great job and provide so much, it would be great to take some of the burden off of them.

By Blogger Ursula, at 4/10/2008 4:01 PM  

Yum!! Pomagrante anything looks great! What a great alternative to those loaded full of sugar drinks that we don't need. This would be great for my son!

By Blogger Sky, at 4/10/2008 6:09 PM  

I'd like the Honest Kids drinks as an after-game snack for my son's soccer team!

By Blogger diana, at 4/11/2008 5:53 AM  

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

By Blogger diana, at 4/11/2008 5:53 AM  

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

By Blogger diana, at 4/11/2008 5:53 AM  

Mmmm. So many great flavors to choose from. The Black Forest Berry looks interesting. Love the kids flavors too. Count me in please.

By Blogger Aprilshowers, at 4/11/2008 5:58 AM  

oh, wow. Their teas and thirst quenchers look tasty, and to a pregnant mommy, that is huge! :)

By Blogger jenna, at 4/11/2008 6:04 AM  

berry good lemonade sounds yummy, but my kids would like all the flavors and with 7 of them we go through a lot of juice, so I'd love to win :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/11/2008 6:15 AM  

What is not to like? Browsing their site led me to discover a wide variety of great-sounding flavours of beverages. The fact that they are organic, only manages to seal the deal in my opinion. With summer just around the corner, we are always looking for portable and refreshing drinks to carry with us on camping trips, outtings, and picnics. We would love to try the Pomegranate Blue, Cranberry Lemonade, or Berry Berry Lemonade. So many of the other varieties sound great as well.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

By Blogger michelle, at 4/11/2008 6:35 AM  

Sounds yummy!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/11/2008 6:35 AM  

The Honest Kids juice drinks look great. Especially being low sugar.

By Blogger Betsy, at 4/11/2008 7:26 AM  

These look delicious and healthy - so much better for children (and adults!) than sugar-laden "juice" packs.

By Blogger Trisha, at 4/11/2008 7:36 AM  

I would love to try the kids varieties, the tropical tango punch and the goodness grapeness sounds delish and heathy too, I like that its Fair Trade and Certified Orgainic also.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/11/2008 7:39 AM  

Has to be better than what we normally drink.

By Blogger Pat Schraier, at 4/11/2008 7:47 AM  

Hello, Sounds like a fantastic drink! I love all of the flavors. The fact that the teas are organic, have anti oxidants and low in calories are all a plus. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

By Blogger windycindy, at 4/11/2008 11:50 AM  

Oh boys would love them and I deeply appreciate that they are organic!

By Blogger jujujubee2002, at 4/11/2008 1:51 PM  

I love Honest tea bags as well. I love the peppermint and chamomile teas, and the cold pomegranate teas are fantastic. Pomegranates are filled with anti-oxidants and taste fantastic!
I drink 2-3 cups of tea a day.
Plus, green tea keeps your skin clear and wrinkle-free. A little secret tip for the girls! ;)

By Blogger Danielle, at 4/11/2008 2:05 PM  

Oh cranberry lemonade, I heart thee! This would be a fabulous prize! I don't drink much juice at all because of all the sugar and colorings. I'm especially concerned about my son and don't let him drink juice unless he's sick. Both my husband and my brother are ADHD and I'm hoping to head that off in my son. These would be wonderful to try!

By Blogger Krista, at 4/11/2008 3:36 PM  

My little grandson saw the stotted dog one an went nuts over it,so thats our favorite!this is a cute idea,count us in please

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/11/2008 5:34 PM  

I would use this

By Blogger jacquelinc, at 4/11/2008 6:35 PM  

hokon the dragon and chumbo the rhino to make a wankus


By Blogger misternat1, at 4/12/2008 4:21 AM  

love the Pomegrante green tea, honey green tea and the peach white tea. Yumm

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/12/2008 8:20 AM  

i would like to win this because it's organic,has great flavors and it comes in a recyclable package

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/12/2008 10:45 AM  

The Peach Oo-la-long sounds very refreshing! I would love to win this giveaway because of the environmentally-friendly packaging, not to mention the fact that I'm always looking for drinks that taste good and are good for you at the same time!

By Blogger kima86, at 4/12/2008 11:29 AM  

I watched the videos. That guys a marketing genius to business partner with his business school teacher. Why didn't snapple do that? Whole foods could have done it themselves too. My kids would like any flavor, but I'm thinking that tropical flavor with mangosteen or the Pomegrantat Blue or the Mint or Cranberry Lemonade

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/12/2008 12:24 PM  

I love grape and mango, and I would love to win this recycle bag!

By Blogger Angela, at 4/12/2008 6:14 PM  

I would like to try this product.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/12/2008 6:26 PM  

I love Honest Teas and its a real treat to find it at my grocery store. My favorite is either Moroccan Mint or and of their Pomagranate infused teas. The first one I ever had was Honey Green Tea and it certainly made me a fan. Other teas that I drink have a very obvious taste of artificial sweeteners. I rarely drink tea now unless I make it myself or its Honest Tea.

By Blogger Hold the Gluten Please, at 4/12/2008 10:53 PM  

I had to pick two - one for me and one for my daughter:
Goodness Grapeness and Pomegranate White Tea.
Actually - there wasn't a flavor that didn't sound delicious.
If you can ship to Canada then I'm in the draw thanks!

By Blogger remarker/fcffollower, at 4/13/2008 7:41 AM  

The Low sugar is AWESOME..

By Blogger Miranda, at 4/13/2008 10:12 AM  

I'd like to try all of them! Orange mango sounds the best to me. I'd love to win, not just for the great beverages, but because of the philiosphy of the company and how it matches mine.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/13/2008 10:29 AM  

love the mango its for me

By Blogger mverno, at 4/13/2008 10:36 AM  

The cranberry lemonade sounds perfect. I am kicking the soda pop habit right now and would love to try some yummy new alternatives.

By Blogger brandey, at 4/13/2008 10:38 AM  

I rarely find Honest Tea available here. (I'm in Canada; I'm not sure if this is open to Canadians but I'm going to leave a comment just in case because this sounds like such a great prize.) My favourite flavour that I've tried is Moroccan Mint Green Team and flavours I'd like to try are Lori's Lemon Tea and Cranberry Lemonade.

I'd love to win because it's great to find organic, fair trade products. I often make my own iced tea, but I don't always have time to do that, and it would be wonderful to try some new flavours too.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

By Blogger ikkinlala, at 4/13/2008 10:50 AM  

Cranberry and the pomegranate sound good to me. I'd drink those myself.

By Blogger Babalu, at 4/13/2008 11:31 AM  

orange mango sounds really good

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/13/2008 11:39 AM  

I know I would love the cranberry lemonade but the acid in the lemonade would kill my stomach so I guess orange mango. I would love to try each and every flavor

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/13/2008 12:12 PM  

orange mango looks the best.

I would love to teach my kids about eating right and being good to the environment at the same time.

By Blogger agordon10, at 4/13/2008 12:17 PM  

The Pomegranate White Tea with Acai sounds DEE-LISH! I like the company's eco-friendly attitude!

By Blogger Meredith, at 4/13/2008 12:19 PM  

How great! I'd love to have something like this to provide an alternative beverage for my family that are not only organic but are diluted (as I usually do this anyway for my kids to cut down on the sugar intake in juices). To have ecofriendly packaging is a big bonus too! What a great product! I think the Berry Berry Good lemonade would be the favorite around here in the honest kids. Tons of the other Honest products have fabulous flavors too!


By Blogger arbrashears, at 4/13/2008 12:21 PM  

I walk everyday and it'd be great to have something healthy.

By Blogger LINDALSHOT, at 4/13/2008 12:39 PM  

Honestly, it is hard to choose, because all of the flavors sound delicious! I'd love to win, because I've never tried any of their products and I believe I would like their products. :)

By Blogger HilLesha O'Nan, at 4/13/2008 12:50 PM  

citrus green energy tea sounds good. I would like to win them because I love anything eco-friendly.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/13/2008 1:05 PM  

The Honest Ade Orange Mango sounds great - I would like to try these because they sound so healthy - thank you

By Blogger mar, at 4/13/2008 1:07 PM  


By Blogger Valerie Taylor Mabrey, at 4/13/2008 1:12 PM  

I would like to try the berry good lemonade! They all sounf yummy tho!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/13/2008 1:26 PM  

I am having health issues, and the treatment depletes my body of all fluids. I've been directed to drink an amazing amount, 'cept no caffeinee! This sounds like a wonderful alternative! Planet friendly too...Love it! Honey Greeen Tea sounds perfect!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/13/2008 1:52 PM  

Pomegranate looks yummy!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/13/2008 2:19 PM  

Orange Mango sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.

By Blogger RoyalCheryl, at 4/13/2008 2:42 PM  

A Delicious, Lightly Sweetened Blend of antioxidant-Rich Organic White Tea, Pomegranate and Brazilian Açaî

This sounds heavenly! I already drink Acai with concord grape juice; but the above mixture sounds mmmmmmyummy.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/13/2008 2:48 PM  

A Delicious, Lightly Sweetened Blend of antioxidant-Rich Organic White Tea, Pomegranate and Brazilian Açaî

This sounds heavenly! I already drink Acai with concord grape juice; but the above mixture sounds mmmmmmyummy.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/13/2008 2:48 PM  

i want to try orange mango and cranberry lemonade.

By Blogger Amira M, at 4/13/2008 2:49 PM  

Mango AÇaí White Tea

White tea-good for you
Acia: really good for you
mango - my fav

So this is my choice.
thank you

By Blogger Tes283, at 4/13/2008 3:01 PM  

My granddaughters attend a school where water and fruit juice are the selections in the vending machine and that's what they like to drink. (Yay!) I'd like them to have a chance to try Berry Berry Good Lemondade, Cranberry Lemonade, Pomegranate Blue, Honey Green Tea and Peach White Tea.

By Blogger Aisling, at 4/13/2008 3:12 PM  

My kids want to try all the kid friendly flavors, but I want to try the Citrus Spice Decaf. I am trying to cut down on my caffeine intake, and I just love a citrus/spice blend any day of the week, so this one is perfect for me!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/13/2008 4:34 PM  

I think I would really like the each white tea. These beverages sound really good and I'm sure would be good for you.

By Blogger mhill, at 4/13/2008 4:58 PM  

orange mango

By Blogger chromiumman, at 4/13/2008 5:02 PM  

The black forest berry is delicious.

By Blogger danosor, at 4/13/2008 5:30 PM  

Anything low sugar. Being diabetic, I'm always on the lookout for great low sugared products. Thanx 4 the chance!!!

By Blogger Mya Brooks, at 4/13/2008 6:09 PM  

The pomegranate blue looks great- I wanna win because I love recycling and doing good for our environment!

By Blogger denyse, at 4/13/2008 6:49 PM  

My family would appreciate this one. Count us in.

By Blogger JeansandTs, at 4/13/2008 9:32 PM  

The pomegranate drinks look especially good.

By Blogger 1993wel, at 4/13/2008 11:04 PM  

i like the cranberry lemonade because cranberry is good for you.

By Blogger strawberry3d, at 4/13/2008 11:21 PM  

Cranberry Lemonade. I adore tart flavors. We have an eco-friendly household with all reusable food/beverage carriers, napkins, etc. This stuff would fit right in.

By Blogger jennem, at 4/14/2008 4:59 AM  

love it

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/14/2008 5:15 AM  

the cranberry lemonade sounds divine!!

By Blogger Kari, at 4/14/2008 5:49 AM  

It looks delicious! Especially the Pomegranate flavor. I'm very curious about that product, I wanna try it!

By Blogger mel, at 4/14/2008 6:01 AM  

Let's face it - for my three year old, juice is 95% about what the package looks like, and for me, it's 95% about what's contained in the package. These would make both of us happy!

By Blogger Karen, at 4/14/2008 6:06 AM  

Cranberry lemonade. Yum! Anything that is eco-friendly is the way to go. Save the Earth!

peragine (at) gmail (dot) com

By Blogger Jeanne St. James, at 4/14/2008 6:36 AM  

Cranberry lemonade, so good.

By Blogger michelena2000, at 4/14/2008 6:58 AM  

Limeade because anything is better than just drinking water.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/14/2008 7:03 AM  

Orange mango! Yum. I'd love to win this and gift it to my friend in VA. I'm from Seattle and most of my friends are pretty green-conscious, but when I last visited her at a shower, she and her neighbors/friends all knew 'green ideas' but most of them considered recycling their greatest and only required green achievement. Yikes! Would love to send her some juice that's fun and an easy introduction to other green ideas.

By Blogger Laura, at 4/14/2008 7:09 AM  

Anything with Pomegranate for me and my girls would love the lemonade-

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/14/2008 7:30 AM  

Orange mango, lemon tea, berry berry can one choose from those flavors? I love when I find a company who has the same strong feelings about the environment as I do. This company is great for that reason.

By Blogger miriama, at 4/14/2008 7:32 AM  

These would be perfect for my toddler - easy to transport (like the main-stream juices) but also healthy (unlike the mainstream ones)... love them!!!

By Blogger Wendy, at 4/14/2008 8:02 AM  

The peach white tea sounds very good. I like the fact that they are a fair trade product and there is less sugar

tiramisu392 (at)

By Blogger bison61, at 4/14/2008 8:18 AM  

Oh wow great giveaway. My kids love water and with flavor that's just a plus for them. They are not allowed to drink sodas.

By Blogger Raquel, at 4/14/2008 9:37 AM  

The Pomegranate Blue Ade and Peach White Tea both sound great to me.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/14/2008 9:38 AM  

The Pomegranate Blue Ade and Peach White Tea both sound great to me.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/14/2008 9:38 AM  

the goodness grape would rock at our house! Yummy. I like the fact that they are organic and contain 100% vitamin c

By Blogger Tammy, at 4/14/2008 9:42 AM  

I love the Orange Mango!

By Blogger mogrill, at 4/14/2008 10:54 AM  

Lori's Lemon Tea
Cranberry Lemonade
Berry Berry Good Lemonade

I'd like to win because of their partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation.

Thanks for the chance to win!!

By Blogger MimiJ06, at 4/14/2008 11:30 AM

It's hard to find juice for the little ones that is tasty and good for you! I especially love the pomegranate!!

By Blogger mrssmiff, at 4/14/2008 11:47 AM  

love the tropical tango punch for the kids and the citrus green energy tea for me!

By Blogger julie, at 4/14/2008 11:53 AM  

the peach white tea

By Blogger sillelin, at 4/14/2008 12:32 PM  

pomegranate sounds good

By Blogger silverbele, at 4/14/2008 2:43 PM  

Berry Berry Good Lemonade and the Pomegranate Blue Ade. I would love to win these just to enjoy the different flavors.

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/14/2008 3:32 PM  

My kids LOVE the tropical tango punch, but we buy it from a certain "club", lol in a variety pack. They all taste yummy w/o all that sugar!


By Blogger Danielle, at 4/14/2008 11:38 PM  

Wow, it's hard to choose! The pomegranate, cranberry lemonade and white teas all sound amazing. I love that they're good for my family AND the environment. I'd love to try it!

By Blogger Jessilyn82, at 4/15/2008 12:46 AM  

The Pomegranate White Tea sounds really good.

By Blogger Belinda, at 4/15/2008 1:08 AM  

i would love to try all the drinks. they all sound yummy. i would trythe cranberry lemonade first though. thanks.

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/15/2008 6:41 AM  

I would love to try the Pomegranite White Tea... but there are several others that I'd buy in a jiffy! I love that it can be recycled and they are designed to be safe for the environment... we have plenty of trash in our landfills as is!
Thanks for a great giveaway,
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

By Blogger Marissa, at 4/15/2008 10:55 AM  

Why would I like to win this wonderful juicy prize??? We don't drink soda or most juices because they are so sweet and so high in "artifical" ingredients it is scary.

These appear to be more organic based and not so "mono-fructo-sucro-poly-sorby-can't pronounce it" based. That is something I can rally behind.

That being said, we would love to try the Tropical Tango Punch, Berry Berry Good Lemonade and the Peach White Tea among many others.

By Blogger Cricket, at 4/15/2008 4:13 PM  

Ooh - we love lemonade and I love that this is without the sugar substitutes or lots of high-fructose stuff. We'll be having a few playdates this summer and these would be lots of fun to serve. Thanks!
beezerly (at) yahoo (dot) com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/15/2008 5:06 PM  

I'd love to try the pomegranate white tea. I love how all of their products have lower calories and contain organic ingredients. I've tried a few of the honest teas and i'm a fan!

pposwaps AT

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/15/2008 6:24 PM  

I would love to try some of this! I've been trying to become more green.

By Blogger Uniquely Yours, at 4/15/2008 8:21 PM  

The goodness grapeness!!

I blogged you on Prizeatron!

By Blogger Angela, at 4/15/2008 9:05 PM  

Orange Mango sounds yummy! I bet they taste great and use more natural ingredients.

By Blogger Brooke Lorren, at 4/15/2008 10:58 PM  

#1 I love companies that are mindful of their packaging! I think the kids drinks sound excellent and anything pomegranate is always de-lish!

By Blogger Ms. Mamma, at 4/16/2008 11:09 AM  

Pomegrante green tea and love the eco-friendly packaging!!!

By Blogger cdrury, at 4/16/2008 2:07 PM  

Lemon Black Tea. This would be better than the junk we drink now.

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/16/2008 3:57 PM  

Organic is the only way to go!
I love organic! The world would be a better place if we all went organic!

By Blogger luckysallee, at 4/16/2008 10:03 PM  

I would love to try the pommegranite or the blueberrry.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 9:51 AM  

I love drinking "green" and healthy ~ and the flavors sound delicious :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

ols dot moonmaiden at gmail dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 10:00 AM  

Orange Mango sounds great

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 11:24 AM  

I think both the Citrus Spice Decaf and the Black Forest Berry sound tasty---would like some new summer drink choices for the hot summer coming up soon.

By Blogger Sue Farrell, at 4/17/2008 2:46 PM  

I'm addicted to their Peach Oh-La-Long. Yummy!

By Blogger sachidewey, at 4/17/2008 7:27 PM  

Loved alot of the jewerly. Good site.
thank you

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 7:52 PM  

I would like to try cranberry lemonade. Thanks for the chance.

By Blogger idahomom, at 4/18/2008 8:31 AM  

The pom tea looks super good, and I love the juice boxes for the kids! I have enjoyed their beverages in the past and they are terrific!

By Blogger valley view farm, at 4/18/2008 8:39 AM  

Pomegrante white tea and the Peach Oh-La-Long sounds really good , and I would like to win them becasue I have never tried them before, and they sound like they would be alot better for me than all the stuff I usually drink

By Blogger aharris007, at 4/18/2008 4:06 PM  

I think my daughter would like the Berry Berry Good Lemonade and hopefully she will drink less pop

By Blogger DOODLEGIRL, at 4/18/2008 7:06 PM  

The limeade sounds so refreshing. I think it's always great when a company tries to make drinks a little bit healthier. I try to avoid all the sugary drinks, but it's no fun to drink plain water all the time. This sounds like the perfect drink for me.

By Blogger Christine, at 4/19/2008 9:14 PM  

My kids drink most of the juice beverages in our house, so I would like to try the Berry Berry Lemonade for them.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/20/2008 5:40 AM  

Goodness Grapeness, sounds, well, quite good. I'd like to win these for my daughter so she has something healthy to drink in the house.

dangotmail (AT) yahoo DOT com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/20/2008 9:16 AM  

Grape Goodness looks absolutely yummy.
Also anything mango in my book is lovely.
I would like to win an assortment of these b/c my kid will love them.
cheshiresmile at gmail dot com

By Blogger MamaFeelgood, at 4/20/2008 5:44 PM  

Gosh I would love to try the drinks for kids. What a great idea, and I love their design.

By Blogger Heather, at 4/20/2008 5:51 PM  

Orange Mango, yum! I like the eco-friendly packaging and the natural ingredients for my kids.

By Blogger bonggamom, at 4/20/2008 10:20 PM  

Moroccan Mint Green Tea sounds heavenly for those hot summer days that will be here shortly! And anything all natural sounds good to me!

By Blogger Jenny, at 4/21/2008 8:39 AM  

I'm a tea drinker. NOt sure I'd pass up any of the teas :)

By Blogger AudreyO, at 4/21/2008 8:46 AM  

I like that it is fair trade and that I don't have to worry about the ingredients.

By Blogger Hélène, at 4/21/2008 9:07 AM  

Many delicious choices! I like Cranberry Lemonade, Lemon Black Tea, Honey Green Tea, and Black Forest Berry Tea.
What a great prize!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 10:07 AM  

The Pomegranate one looks delicious!

By Blogger Liz Zelie, at 4/21/2008 10:59 AM  

This is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

By Blogger Mercedes, at 4/21/2008 11:28 AM  

I'm super picky about my kids' food and beverage intake, and the Honest Kids pouch drink line sounds awesome.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 11:32 AM  

Pick a fav flavor? Very funny! They all look great! And Keeping things natural for my daughter is a plus!

By Blogger Daintry, at 4/21/2008 12:00 PM  

Yumm...lemonade! Count me in!

By Blogger Laura, at 4/21/2008 1:07 PM  

Anything with peach or mango is first on my list. And the pouches are absolutely perfect for my son!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/21/2008 1:52 PM  

I lov ethe black forest berry tea and would love to try the honest kids for my little ones!

By Blogger Tuesday Girl, at 4/21/2008 2:01 PM  

Such yummy flavors and such a good alternative to juice!! I'd love to use these to introduce my daughter to juices instead of the regular juice stuff! I've held out and just had her on water and milk so far! Thanks!!

By Blogger butterflyny, at 4/21/2008 3:39 PM  

I love the Pomegranate Blue and Peach White tea! These drinks are so good and good for you--you can't beat that. I want to win because in college, the only way to drink healthy is to drink water, and I want a tastier option:)

By Blogger nightingale, at 4/21/2008 5:00 PM  

Those pouches would be great when we're out and the girls are thirsty. Healthy, tasty & recyclable!!

By Blogger Sweetpeas, at 4/21/2008 6:44 PM  

I don't tend to drink my calories, but I have two little girls who would love these. I like that I can pronounce every ingredient, and that there is no gluten, soy or dairy (which my girls are allergic to). I think the Berry Berry Good Lemonade sounds the best. I'd love to win! Thank you for the chance =)

By Blogger Michelle Olsen Sasak, at 4/21/2008 6:56 PM  

My 3 yr. old boy is a juice-a-holic. SO I try to find him healthy ones. Cranberry lemonade sounds so good.



By Blogger Karen, at 4/21/2008 6:58 PM  

I love this! I have a 4 year old, so she would be a happy consumer. She'd also be thrilled with the packaging! She's always looking "for triangles, mommy (recycle symbols)" so she'd be thrilled by this!

Thank you!

art and nature [at] juno dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 6:58 PM  

cool. this would be great for my preschoolers. i like honest tea, esp. lemonade

By Blogger Kathie B., at 4/21/2008 7:14 PM  

I'm making more of an effort to buy more earth friendly products and buying from earth friendly companies. My kiddo likes the juice and I'm adding white tea to my diet (thanks Dr. Oz!) so the cranberry lemonade and peach white tea would be my first trys. Thanks for the giveaway!

By Blogger Melanie Sheridan, at 4/21/2008 9:06 PM  

Tropical Tango Punch... mmm! I don't have a lot of storage space, so I love the idea of having more of a selection of organic juice than I could normally store.

By Blogger Jenna, at 4/21/2008 9:09 PM  

The Orange Mango sounds yummy!

I would love to win to give my kids a healthy choice of drinks.

betskev at earthlink dot net

By Blogger Betsy, at 4/22/2008 7:36 AM  

This sound like a great product. I would love to try and for my kids to try the berry berry lemonade. Sound yummy and with less sugar would be better for them as we are trying to cut back on all the processed sugar. Thanks so much. katie_mmartin (at)yahoo [dot] com

By Blogger Katie, at 4/22/2008 8:21 AM  

The cranberry lemonade sounds delicious. I too am trying to purchase products that are healthier choices to the mainstream grocery store brands- preferrably organic and fair trade, better for the environment. It is so hard to do where I live. I also am looking for healthy "treats" for my preschooler and these sound like a terrific option. Thanks for this giveaway.


By Blogger Sandra, at 4/22/2008 10:39 AM  

We are trying to eat healthier. I love green tea and would probably like variations of it. Thanks for the giveaway!

By Blogger Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet, at 4/22/2008 11:00 AM  

The Honest Kids Berry Berry Good Lemonade sounds amazing. I hate the artificial sweetners found in most lower sugar drinks. I dont think they are good for you at all (and yes I am still a diet coke fiend--something i am really working on), so these products are awesome. Less sugar without the yucky add ins.

By Blogger Meg, at 4/22/2008 12:19 PM  

the berry berry lemonade sounds yummy. I would love this since I always dilute my kids juice at home but for school those refillable juice containers always seem to leak but juice boxes are so high in sugar. This would be a win-win in our house.

By Blogger Rebecca, at 4/22/2008 1:53 PM  

Goodness Grapeness!! Just the name is great!

I'd like any of the teas for me.

By Blogger MSM, at 4/22/2008 2:28 PM  

All the flavors sound great! My daughter loves juice boxes, so this would be perfect!

By Blogger Suzanne, at 4/22/2008 2:59 PM  

These look great! The limeade looks so refreshing and I always love a cranberry lemonade.

I love their mission. How often do you see "integrity and purity" in a company's mission? Not often enough!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 3:28 PM  

we are always trying to find low sugar snacks and drinks for our little ones~ these would be great for packed lunches at the park this summer! :)

By Blogger erika~ the inspired mama, at 4/22/2008 4:26 PM  

Ohh the pomegranit ones sound good. I want to win because I can't really find stuff like that in my small town.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 4:31 PM  

I've always liked the Moroccan Mint Green Tea, but I didn't know they had so many other varieties or beverages for kids.

By Blogger Debbie#3, at 4/22/2008 4:33 PM  

My kids lurve the Berry Berry Lemonade but my goodness everything sounds yummy!!!
Count us in! What a prize!

By Blogger Mrs. P., at 4/22/2008 6:09 PM  

Goodness Grape! Thanks for the giveaway!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/22/2008 6:57 PM  

Oh we'd love to try these drinks!

By Blogger Heather, at 4/22/2008 7:02 PM  

The cranberry lemonade sounds DELICIOUS! Thank you for the great giveaways!

By Blogger Jessica, at 4/22/2008 7:25 PM  

The Berry Berry Good Lemonade sounds like something my kids and I would both enjoy! Thanks! ( )

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 7:49 PM  

the pomegranate white tea looks intriguing, i've not had that one before

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/22/2008 8:07 PM  

Oh yum. I always buy organic and fair trade items. So a product like this fits my lifestyle. I'd love to try the Honest Ade. It looks so refreshing for just relaxing or after a workout. I can't even pick a flavor they all look so darn good. Thanks.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 8:27 PM  

I think everyone is trying to go a little greener these days. Happy 10th Anniversary Honest Tea!!

My daughter would probably love the Berry Berry Good Lemonade flavor.

By Blogger Marcia, at 4/23/2008 5:25 AM  

We've been trying to eat and drink healthy. The lemonade is my favorite. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

By Blogger yomomma, at 4/23/2008 8:51 AM  

We'd like to try them because of they are nutritionally better than other kids drinks - organic ingredients, that's definitely a plus! Tropical Tango would be our choice!

Tamara (AK)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 9:05 AM  

so many yummy flavors! I'd probably like orange mango or pomegranate best. I'd like to try these because they sound good and I'd like to offer my daughter a healthy juice too.

By Blogger Michelle, at 4/23/2008 10:59 AM  

I love Honest's Pomegranate Red Tea
with Goji Berry: so refreshing!

By Blogger Marci + Dan, at 4/23/2008 1:24 PM  

Pomegranate looks wonderful! I think this is such a great idea - I love that the packaging is recyclable!

By Blogger Jinxy and Me, at 4/23/2008 3:51 PM  

So many flavors- Cranberry Lemonade sounds good
Why I would like to win it? I've never tried it before-would love to give it a try
kawaiineko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 4:36 PM  

So many look good. My kids would love the Berry Berry Good Lemonade, and I'd love to try the Pomegranate White Tea.

We buy fair trade coffee, and talk to the kids a lot about trash and buying products that don't come with a lot of wasteful packaging. So that's why I love Honest Tea's philosophy, and I'd love to try them.

By Blogger greenly, at 4/23/2008 4:44 PM  

Pomegranate is my kids' favorite flavor of all time! What a great giveaway and an awesome product!

By Blogger Land of Lovings, at 4/23/2008 8:31 PM  

I would love to try these because I had never even heard of them before. The Cranberry Lemonade sounds really good right now.

gotfire (at) yahoo (com)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 8:50 PM  

I would love to win because the flavors sound so delicious! I especially like the sound of Berry Berry Good Lemonade and the Peach White Tea (I'm a little obsessed with peach flavor right now).

hello DOT scarlett AT gmail DOT com

By Blogger Scarlett, at 4/23/2008 10:24 PM  

the flavors sound so good! ...especially the pomegrante! Great giveaway!!!

By Blogger jennifer57, at 4/24/2008 8:25 AM  

i was all about the pomegranets until i saw the berry good lemonade. yummy!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 3:43 PM  

I've never tried this brand of beverage before, although I've heard about it. I'd like to win because I love trying new drinks, and what a bonus that the packaging is eco-friendly. The orange mango with mangosteen drink sounds especially delicious.

israel at hotmail dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 5:20 PM  

I forgot a number in my e-mail address. It's actually:

ISRAEL2 at hotmail dot com


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 5:22 PM  

I would love to try the cranberry lemonade. I just got an email from this company today, I like the name they chose for the company. I like their mission also.

By Blogger BusyMom, at 4/24/2008 5:36 PM  

Orange Mango, pomegranet, they all sound delicious and good for you too.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 6:37 PM  

I love the Honest Teas (of course, anything with Opus on it has my vote), and they're so hard to find! These all look great, and would be great for the upcoming summer!

By Blogger Channah, at 4/24/2008 7:17 PM  

I think i would like to try any of the Honest teas, but my favorite flavor would have to be the Limeade. I love the refreshing flavor of limes, anywhere, anytime, anyplace! These look so gooooood for you. katklaw777(at)yahoo(dot)com thnx

By Blogger katklaw777, at 4/24/2008 8:25 PM  

The peach Oo-La_long sonds good.

By Blogger Terri Dell, at 4/24/2008 8:50 PM  

mmm cranberry lemonade. I would LOVE to have healthy packaging for my children's drinks!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 9:37 PM  

Pomegranate white tea sounds lovely, though they all caught my eye! I am using more eco-friendly products as I find them.

llm 96 at aol dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/24/2008 10:16 PM  

would love to try the cranberry lemonade

By Blogger Donna, at 4/25/2008 3:46 AM  

I LOVE Honest Teas! I did not realize they made kids drinks as well. I have yet to see these in stores. My daughter would love the Berry Berry Good Lemonade as she is a lemonade fanatic.

By Blogger Carla, at 4/25/2008 5:45 AM  

Wow! These all sound great to tell the truth, but if I had to pick I suppose I would go with the Orange Mango, Peach White Tea, or Pomegranate Blue.

By Blogger DBuckelew, at 4/25/2008 8:16 AM  

The Honest Kids Berry Berry Good Lemonade sounds scrumptious! I really want my family to make healthier bevarage choices and this is just the thing to try! Thanks!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/25/2008 9:57 AM  

My kids would love to try the Berry Berry Good Lemonade and I think I would like the Cranberry Lemonade the most. I would love to try these and help out our planet at the same time. I am trying to cut back on the amount of trash we have and recycle more!


By Blogger Tabitha, at 4/25/2008 11:10 AM  

Honest Ade Orange Mango looks divine!! I love it that it contains Mangosteen! I am getting thirsty thinking about how it would taste! The kids beverages would be gulped down by my kids! Especially the Tropical Tango Punch! I love that they are not loaded with sugar!

By Blogger Ane, at 4/25/2008 11:11 AM  

I love the Honest Teas in pomegranate, lemon and honey. I hope I win because I am a health freak and trying to incorporate more healthier food choices in my diet and I'm also trying to become more environmentally conscious. I have just recently started composting so every little step I take is a good start!

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/25/2008 12:17 PM  

I've never even seen one of their products before, although I'm sure I would enjoy them. I appreciate that they are committed to be socially responsible. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


By Blogger Tricia, at 4/25/2008 1:57 PM  

i've never tried this -- i like the packaging so after they drink it up i'd craft with it :)

gotta love use, reuse, recycle! :)

Thanks for a great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

By Blogger Re, at 4/25/2008 2:33 PM  

This just seems like an all around wonderful product. From the packing that is eco-friendly, the great flavors that are made with quality ingredients, and a standard set by a company that is taking responsibility for the product they are putting out for the consumer. I really appreciate that and would love to try their products. Thanks:)

By Blogger Jenn, at 4/25/2008 3:06 PM  

Peach white tea and any of the Honest Ades. These look so refreshing and delicious. My two favorite beverages are tea and lemonade, so this couldn't have been a better giveaway!! I'd love to try both of these, and some of the rest I saw there! I love quality ingredients in my food and drinks, so I'd love to try these. Thanks for offering this.

By Blogger Peculiar, at 4/25/2008 4:43 PM  

The Berry Berry Good Lemonade sounds appealing on this hot spring day. I'd like to win this for my kids because it has low sugar, and we don't buy sugary drinks for them (sodas, Kool-aid, etc.). This would be great! Thanks for the chance to win. :-)

By Blogger Momof4, at 4/25/2008 6:09 PM  

We love Honest Beverages. Our favs are the white teas (pomegranate and peach). I like that they are organic and they aren't too sweet.

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

By Blogger Rockin' Mama, at 4/25/2008 8:47 PM  

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