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mod*mom earth day giveaway :: 3
green baby care + home detox sets

method is about to launch their new line of eco-friendly + kid-friendly baby products on earth day + they want to know what mod*mom readers think.
the brand new baby detox line includes: baby lotion, baby 3 in 1 wash, baby diaper
cream, baby body wash, + baby laundry detergent.

squeaky green -- When Adam Lowry + Eric Ryan founded Method, the environmentally friendly brand of cleaning products, + when they coined the phrase "People Against Dirty," they weren't just talking about the stuff you track in on your shoes—they also meant the toxic chemicals that make up many household detergents. Packed with helpful tips and surprising facts, their first book, Squeaky Green, is a totally informative and completely entertaining room-by-room guide. Squeaky Green is rehab for chemically dependant homes.

to enter to win a green baby product set + home detox guidebook, tell me in the comments, "what are your favorite method home products + why?"
include your email address + web url, before midnight, wednesday may 7

*use the little envelope icon below this post to share this with your friends
subscribe to my feed + daily email updates to get mod*mom sent to you.


by ~mod*mom~ at 16.4.08 ©


I love the baby detergent... my daughter has very sensitive skin, and hasn't had any breakouts since we started using it.

By Blogger Sonja, at 4/16/2008 2:39 PM  

The Method microfiber cloths work great on each of the different surfaces that go with their cleaner counterparts. Using a microfiber cloth on my windows, mirrors, and appliances is the only thing I have tried that gets them clean and streak- free with the least amount of effort.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

By Blogger michelle, at 4/16/2008 3:48 PM  

How about that Peppermint Vanilla dish soap! The smell is INCREDIBLE!

By Blogger Sky, at 4/16/2008 4:16 PM  

I love the hand soap, with its great fragrances, and the laundry detergent.

By Blogger MSG, at 4/16/2008 4:28 PM  

We love the stainless steel polish and the microfiber cloth. The polish makes out stainless glow and the cloth can be tossed into the washer after every 2nd use or so.

meredith at metalmeredith dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/16/2008 5:03 PM  

I love, love, love the wipes, especially the grapefruit ones! I always worried about what was in the wipes that could harm my baby, now I don't wonder and I don't worry! The scents are just wonderful!,

By Blogger Mom, at 4/16/2008 8:26 PM  

I know it's not the most glamorous thing, but they make a eucolyptus scented toilet cleaner that's pretty awesome.

By Blogger mrssmiff, at 4/16/2008 9:04 PM  

I love the shower cleaner that you spray on and leave on. It has ylang ylang in it and it leaves my whole bathroom smelling wonderful.

limabeanhome [at] gmail [dot] com

By Blogger Lima Bean, at 4/16/2008 10:01 PM  

I am turned on to everything Method! It's hard to pick a favorite. My kids love the hand soap - they love the fragrances and it's not too harsh on their sensitive skin. I love the stainless steel wipes and their counter cleaners.

By Blogger dianag, at 4/17/2008 5:56 AM  

I love the all purpose spray which smells like peppermint. Makes cleaner a bit nicer.

By Blogger Aprilshowers, at 4/17/2008 6:08 AM  

I've only used the all purpose bathroom cleaner. I like that it doesn't have a harsh smell and that your skin doesn't feel weird if you happen to get it on you.

By Blogger lace, at 4/17/2008 6:54 AM  

I love the pink grapefruit dish soap-yummy!!

By Blogger Ursula, at 4/17/2008 6:59 AM  

The pink grapefruit dishsoap as well but after going to their site, I'm now going to need to try out the Le Scrub for the tub.

Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

By Blogger NSMOM, at 4/17/2008 7:04 AM  

I love the dryer clothes - they make my clothes smell so good and feel so soft. But I also love the hand soap, because that's what I use more than anything. The delicious hollyberry scent! Yum!

By Blogger The Mommy, at 4/17/2008 7:12 AM  

I just started using their products and love their All Surface cleaner in the Cucumber scent and the wood floor cleaner with almond scent. Cleaning is a lot more fun when you like the smell of the cleaners, and they aren't burning your nose! :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 7:13 AM  

Where do I even start? I love the pink grapefruit all purpose cleaner - I use it on almost everything and don't worry about it. I love the cucumber toilet wipes - my husband has become quite acquainted with those. I love the handsoap. I am really excited about their new line.

By Blogger whit, at 4/17/2008 7:17 AM  

Very actually! I should receive this prize and present its my niece!

By Blogger Ludmilochka, at 4/17/2008 7:41 AM  

My favorites include the foaming hand soap, almond floor cleaner & cloth, and dish soap. If only they had lotion in a pump (for after you wash your hands!)

I would love to try the baby products, especially the baby 3 in 1 wash.

By Blogger melonkelli, at 4/17/2008 8:28 AM  

I registered for the baby stuff and have loved the baby laundry detergent for a few years now with the first little guy.

It's tough to choose, but my favorite Method products are the wipes... the furniture, the stainless... all of them.

By Blogger patty, at 4/17/2008 9:05 AM  

I'm probably one of the very few who hasn't used method home products yet, but they sound wonderful ~ and safe to use! *Thanks* for the giveaway.

ols dot moonmaiden at gmail dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 10:02 AM  

fave method products = their free and clear line. Most products are over scented and we prefer the "open window, fresh air" smell.
Stephanie V.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 10:22 AM  

I haven't used these products before but looking at the site I like the idea of the detox kit/set, my house could use some "safe" detoxing with a baby crawling around! Thanks for the giveaway!

By Blogger Ann, at 4/17/2008 10:46 AM  

I like having the hand sanitizer available when we are out. I like that it's triclosan free too :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 11:13 AM  

Oh I LOVE the mint window that smell, the almond wood floor cleaner those are my fav.


By Blogger Danielle, at 4/17/2008 11:16 AM  

ok, so i LOVE it all, and they all smell so stinkin fresh - can i say stinkin? anyway, but my fav is the dish soap that smells like lavender. and i am looking forward to their baby products with much anticipation!

By Blogger katherine, at 4/17/2008 11:27 AM  

oh this looks so nice i love to try them all if i win this it will help me out a lot thanks

By Blogger jenny, at 4/17/2008 11:30 AM  

This comment has been removed by the author.

By Blogger Ames, at 4/17/2008 12:11 PM  

I have only used Method hand soap and I loved it - I would love to try more of their products because they seem to smell nice, work well, and be good for you :)


By Blogger Ames, at 4/17/2008 12:12 PM  

I have never used Method's products, but I have to say I'm sold on them now. I can't wait to try out their products, ESPECIALLY the new baby line (I'm due with my first in June)!

- Kristin R.
krobertson9 {at} hotmail {dot} com
alexkristin {dot} blogspot {dot} com

By Blogger Kristin, at 4/17/2008 12:13 PM  

I love the Method leather wipes - I have two leather ottomans and these wipes keep them looking brand new! I have a 10 month-old baby girl and I would love to try these new products! Please pick me!
-Lindsey L.

By Blogger {littlefam}, at 4/17/2008 12:21 PM  

Hands down! It's the liquid hand soaps our family loves. They all smell very pleasant, but they also help keep our family healthy.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2008 12:31 PM  

I like the hand soap and the aroma pill but my very favorite is the O-Mop and wood floor cleaner. Almond scent almost makes mopping less of a chore...

By Blogger Superdumb Supervillain, at 4/17/2008 1:04 PM  

The everyday liquid hand soap "go naked" is this family's favorite. Not at all harsh on our sensitive skin--and we are ALWAYS washing our hands!

By Blogger Li'l MG, at 4/17/2008 1:18 PM  

I like Method stainless steel cleaner and any products with the grapefruit scent. I like Method but I wish they'd publish and be more open about their ingredients. I had a friend with leukemia who couldn't use them b/c there wasn't enough disclosure on use of petroleum based ingredients. Just some feedback for them!

By Blogger jwong, at 4/17/2008 1:46 PM  

I must admit I am yet to try method - even though they always catch my eye in the store and I love the organic aspect

By Blogger phxbne, at 4/17/2008 3:35 PM  

I love love love the wood floor cleaner. It smells so clean without smelling like pine!

By Blogger Holly O., at 4/17/2008 3:49 PM  

I Love the hand soap. Smells so yummy!

By Blogger StaceyQ, at 4/17/2008 4:26 PM  

i love the other method cleaning products so i can't wait to try these out.

By Blogger Andy, at 4/17/2008 4:52 PM  

These products sound great! I would like to make up a gift basket using them for a shower gift. I know the new mom would love them.

By Blogger Betty N, at 4/17/2008 6:10 PM  

I love Method's Go Naked wipes for the house - I use them to clean everything and they work really well. They even got mushy teething biscuit goo off on my toddler's exersaucer! I also like the Go Naked hand wash - we have a bottle at every sink in the house.

By Blogger Nicole G, at 4/17/2008 8:31 PM  

I didn't know much about Method when I bought my cleaner. I was simply looking for something that was more natural and fragrance free. I love using it to clean my bathroom and not ending up with a headache from the fumes and smell of other cleaners (as I am super sensitive to smell) It even beats out the Clorox Green works that I won. I will continue to buy it and I would love to try the baby products!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

By Blogger Krista, at 4/17/2008 10:36 PM  

This comment has been removed by the author.

By Blogger you big baby!, at 4/17/2008 11:00 PM  

I love the all purpose bathroom stuff! I try to make up my own eco friendly cleaning stuff most times but when I want to treat myself I usually get method cause I can still feel good about the non scary chemicals!


By Blogger you big baby!, at 4/17/2008 11:03 PM  

My fav is the mint window wash. Mmmmm, how I love to wash my windows! And the almond 'wood for good' floor cleaner, I have turned SO many people on to that one.

By Blogger valley view farm, at 4/18/2008 8:34 AM  

the baby laundry soap because it is gentle and eco-friendly.

By Blogger julie, at 4/18/2008 11:50 AM  

Greetings! I like the "Detox Your Home Kit!" Pleas enter me in your drawing. I am out of most of these goodies and would love to win! Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks,Cindi

By Blogger windycindy, at 4/18/2008 1:09 PM  

I love the idea of green, safe products for baby...I love the hand soap and the dish soap. With new baby on the way this product would be much appreciated and used.

By Blogger Carpenters, at 4/18/2008 1:57 PM  

The aroma beads look very cool...between the cats and the toddler, I'd love to find something eco-friendly to subtly provide a more welcoming fragrance in the house.

By Blogger Candace April, at 4/18/2008 7:28 PM  

My favorite products from Method are : The Al-purpose spray. It works fantastic and the french lavender scent beats pine-sol anyday and The Foaming handwash. It works great and its safe for my kids. We got thru alot of the stuff around here.

By Blogger Steph, at 4/19/2008 8:26 AM  

I love the shower cleaner, it's so easy to use. "I hate to cean the shower"

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/19/2008 8:28 AM  

the shower cleaner

By Blogger mverno, at 4/19/2008 8:34 AM  

This is my first introduction to the products but after reading what others who have used them are saying, I am really excited about them.

By Blogger Betty N, at 4/19/2008 8:37 AM  

I love the Method handsoap - the scents, colors, and containers!!

I had no idea Method made other items!!!

By Blogger jules, at 4/19/2008 9:00 AM  

Love the wipes-great to have nontoxic products!
Elaine R

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/19/2008 9:20 AM  

I like the wood floor cleaner

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/19/2008 9:24 AM  

the detergent due to sensitive skin.

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/19/2008 9:28 AM  

I haven't had the pleasure of using it yet. I've been using vinegar and water to clean, but I'm always on the lookout for great eco-friendly products!!!

By Blogger Mya Brooks, at 4/19/2008 9:32 AM  

I love Method's All Purpose Cleaner. I can clean counters, doorknobs, dvd players anything really and its not at all toxic to little bodies.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/19/2008 9:36 AM  

I love the method detergent. It cleans just as well and I use so much less of it!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/19/2008 10:15 AM  

The mint window wash is great..the smell is amazing compared to other window cleaners. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

By Blogger Bebemiqui, at 4/19/2008 10:36 AM  

I love the baby detergent. :-)

LilacButterfly [at]

By Blogger HilLesha O'Nan, at 4/19/2008 12:54 PM  

haven;t tried them , so don;t have a favor

By Blogger agordon10, at 4/19/2008 1:25 PM  

the all purpose cleaner really seems to do the trick

amiramurphy at gmail

By Blogger Amira M, at 4/19/2008 2:24 PM  

I haven't used Method products yet, but a friend last week, was just telling me about the wonderful dish soaps that they have. Please enter me and thanks for this giveaway.

By Blogger peg42, at 4/19/2008 3:16 PM  

I LOVE my Method Products.

My fav's are the tub and tile cleaner, the wood floor cleaner, glass cleaner, and all purpose cleaner.

Great giveaway!!

By Blogger Gina, at 4/19/2008 8:11 PM  

I love the baby detergent... It would be great for babies sensitive skin!!!!!!!

By Blogger kathy55439, at 4/19/2008 10:45 PM  

I love the all purpose peppermint cleaner. It smells fantastic and really gets the job done!

By Blogger psipsina, at 4/20/2008 12:00 AM  

The only method product Ive owned was the baby detergent and it works GREAT!!

I would love to try some more of their products

I blogged your contest on Prize-A-Tron!

By Blogger Angela, at 4/20/2008 12:03 AM  

The Bathroom cleaner smells awesome!

By Blogger Meredith, at 4/20/2008 1:34 AM  

With a new grandson, I would love to try the baby detergent, I certainly don't want any chemicals on his precious little body.

By Blogger sweetsue, at 4/20/2008 6:18 AM  

I don't have access to method products in a local store. I would love to try them, though. Maybe I can get my local coop to start carrying Method products.

By Blogger freckle mom, at 4/20/2008 6:51 AM  

My favorite would have to be th pink grapefruit dish soap. I love that smell!!!

By Blogger imjasonc, at 4/20/2008 8:00 AM  

Dishwasher cubes--but I don't know if they make them anymore. I haven't been able to find them lately, and I miss them terribly!

By Blogger jennem, at 4/20/2008 9:56 AM  

I love the 3-n-1 wash!

By Blogger Brooke, at 4/20/2008 10:34 AM  

I've been using their all-purpose cleanser lately. I like that I can use it in every room, so it ends up saving me money (and saving packaging from having a ton of different products).

By Blogger Kaitlin, at 4/20/2008 1:56 PM  

We use the all purpose spray and love it.

By Blogger miriama, at 4/20/2008 4:33 PM  

I love the ginger floor cleaner, the peppermint hand soap from the holidays, and the window cleaner. All of the products are great and I am never disappointed by Method.

By Blogger MamaFeelgood, at 4/20/2008 5:35 PM  

pink grapefruit dish soap

By Blogger chromiumman, at 4/20/2008 8:00 PM  

I love the all purpose spray! It's wonderful!

jessicabcote at gmail dot com

By Blogger Jessica Cote, at 4/20/2008 8:21 PM  

I love that people are trying to change the enviroment for the better. I've been recycling for about 10 years. Please enter me, thank you

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/20/2008 8:30 PM  

We use lots of Method products... spray cleaner, stainless steel wipes, wood polish spray, dish soap, hand soap.... they work great and I love them all! I feel good using them around my kids..

By Blogger bonggamom, at 4/20/2008 10:17 PM  

My favorite product is the mint window wash. It does such a good job and smells great too!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/20/2008 10:45 PM  

I use all Method products in my home, my husband is very sensitve to cleaner smells and Method products are not only eco-friendly but husband friendly.

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/21/2008 5:38 AM  

I love, love the Method cucumber dish soap. Tons of frothy bubbles, super scent, great product!

By Blogger Kari, at 4/21/2008 5:42 AM  

Method brand makes great cleaning peroduct.

By Blogger silverbele, at 4/21/2008 6:39 AM  

I raelly like the stainless steel cleaner. Competing products can be pretty toxic.

By Blogger Brian, at 4/21/2008 7:31 AM  

I really love the everywhere surface cleaner, especially in Cucumber. I'm starting to associate the scent of Cucumber with a clean house!

I made the change over to method because I have 2 children under the age of 3 and the baby puts *everything* in his mouth- he'll even bite the edge of the table. I don't want any chemical cleansers used on surfaces where the boys can reach, so no now I've switched almost completely to Method. Even my husband loves it!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 7:56 AM  

Wow. I have so many faves!

Their HandSoap is AWESOME! It is not too harsh on my hands and I love the "sea minerals" fragrance. The regular is in my kitchen and the foamy is in DD's bathroom. It's easier for her to use.

Their kitchen and AP cleaners are fantastic and they smell divine.

Hubs has bad allergies to detergents so we use the Free and Clear laundry detergent. We started using that over 2 years ago and love it. We didn't use baby detergent because this was so gentle for my kiddos clothes.

I just read about the baby products the other day and I would love to try them!

Thanks for the fantastic giveaways!

By Blogger Christy, at 4/21/2008 8:15 AM  

I am finally getting my boys to wash their hands after the restroom thanks to the wonderful liquid hand soap.

By Blogger idahomom, at 4/21/2008 8:19 AM  

I like the hand soap because I don't have to worry about my son not rinsing it well enough.

By Blogger Hélène, at 4/21/2008 9:09 AM  

I LOVE Method products! I especially like the hand soaps and the kitchen cleaners 'cause I have little ones in the house and I don't have to worry about how the harsh chemicals are affecting them...

By Blogger Land of Lovings, at 4/21/2008 9:44 AM  

I love the Hand Sanitizer! Can't have enough.

By Blogger mogrill, at 4/21/2008 9:53 AM  

I like the dish soap and hand soap. They smell great - and are earth-friendly!

By Blogger Carmen, at 4/21/2008 10:23 AM  

I have not had the opportunity to try the method products yet, but I am headed to the store this week!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 10:49 AM  

I like the handsoaps because (don't laugh) I really like the shape of the container.

By Blogger Corrie, at 4/21/2008 11:04 AM  

The dish detergent. I've tried all the 'naturals' an this one has bubbles that last.
Word of warning: skip the cuccumber. The sent sticks to the dishes and it gets to be sort of gross.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 11:07 AM  

I love the method laundry detergent, hand soaps, and counter top spray. It was the first change I made when deciding to go green as my new years resolution.

By Blogger RJ, at 4/21/2008 11:08 AM  

the dish deterget

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 11:09 AM  

I don't have a favorite because I have never tried these products. I would love to though!

By Blogger Mercedes, at 4/21/2008 11:30 AM  

I have never tried these, but would love to with our toddler.

By Blogger Wade's World, at 4/21/2008 11:39 AM  

i haven't tried these but the peppermint vanilla dish soap sounds amazing

By Blogger Jen, at 4/21/2008 12:03 PM  

I've never used any Method products so I don't have a favorite. But - I'd love to try their non-toxic cleaners.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 12:04 PM  

I love the all purpose cleaner, because it's all purpose!

By Blogger Kristen, at 4/21/2008 12:08 PM  

I love their line of cleaning products. My sis-in-law gave them to me for our wedding, and I love them...

By Blogger Bethany Maxson, at 4/21/2008 12:32 PM  

love the baby laundry detergent. I worry about his sensitive skin

By Blogger Stacy, at 4/21/2008 12:45 PM  

I love the hand soap - it smells great and it's safe!

fireball351c AT yahoo DOT com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 12:50 PM  

Would love to win this - thanks!!! love their products especially the cleaning products in pink grapefruit!

By Blogger cdrury, at 4/21/2008 12:55 PM  

I've never used them, but I love that they are safe to use around kids.

By Blogger Richelle, at 4/21/2008 1:12 PM  

I LOVE Methods air freshners! I have the apple vanilla and it is wonderful! I have the plug in and the round disk one in my sewing room!!

I also have the hardwood floor cleaner and it smells so good! I wish more stores carried it!!

THanks for the great giveaway!

By Blogger Jennifer (mom of four), at 4/21/2008 1:38 PM  

I would love to try the laundry det.

By Blogger Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe, at 4/21/2008 1:45 PM  

I lov emethod and am so excited to try their baby products. My favorite is their laundry detergent!

By Blogger Tuesday Girl, at 4/21/2008 2:02 PM  

I have Multiple Chemical Sensitives so I love Method! My favorite thing is the laundry det. It's the best safe one I have used! I hope I can win this. :)

By Blogger Lisa, at 4/21/2008 2:11 PM  

I recently started using the Method line and I love it! I use the Granite for Good and Wood for Good almost every day. I love the way the products smell and I'm sure they help in not making our allergies worse.

By Blogger Melanie Sheridan, at 4/21/2008 2:11 PM  

Love Love the wipes

By Blogger Auntnetto, at 4/21/2008 2:47 PM  

This sounds like an amazing product!

By Blogger Darci, at 4/21/2008 3:09 PM  

I've only ever used the hand soap, but am super excited about the new baby line!

By Blogger emerzim, at 4/21/2008 3:15 PM  

the shower cleaner is my fav. it really works!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 3:15 PM  

I would love to try the baby and detox products! I do love their hand soap but haven't had the chance to try anything else! Would love to try them out!

By Blogger butterflyny, at 4/21/2008 3:27 PM  

with little ones around i love the method line of cleaning products. i love the hand soap, the shower cleaner, the Grannite for good and wood and they work work work.

By Blogger Princess Golden Hair, at 4/21/2008 5:06 PM  

I have never tried Method. My local stores don't carry it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 5:23 PM  

I love their basic cleaning spray. My little ones love to help me clean and that's the only cleaner (I'm still switching over) that I allow them to use (with supervision of course!) I would love to get all this stuff.

By Blogger Megan, at 4/21/2008 6:01 PM  

Great prize! I'd love to be included.
Thanks for the opportunity. :)

I mostly see the Method products at our Target. I haven't tried many of them, but I do like the dish soap. Smells great, too!

By Blogger Sharon, at 4/21/2008 6:06 PM  

I have yet to try the Method products, but they sound wonderful and I'll have to see if I can find them locally. Thanks for the chance to win some!

By Blogger MaryBeth, at 4/21/2008 6:19 PM  

I just discovered their furniture wipes and was really pleased.

By Blogger Mrs. Gray's Class, at 4/21/2008 6:25 PM  

Love the dish cleaners--in scents you can't find anywhere else, like lavendar!

By Blogger greenly, at 4/21/2008 6:34 PM  

I've used the hand soap at a friend's house. Does that count?

Thank you!

art and nature [at] juno dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 6:57 PM  

I love the laundry detergent

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/21/2008 7:13 PM  

I know this isn't a terribly "earthy" reason, but I really like their packaging--it's attractive.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2008 8:14 PM  

Lil' Bowl Blue! Our bathroom is always nasty with 4 boys in the house!

By Blogger CanCan, at 4/21/2008 8:35 PM  

I use their green tea hand soap.

By Blogger Jenna, at 4/21/2008 9:55 PM  

I would love to use the stainless steel cleaner!

I've never used any of the product yet!

By Blogger Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne, at 4/21/2008 10:09 PM  

I love them all. We use the detergent, the cleaning supplies, the dish soap, and the hand soap. I think the reason I like them so much is that I know they are not harmful to my family. The pink grapefruit dish soap is probably my favorite of all. It does a good job at cutting grease and cleaning my dishes, and it smells great.

By Blogger Jennifer, at 4/22/2008 5:24 AM  

The method wood cleaner is all I use on my wood floors and the granite cleaner does a perfect streak free shine on my granite counters.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 7:37 AM  

i love the hand soap and the bathroom cleaner - the smell is great & doesn't give me a headache like most other cleaners do!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 7:57 AM  

the peppermint all purpose cleaner

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 9:35 AM  

I've seen Method products but haven't tried them - YET - but after seeing this and reading all the great recomendations I will be trying several - I really need to educate myself and switch to a healthier - GREENER way of cleaning and living - I recently tried Green clean or whatever the name is of the new natural cleaner by clorox... but this sounds even better!


Littlesunrise @ yahoo . com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 9:40 AM  

I love their hand cleanser. My son likes the bright green color and the neat dispenser. I like the smell too!

By Blogger Maureen, at 4/22/2008 10:03 AM  

My favorite method product is their tub and tile cleaner. I use it in our bathrooms, and it has the scent of ylang ylang, but honestly I think it smells like baby powder, and I probably use a little more than needed because I love the smell so much. The thing I like best about it though, is that should I not rinse well enough after cleaning, I do not have to be afraid of my daughter touching the tub walls and such.

By Blogger Tammy, at 4/22/2008 10:07 AM  

Oh I love Method products! They work good, they smell good, and they are just plain good all around. I'd love to try out their new baby line & read the book too. Thanks!

By Blogger Adrianne, at 4/22/2008 10:37 AM  

I've only used the hand soap so far, but I like that a lot. It smells delicious.

By Blogger brooke, at 4/22/2008 10:40 AM  

I currently use the pink grapefruit dish soap, hand soap and spray cleaner. I love them all. I have never seen their line of baby products but if I ever do I will definately give them a try. Please sign me up for your giveaway!


By Blogger Sandra, at 4/22/2008 10:43 AM  

I love the microfiber cloth for cleaning windows and mirrors!
What a super giveaway. Even if I don't win, I'm glad to know about the new products AND the cool book!


By Blogger Meredith, at 4/22/2008 11:28 AM  

I've actually never bought any method products. I have used their hand soap at a friends house and I liked it, but have yet to buy any myself. I'd love a chance to win! Thanks!

jes (at) beautyfromchaos (dot) com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 11:37 AM  

I would love to try any of the baby products. This is something I've been really interested in lately. sharlacarbine at gmail dot com

By Blogger Momnerd, at 4/22/2008 12:21 PM  

I love the shower bathroom smells so yummy!

By Blogger Elizabeth Giger, at 4/22/2008 12:24 PM  

My favorite Method products are their Free and Clear detergent, tub and tile cleaner and mint window wash. The window cleaner is the one where I notice the biggest difference in smell. I cant stand the strong smell of normal glass cleaner anymore. Thanks!

By Blogger Meg, at 4/22/2008 12:24 PM  

We use their daily shower cleaner as well as their floor cleaner. Our new house will have stainless steel and I plan to use their cleaner for that. I was at Target the other day and they had their shower gel on clearance so I stocked up on their green mint...I look forward to trying it.

I do hope I win and I am looking forward to their new products. We get their emails and I am one of their frequent "stalk*ers" to their website.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 12:43 PM  

Pink Grapefruit All-Purpose Spray


Method Daily Shower.

Love 'em.

mnsaguirre at gmail dot com

By Blogger World's Greatest Mommy, at 4/22/2008 12:56 PM  

We like the dishwashing liquid. I think it's Method dryer sheets that I've been using, too. (I wish they were available more places, though. Target is not a convenient place for us to shop.)

By Blogger Rachel R., at 4/22/2008 1:10 PM  

hand wash sea minerals because I'm always washing my hands

By Blogger DOODLEGIRL, at 4/22/2008 1:28 PM  

the dish soaps, the scents are heavenly and the dish get clean easily

By Blogger noreen, at 4/22/2008 1:29 PM  

I would love to try out the laundry soap for my daughter's ultra-sensitive skin.

By Blogger Rebecca, at 4/22/2008 1:56 PM  

To be honest, I've only used the Baby Detergent. but it has sold me on trying some more of their products!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 2:34 PM  

The 3-in-1 baby wash looks really nice.

By Blogger Scarlett, at 4/22/2008 2:34 PM  

I love the Method bath products. I use to clean my bathroom while my kids are taking a bath. They are time and Earth savers.

By Blogger Natalie, at 4/22/2008 2:47 PM  

I have never used Method products before. My husband and I have recently started our journey on getting green. I would love to win this!

By Blogger Kyra, at 4/22/2008 2:56 PM  

Their baby detergent is the best. I don't think I will ever go back to anything else.

By Blogger Jon and Sarah, at 4/22/2008 2:58 PM  

I love their dish soaps and hand soaps, but I would love to try more of their products!

By Blogger Sarah, at 4/22/2008 3:21 PM  

I love the hand soap, that is all I have tried but would love to try more. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

By Blogger misspooh8, at 4/22/2008 3:32 PM  

I've never tried them before, but would love to!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/22/2008 4:01 PM  

I love the pink grapefruit surface cleaner - so fresh smelling!

By Blogger Debbie#3, at 4/22/2008 4:23 PM  

I love all of the products, especially the shower cleaner. It really works. I was stuck only on the Mrs. Meyer's but I have to travel over an hour to get to the store that sells it, so I gave the Method a shot and love it too!!!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/22/2008 4:28 PM  

Love their hand soaps. They smell so good and good for the environment too!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/22/2008 6:58 PM  

I'd love to win this selection!

By Blogger Heather, at 4/22/2008 7:04 PM  

I love the dish soap. I feel like I am doing something good for my son when I wash his bottles with it.

By Blogger Someone Being Me, at 4/22/2008 7:39 PM  

I know, I's terrible, but I've never gotten to try Method products. They're on my current shopping list, though, for this week! Though I've never tried their stuff, the bathroom cleaner sounds like my first pick. Thanks! ( )

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/22/2008 7:45 PM  

I have never tried Method!!! I am trying to be very Green---we recycle everything, wash on cold, use CFLs, etc.

Here's a little tip: fill a half gallon milk carton with water and place in the tank of your toilet so that it fills up with less water!

By Blogger Joy, at 4/22/2008 7:48 PM  

i've only ever tried their hand soap, but i've heard good things about the laundry detergent. would love to try more stuff!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/22/2008 8:11 PM  

I have their wood cleaner and love the smell!

By Blogger Erin, at 4/22/2008 8:15 PM  

Love their green tea hand wash!

Count me in.

I’m having FIVE GIVEAWAYS on my blogS as well. Hope you’ll stop by.

callmeabookworm at

By Blogger Rashmi, at 4/22/2008 8:44 PM  

I have been wanting to try these products!

By Blogger Kirsten, at 4/22/2008 8:52 PM  

I've only used their hand soaps, but I really like them. The scents are amazing.

By Blogger Christine, at 4/22/2008 8:57 PM  

I haven't tried these products YET. But would be interested in the all purpose cleaner considering my 10month old son licks everything!

By Blogger Tara V, at 4/22/2008 8:59 PM  

I haven't tried these yet but would love to!

By Blogger *~hj~*, at 4/22/2008 9:34 PM  

We love the handsoaps. They smell good and work wonderfully.

egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com

By Blogger Erica G, at 4/22/2008 11:59 PM  

M favorite Method product is the Peppermint Vanilla Countertop Cleaner. It smells so good and leaves surfaces shiny and bright.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 5:18 AM  

Definately the baby detergent. Some regular brands are ok for me to use, but mostly I have to stick to these kinds of baby detergents for my daughter.

By Blogger Marcia, at 4/23/2008 5:29 AM  

I've honestly never used any method products but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to. ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 6:58 AM  

I've used the method handsoap at work - since we touch much of what goes into our mouths, it's good to have dirt, germ AND chemical free hands.

By Blogger Frances, at 4/23/2008 7:12 AM  

I love the method go naked surface spray and wipes-- use them everyday!

By Blogger Susan, at 4/23/2008 7:17 AM  

Mine would be the baby laundry detergent. I have to be so careful what I wash my son's clothes in.

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/23/2008 7:45 AM  

I love the multi purpose "naked" product, but i also love the hand soap. Thanks!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 7:55 AM  

I didn't even know they had home products. I just found out about Method when I bought my first item: Method Bar. I can't wait to try it. It smells so good. :)

I'd love to try more of their products. :)


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 8:20 AM  

I have never even heard of these products so I don't have a favorite! But, I'd love to have a chance to try them - they sound wonderful!

Tamara (AK)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 9:18 AM  

I love love love my OMop.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 10:27 AM  

I love the grapefruit scented products. I'm in!

By Blogger littlelatina, at 4/23/2008 10:33 AM  

I haven't used Method before so I'm not sure what my favorite product would be - probably the multipurpose cleaner. I've heard a lot of good things about the brand and have been wanting to try them.

By Blogger Michelle, at 4/23/2008 11:01 AM  

I've only tried Method's handsoap, but I would really like to try the Fuzzy Peach 3 in 1 kids shampoo. It looks like an awesome shampoo and the bottle is really cute too.

By Blogger Suzie Williams, at 4/23/2008 11:45 AM  

I've never used Method before but I would love to give it a try!


By Blogger Tricia, at 4/23/2008 12:08 PM  

I like the method lavender hand soap. I just love the smell of laverder.

By Blogger jdine, at 4/23/2008 12:34 PM  

I would love to try the lil' bowl blu . I also think their microfiber cloths are great!

By Blogger Meredith A., at 4/23/2008 12:48 PM  

I cannot bay to try method products...and am positive I will have a hard time choosing a favorite!

By Blogger Marci + Dan, at 4/23/2008 1:15 PM  

we use the handsoap, glass cleaner, all purpose spray, disposable cloth cleaner...tried the laundry softner and it smelled though...good ... heidi

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 2:58 PM  

I love the Method hand soap. It works great and the packaging is stylish.

By Blogger Jinxy and Me, at 4/23/2008 3:52 PM  

I luuuurve me some Method! My favorite is probably the new little bowl Bly toilet cleaner. We've been using other natural john cleaners Gor years and all have required serious scrubbing and smelled AWFUL! This one works like the conventional stuff and smells yum!

I'm itching to try the new baby line! It all looks great!

Ashlee (at) this mamas nest dot com

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 5:43 PM  

i love the hand soap as well as the cleaner for all the stainless stell appliances.

By Blogger Unknown, at 4/23/2008 6:20 PM  

I love the wipes!

This would be a fantastic prize, because method products are wonderful!

By Blogger jennydecki, at 4/23/2008 7:47 PM  

So far I've only tried Method hand soap, but I liked it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/23/2008 8:52 PM  

I am addicted to the smell of the pink grapefruit all purpose cleanser. It (almost) makes cleaning the kitchen fun!

By Blogger Elliott, at 4/23/2008 9:21 PM  

I love the method shower spray because I'm not scared of breathing it or having it go down my drain!

By Blogger CC, at 4/23/2008 9:30 PM  

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