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![]() ![]() mod*mom "green" giveaway :: 5 "green" compostable diaper starter kits gdiapers flushable, compostable diapers are a better choice than washable or disposable + they'd love to get mod*mom readers started using them. to enter to win a gdiapers environmentally friendly diaper starter kit, please leave me a comment telling me your gdiapers favorite features + colors. (include your email address + web url, so i can contact you when you win!) before midnight, monday march 24 by ~mod*mom~ at 5.3.08 © 271 Comments:
I love that it's a cross between cloth and disposable. And I like the vanilla bean color. By Brenners, at 3/05/2008 4:48 AM
I like that they are plastic-free and compostable. My favorite color is the Got Chocolate Brown. By Jill Morowitz, at 3/05/2008 5:13 AM
These are like the hybrid between disposable and cloth. LOVE THEM. I really like that they are flushable and love the chocolate brown and the goodwill green. Great find!
love these. great give away. i love the brown and green ones. the orange ones featured on your site are great too. By Andy, at 3/05/2008 5:22 AM
I love the lavendar color. I have been researching cloth diapers for awhile now and love the fact that you buy a whole set (big $ initially) and then never have to buy anything else! By Sarah M, at 3/05/2008 5:29 AM
I love the brown, vanilla, and green. My favorite feature besides less environmental waste is the velcro closure around the back. I can't wait to give them a try when our newest addition arrives in a few weeks!
The "Got Chocolate Brown" are very cute. By superfizz, at 3/05/2008 6:03 AM I love the Golden Orange and the Global Blue. When I checked these out a local shop I thought, "Ah ha! A solution!" I just love the idea of "no garbage, and no guilt" By Nicole, at 3/05/2008 6:14 AM Whoops, the email is nicoleandadam at gmail dot com By Nicole, at 3/05/2008 6:15 AM
I ahve always wanted to try these, they seem very interesting
These are just the greatest diapers. I've really been wanting to try them on my 4 month old. I like the idea of half disposable/biodegradable, half cloth. I couldn't see switching to 100% cloth, but I really can't stand more diaper landfill. I like the velcro in the back feature - great to keep your babe from pulling off the diaper. All of the colors are fun too. I'm especially fond of golden orange, goodwill green and vanilla bean.
Love the 'goodwill green'. I have seen these in action through a friend and they are as great as they seem. By patty, at 3/05/2008 6:35 AM The goodwill green is cool. I just love that they have come up with an economical and environmentally friendly option! By Bebemiqui, at 3/05/2008 6:48 AM
I totally love the orange and cream. The blue is nice, too, and so is the brown. I am registered for this kit but I would LOVE to win it! By Unknown, at 3/05/2008 6:49 AM
I like the more stretch in the waist and leg feature. You can get a good fit on any size baby. By lace, at 3/05/2008 6:51 AM
I love the chocolate and the orange. I live in an apartment with a coin-operated washing machine. Cloth diapers aren't an option, but I'd like to use a diaper that's more environmentally friendly than disposables, and these seem perfect! I've only heard rave reviews from other moms. By rainbow house, at 3/05/2008 7:27 AM Oh my gosh, I LOVE these!! I wish they had been around from my first baby. I love, love, love the environmental component and the flushability of these. So convenient, esp. on the go! My favorite colors are the chocolate, orange and vanilla. Thank you! By Smellyann, at 3/05/2008 7:39 AM Love the chocolate and the global blue. And what's better than flushable? Thanks! By suzzcq70, at 3/05/2008 7:46 AM
oops . . . By suzzcq70, at 3/05/2008 7:47 AM
We are planning to mainly cloth diaper our little one due in June, but I would love a more environmentally option for traveling. This seems like a good option! I love the chocolate and the orange! By Lucy, at 3/05/2008 7:51 AM
LOVE the new lavender color! and have always favored the orange and the brown.
i love that the inserts are biodegradable, and just how cute they are. By Owner, at 3/05/2008 8:35 AM
Golden Orange is my fave and I love that they are less wasteful than a sposie, but a little easier than a normal cloth dipe. yay.
I have been wanting something for my kiddos to wear at night! Cloth doesn't hold much for us, and we hate using disposables because they don't compost. I really hope I win these - thanks for the awesome giveaway, as usual! By jenna, at 3/05/2008 8:48 AM
New softer velcro closures around the back & Machine washable
fave features = breathable, good for planet, and keep baby's bum happy. fave colors = got chocolate brown, global blue, and genuine vanilla bean. (obviously I have a boy!) I like the brown cover and I really like that there is no chlorine. Thanks, maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com) By NSMOM, at 3/05/2008 9:11 AM
I love that they're not bulky like most cloth diapers are. I also love that they're a greener option than standard disposables. By Unknown, at 3/05/2008 9:16 AM
My favorite feature... "no landfill required" By Unknown, at 3/05/2008 9:20 AM the elastic in the back- no garbage- completely compostable!! Yay- it horrifies me how much we generate with one in diapers- as we expect another- UGH- thats a lot of trash! jbubolz-miller@hotmail.com Jenny M By Unknown, at 3/05/2008 9:22 AM
The new lavender color is nice. I do like the fact that you can choose to compost or toss the liner, for those of us who are not sure we could make it to the toilet to flush it every time. I like how the inserts are biodegradable. My favorite colors are the lavender and pink. By CrystalGB, at 3/05/2008 10:13 AM i already left a comment but not only do i love the colors but i love the video about his they are biodegradable. it was really cool and made me like these diapers even more. By Andy, at 3/05/2008 11:37 AM Love the garden lavender and the flushability! By Brooke, at 3/05/2008 11:42 AM It's so great that it's compostable. The Goodwill Green would be our choice - nice and gender-neutral. :) By kevnjacks, at 3/05/2008 11:50 AM
I like the fact that the insert is flushable. By melonkelli, at 3/05/2008 1:15 PM
We've been using gDiapers for a few months and LOVE them. I like that I can compost the wet flushables. The color we like best is vanilla bean but I haven't bought any lavender yet. By ClumberKim, at 3/05/2008 1:17 PM These are awesome!!! I love that they protect the environment but they aren't a burden on tired new moms!! Love the lavender and orange. By Jules, at 3/05/2008 1:18 PM
Love the Goodwill green and Chocolate brown (better to hide stains!! yuk). By Kathleen W., at 3/05/2008 1:25 PM Are you kidding me!! I LOVE THESE! Of course my favorite feature is that they are easy to use without filling up our landfills! carter.katelyn(at)gmail.com By Miscellany Mom, at 3/05/2008 1:53 PM I love how gDiapers has updated their design. I used the old ones and I loved them. I have yet to try composting th wet ones, I love all the colors!! By Hold the Gluten Please, at 3/05/2008 2:15 PM I love the innovative concept of these diapers. Truly a life changing product for everyone on the planet. I am about to have my third child and can't wait to try these diapers out. There were no alternative diaper options other than the pesky cloth diaper 6 years ago when I had my first child. I love the goodwill green. By Barb, at 3/05/2008 3:37 PM
With twins on the way to join my 3 year old tot, I am really looking for ways to not load up our landfills with traditional diapers, but I also need something manageable since my hands will be FULL!. Gdiapers are perfect and the orange color is so mod!
The "garden lavendar" and "got chocolate brown" are too cute! The velcro closure in the back is ingenious!! These would be fabulous to try - I know I'll love them. Hmm, there are some really pretty shades. I like Genuine Vanilla the best though, because it's unisex, which equals hand-me-downs--which equals environmentally-friendliness, of course. I love how good these are for the environment. I was talking to my mom the other day about possibly using cloth diapers to be a little more eco-friendly, but this sounds like a more practical option. By Kaitlin, at 3/05/2008 8:12 PM
I'm REALLY hoping to use this with my baby on the way. We use Seventh Gen. now but these g-diapers look awesome. I'm loving the chocolate or vanilla bean ones! By Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph, at 3/06/2008 7:49 AM
Hi, again! Great posts! The more we can do to encourage and remind each other about doing our part for our world, the better we can all work together! By Loving Her Beautiful, at 3/06/2008 9:46 AM I like that these are good for the enviromant, you can flush those or compost those. By Hedi, at 3/06/2008 10:18 AM I love all their colors, especially global blue and chocolate brown since I have a baby boy. I've been looking for something like this for awhile - much more earth friendly than disposables without the extra hassle of cloth diapering. I'm so glad someone finally came up with this! By Kate, at 3/06/2008 2:39 PM So psyched that they are compostable. My plants will be happy! The orange is so nice and sunshiney! By art-sweet, at 3/06/2008 5:09 PM Love your chocolate brown. Thanks. By Uniquely Yours, at 3/06/2008 7:46 PM This looks like a great solution. The FAQ section on toilets was interesting!! Ok, I like the brown, green and vanilla (the orange lettering is great!). Baby number two is coming in 8 weeks so this would be good timing! By jwong, at 3/06/2008 8:30 PM
I like the got chocolate ones and I'm loving the fact you can flush them!
I love that these are earth friendly by being flushable and staying out of landfills. I also love that they are delicate enough for babies... no diaper rashes. My favorite color is the brown or green. By Deb, at 3/07/2008 5:16 AM
The colors are just so peaceful. I like that there's a compromise between disposable and reusable. It's definitely something I'd like to use. The "goodwill green" is my favorite. By Pesky Settler, at 3/07/2008 6:09 AM
i love that the tiny gel capsules will never By Unknown, at 3/07/2008 6:25 AM
I love that they are the perfect solution for meshing disposable with cloth. There are times when a plain cloth diaper just won't do! I refuse to buy disposables, but I would buy these for sure. Bonus: the overcloths are just darn cute. By chinesetwine, at 3/07/2008 7:06 AM I love these! A friend has been using them and raves about them. :) I love that they don't just end up in a landfill. The chocolate and vanilla bean colors are great. , ati am in love with these-- i think they are a must have, in orange and chocolate By kz, at 3/07/2008 7:59 AM
love the garden lavender!quick, clean, easy...green! By Monika, at 3/07/2008 9:04 AM This is a wonderful option for people who want to help the environment, but conviential cloth diapers are just too much trouble for. Great find. , atThis is a fantastic alternative to the conventional diapers! I love all the colors and I do have a compost in the yard, so it would work beautifully! Thanks for the opportunity to win:) By orange you lucky!, at 3/07/2008 1:43 PM
Sounds like a perfect option for moms like me who want to be more environmentally friendly, but don't quite have the courage to go cloth. By Mandy, at 3/07/2008 4:53 PM I have been looking into these for my son. We do cloth now, and I would love to flush. So that is my fav feature. Plus I just love the bright green colors. sevenarches.blogspot.com By Allison and Ben, at 3/07/2008 6:37 PM
I like that they are disposable & biodegradable. I like the global blue and goodwill green. By chag78, at 3/08/2008 1:27 AM
These can put these diapers in the compost pile. How cool is that? I like the Goodwill Green :) Thanks! By Unknown, at 3/08/2008 7:19 AM
The best thing is how much better they are for the environment. I am really interested in these - thanks for sharing, I'd never heard of them before. I love the blue color! By stacey, at 3/08/2008 4:01 PM I guess chocolate brown--I like all the colors! I like the fact that the landfill won't be as full! elireeves(at)stny(dot)rr(dot)com By Rebecca R., at 3/08/2008 9:14 PM My favorite feature is that they are biodegradable and you can compost the wet ones! Keeping disposables out of the landfill and without the hassle of cloth diapers should be a model for the feature of diapers. I like the chocolate brown and orange colors. meganberka@gmail.com By Megan, at 3/08/2008 11:04 PM I love that they are a great compromise between cloth and disposable. My husband and I have definitely decided to go with gDiapers for our baby due any minute, so a free starter kit would be great. I plan on reviewing them on my blog, also. Oh, my favorite color is the chocolate brown - with summer coming who needs to worry about buying organic clothing with these cute little things on your kid's bum! By Mrs. Gray's Class, at 3/08/2008 11:20 PM
I love that you can throw the poop away without having to deal with washing it out! I also love that you can flush these so it is much more sanitary as well. Are you kidding me? What a fantastic idea! This is certainly a great product...so good for the environment. By mgster, at 3/09/2008 5:57 AM great thinking i like neutral colors By mverno, at 3/09/2008 6:23 AM great thinking i like neutral colors By mverno, at 3/09/2008 6:23 AM
I havent used these yet but I plan on getting them for my new little babe when he is born. I adore the orange and green diapers - so darling. With so many of my friends bragging about how wonderful they are I couldnt not use them. :) i could realy use this i verry much like to win this By jenny, at 3/09/2008 8:58 AM I really like the convenience of disposable minus the non-biodegradable part. I think the global green and goodwill orange are cute! By amwhiteh, at 3/09/2008 9:21 AM
Goodwill green, global blue...gotta love those names! The best feature is (starting from day one with a new baby) the biodegradable part and just the knowledge that one is doing SOMETHING to curb the landfill issues! Thanks for the contest and thanks to gdiapers for addressing the need for options to disposable diapers!
I love this idea, why haven't I heard of this sooner? I'm so glad I found this website. I love the chocolate brown and the goodwill green colors!!! By Ann, at 3/09/2008 10:24 AM first of all, i love the "g" right on the front. that's awesome! i love the neutral colors because they aren't too cutesy, you know? and i love that they are thin and breathable, yet do their "doody" (duty). cool, i hope i win! By you da mom!, at 3/09/2008 10:43 AM I love that they are chlorine free! , atjamiekampf@yahoo.com , atI love the giggle pink and the vanilla bean! Such a great idea! Disposables that are earth friendly and baby friendly! So one finally came up with a great way to diaper your baby! Thanks for the opportunity to try these! , atWhat a great product! I´s choose the Got Chocolate Brown. By EmiliaV, at 3/09/2008 1:16 PM Those are so nice....And flushable?! Awesome. I like chocolate brown. :) By My Everythings, at 3/09/2008 1:16 PM I love the green ones! I can't beleive they are flushable! , at
What a fabulous concept! We currently cloth diaper, and I love this idea!
What a fabulous concept! We currently cloth diaper, and I love this idea! These are great! , atI like the fact that they're flushable. I really like the brown. By HilLesha O'Nan, at 3/09/2008 2:04 PM It is so great that these are environmentally sound and flushable! I relly like the Global Blue. By Jinxy and Me, at 3/09/2008 2:13 PM I like that they use no plastics. Vanilla bean is my favorite. By agordon10, at 3/09/2008 2:18 PM
I love how they are flushable and are less likely to give my baby diaper rash my fave colors are pink blue lavander and green :) The flushables of course! Go Green! By Unknown, at 3/09/2008 3:36 PM I'd love to try the flushables. By LINDALSHOT, at 3/09/2008 4:32 PM
I like that you can compost them. I love the white with the orange. By SC, at 3/09/2008 4:39 PM gardent lavender is very pretty. I'm all for saving the environment. By Princess Golden Hair, at 3/09/2008 4:51 PM I love that the inserts are flushable /compostable and easier than cloth when you are out and about. I love the lavender color. And most of all I love that they all have a tiny "g" on the back b/c my daughter's name is Gracie, so the "g" is just perfect for her! :) By greenkiddo, at 3/09/2008 5:07 PM
I forgot to leave my email and web url! By greenkiddo, at 3/09/2008 5:08 PM the flushables , at
Hmmm, these are interesting... I've never heard of anything like this. I like the Goodwill Green, Got Chocolate Brown, and the Vanilla Bean Cream color.... Yeah, I couldn't decide. It's nice that these diapers are easily emptied/cleaned like disposables but won't pile up in landfills. The global green is my favorite. , ati love these , ati like that they are compostable.. I like the garden lavender color.. By Miranda, at 3/09/2008 7:08 PM
I LOVE the cloth diaper-eque features, but the zero waste, less energy/water use! By Sheila, at 3/09/2008 7:14 PM
How innovative! These are great b/c they are better for the environment and keep waste out of the landfills. I like the vanilla best! By Jessica Cote, at 3/09/2008 7:15 PM
I like the Got Chocolate and that they are machine washable. By T'aowyn, at 3/09/2008 8:22 PM any color, please.......I like the comments that they are washable, and even more can be COMPOSTED! , at
I just ordered the starter kit to try with my two-month-old. We used pampers with our older son who is now potty-trained. The reason I want to use dgiapers is that I ws so saddened thinking of the volume we'll contribute to landfills just diapering our beautiful boy. I can't wait for the kit to arrive! By Melissa, at 3/09/2008 10:02 PM
I like that it's earth friendly. By KISSaholic4life, at 3/10/2008 1:23 AM These are a much better alternative to disposables. I used cloth with my youngest but I would definitely love to try these! I like the orange ones. By Kari, at 3/10/2008 4:36 AM I like Got Chocolate Brown. By idahomom, at 3/10/2008 6:54 AM I love the fact that they are flushable and compostable. How convenient! My daughter is pregnant with a baby boy, so my favorite color are Global Blue. By sweetsue, at 3/10/2008 7:44 AM I like the lavender color and that they are better for the environment. By imjasonc, at 3/10/2008 8:06 AM
I love all the colors! Especially Brown, Orange, and Vanilla! By Unknown, at 3/10/2008 8:49 AM I love that they are so natural and I love the different colors. I work for an environmental department of a local municipality and we're always looking for earth friendly alternatives. I love the lavender and the giggle pink. By Cassie, at 3/10/2008 9:09 AM
My very favorite colors are the Global Blue and Vanilla! These are great! Such a great idea! Love the fact that you can flush them. Giggle Pink is very cute! By Unknown, at 3/10/2008 10:30 AM I love that I can compost these. Giggle Pink is my fave. By lyn21, at 3/10/2008 10:49 AM I love that this is a cross betwwen cloth and disposable. my fav colors are lavender, chocolate and vanilla bean! , atlove giggle pink! By sherryp, at 3/10/2008 12:11 PM
I'm contemplating going cloth but have thought this would be a nice alternative too. I love the bright orange even though it wouldn't match any of my girls clothes! By Sara, at 3/10/2008 12:34 PM
I use cloth most of the time with my baby, but I love the idea of a diaper I can compost and that doesn't have plastic. We need a lot less plastic in this world. I really like the golden orange color. Thanks for the contest! By Megan, at 3/10/2008 2:29 PM How wonderful. Finally someone has come up with a diaper that doesn't hurt the environment and is handy for the mom! Love the pink ones best but the blue is great, too! By miriama, at 3/10/2008 3:03 PM
thank you for the great contest
I love the orange and goodwill green for colors. As for features, I love that using them would mean the clearer conscience of using cloth without the laundry! By Sara, at 3/10/2008 6:47 PM
I love that these are flushable and that they're cloth without the hassle of the laundry. I like the goodwill green color. I love that they are both cloth and disposable!! Very smart idea! And I love the orange color. :) By Andrea, at 3/10/2008 7:14 PM I love that they are flushable. My favorite color is the global blue. The giggle pink is really cute too but I don't think it would look that great on my little man. By Suzie Williams, at 3/10/2008 8:23 PM Love the golden orange. By mousitch, at 3/10/2008 9:09 PM
I love that they are flushable.. as at least that way I might actually get my mother to use them when I send them with Connor to visit her... and btw Ive been dying to try some more eco friendly diaper options!! By Angela, at 3/10/2008 11:50 PM I've never tried gdiapers, but we do use cloth. I love the fact that there would be no stinky diaper pail! By Waldeck Dry Goods, at 3/11/2008 4:58 AM I'd love the chocolate and green. By Unknown, at 3/11/2008 6:05 AM I love the plastic-free and velcro features. They are very innovative. My favorite color is the Got Chocolate Brown! , at
what i love about these diapers: they're environment-friendly and baby skin-friendly. :) By Ivÿ, at 3/12/2008 2:17 AM
oops, here's my correct email addy: By Ivÿ, at 3/12/2008 2:24 AM I am a former cloth diaper user, I LOVE that it takes the best of cloth and the best of disposables and makes them user-friendly. I would love to try these diapers! I love Giggle Pink! By Heather, at 3/12/2008 3:07 PM We use cloth diapers and these would be so handy for traveling. I love the pink, green, chocolate and vanilla colors (actually all of their colors are pretty cute!). If I win, please email me at mnlefty (at) gmail (dot) com , at
These diapers are AMAZING! I have 2 gdiapers and LOVE them! They hold things in better than other diapers and I love how the liners are flushable. By Unknown, at 3/13/2008 2:16 PM All the colors are so happy but if pressed, I'd say global blue is my favorite. And what's not to like about this great product? Earth, baby and mom-friendly. By Barbara, at 3/13/2008 2:55 PM I love the brown and green, and I LOVE that they velcro in the back...no getting them off until *I* want them off! :) By Unknown, at 3/13/2008 3:08 PM Love the global blue and lavender,,,and love the no chlorine and the flushale idea :) By Unknown, at 3/13/2008 10:38 PM Oh wow. I've never heard of these before. I'd love to try them on my 1 year old son. The blue is fab. By Annette, at 3/13/2008 11:26 PM
Oh my gosh- thanks for the introduction to gdiapers! I love the no-landfill 'feature' and the easy velcro wrap (to keep things in place!). Favorite color? Has to be green! By Laura, at 3/14/2008 3:04 AM I love the velcro feature and love the green color! , at
Of course the great feature is the flushable, non-toxic liners in the cloth reusable pants! By Ursula, at 3/14/2008 7:42 AM
gDiapers are the only way my husband would give up using disposables so I am really crossing my fingers to win this one! I love the got chocolate brown and global blue. By sorchacaitlindolan, at 3/14/2008 9:00 AM
My favorite feature: flushability. i like that they are compostable and i like the vanilla color. By vboackle, at 3/14/2008 10:35 AM FLushable liners clearly rock, plus the innerliner adds another layer of protection/usability. And the orange is wicked cute! By TheFunkyFeline, at 3/14/2008 6:02 PM
I love these! this is the first time I have heard of them and love the idea! I am a very earth friendly momma! The gdiaper is much more handy that cloth only! I have been scoping these for a while and plan on using them for our baby when he joins us. Love the fact that they are flushable and washable! Orange and chocolate would be my favs! By bluenude3, at 3/14/2008 8:25 PM
I love that they are recyclable! Less waste that we are putting in the landfills :) By Katy, at 3/14/2008 9:23 PM It is a great that they are earth friendly and biodegradable!! I love this!! I love the Giggle Pink!! These are not only cute but good for our enviroment!! Please enter me .... Aharris007@sc.rr.com By aharris007, at 3/14/2008 11:12 PM I actually use some Gdiapers already and LOVE them. Not only can you use the disposable/flushable/compostable liner a prefold diaper fits too, making it 100% reusable. I actually really like the orange. By rbnsnd2, at 3/15/2008 6:45 AM
i am due in a few weeks and have a box of these to try out. it's great to see that so many people have used 'em and love them-- i was on a mad search for a green diaper- and well, after my mom saw that julia roberts gave them the thumbs up, we figured we have to try 'em out. (kidding!) By frecklewonder, at 3/16/2008 5:45 AM I like how they fasten in the back to subvert baby from undoing them. And I love the modern color palette, too. , at
I like that you can flush the disposable part down the toilet! If I have a girl, I would get the pink ones!
No way! I'm so GLAD I found this contest! I've always wanted to try G Diapers, but haven't had money for startup. I love that it's helping to keep diapers that take decades (if not never) to decompose out of the landfills! By Milk Mama, at 3/16/2008 1:59 PM
I think this is a good idea! It's not too much more work than a disposable diaper and has many more benefits. They're cute too!!! Love all the earthy colors.
I'm due in May and want to go the cloth diaper route. I like the mix of cloth and disposable for traveling and such. By Lacy, at 3/17/2008 8:11 AM I love the idea of green diapers. I like the vanilla colored ones best. By bfox74, at 3/17/2008 12:34 PM
I like that they are breathable less problems for baby's skin. the chocolate brown and the goodwill green By bison61, at 3/17/2008 1:12 PM i love that the inserts are biodegradable, By Donna, at 3/18/2008 3:55 AM These are like the hybrid between disposable and cloth. I really like that they are flushable and love the vanilla color. Great find! By cdrury, at 3/18/2008 7:29 AM I just learned about these diapers yesterday! I went to the site ready to buy it out, but I'll be a first time mom in June, and have decided to wait a few weeks. My favorite colors are the green, chocolate and blue, but they aren't the started kit. It's so neat to be able to help the environment in such a easy way!! By Sarah, at 3/18/2008 1:11 PM
oh, i read about these on mightygirl.com, and have been hoping to check them out when my baby is born (in august). By ailidh briar, at 3/18/2008 1:24 PM
I have just started researching G diapers and am very interested in trying them. I love the fact that using them reduces the waste in our landfills. They say that 20 million diapers are deposited in landfills daily. That is hard to wrap your head around and a sad fact for our children's futures. I love the chocolate color. Thanks for the giveaway! By twinkietam, at 3/18/2008 2:22 PM
I like the giggle pink and vanilla. I like that they appear easy like a disp. diaper but they have a conscience like a cloth one. By grommom, at 3/18/2008 2:26 PM i like the giggle pink color and that you can flush, compost or toss the diaper. cool giveaway, thanks! By Mary512, at 3/18/2008 2:33 PM Please enter me! I love the goodwill green, and with 4 kids, this would be a great balance between cloth and disposables. By Annette, at 3/18/2008 2:36 PM I have been looking at these! Goodwill Green is great. I love the name! By Leni, at 3/18/2008 2:38 PM oops i forgot to add my email and web url. email is hellomary018 AT yahoo DOT com. blog is mommyland512.blogspot.com. Thanks! By Mary512, at 3/18/2008 2:38 PM The Global Blue is my favorite color. I love the liners. They're so much cuter than your standard disposables. By Reiza, at 3/18/2008 3:00 PM I love that the inserts are biodegradable! And I love the orange color!! By Bree, at 3/18/2008 3:25 PM
We LOVE cloth diapers!!! Love the giggle pink, girly colors are so fun! mandi_court at yahoo dot com I like that they are Plastic-free, and love the vanilla bean color. By JaniceJ, at 3/18/2008 4:00 PM
i absolutely love that it is so easy to get rid of, instead of it sitting in the house, or in a landfill somewhere... By Uberly Mother, at 3/18/2008 4:15 PM oh how cute i love to win some for my little one who well olny 13mo's old and if thay make them that big it would help out a lot needing to save money thats one of the other reasons why i would love to win some By jenny, at 3/18/2008 4:44 PM I love how quickly they biodegrade. That is awesome and means that my baby will have a smaller footprint on the earth! By Tiffany, at 3/18/2008 4:48 PM
I'm planning on doing cloth diapers when my baby is born in May, so I love that these would be SO much more convenient! By JenO, at 3/18/2008 5:29 PM
I love the vanilla bean and garden lavender. I've been wanting to try g diapers for a while now - they seem like a good compromise between cloth and regular disposables, cutting down on waste but adding a little more convenience than cloth. we're all about composting in out household, so the ability to compost the wet ones is my favorite feature. color wise, i love goodwill green (also goodwill being one of my favorite stores ;) By Unknown, at 3/18/2008 5:44 PM I love that it make cloth diapering easy and accessible. So many people are turned off by the idea of having to wash poopy diapers, that this is an easy alternative. I'd love to give these a try for when we are go the go, though I don't think they'd replace my FuzziBunz. I really like the goodwill green! Thanks!! By PS, at 3/18/2008 5:56 PM I love the Lavender ones. It's such a great alternative to regular disposables. By Marcia, at 3/18/2008 6:44 PM
I like the Genuine Vanilla Bean. I like that they are flushable and biodegradable. I have been having issues using disposables and claiming that we are going green. I have felt like a hypocrite. I love that these are plastic free and that the wet diapers can be composted - something we are trying out. I love the goodwill green & I love the Got Chocolate Brown. Wish I had a use for the Giggle PInk. Maybe with this next one? By Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy, at 3/18/2008 6:57 PM I have been having issues using disposables and claiming that we are going green. I have felt like a hypocrite. I love that these are plastic free and that the wet diapers can be composted - something we are trying out. I love the goodwill green & I love the Got Chocolate Brown. Wish I had a use for the Giggle PInk. Maybe with this next one? By Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy, at 3/18/2008 6:57 PM
Golden Orange is my favorite color. These diapers look like they rock! I wanted them really bad when we first had our son, but we went with cloth for the cost and environmental impact. It would be great to have a start with these, because then it would just be upkeep, AND they would be easier to travel with for sure! By felicitouschick, at 3/18/2008 8:03 PM How cool! I like the Vanilla Bean and Global Blue. I love that you can flush them and compost them. That is just the best! By .Dee Lish, at 3/18/2008 8:07 PM I love that they're less waste in a landfill, but still easy to travel with! I'd go with the Vanilla Bean color so they wouldn't show under lightweight summer clothes. By Becca, at 3/18/2008 8:37 PM I love that they flush-those diaper pails just don't keep the odor out! And environmentally friendly is a huge plus, of course. I like lavender for my little girl! , at
I love that these are environmentally friendly, and that you can flush the inserts! Also, just love the fact that these are plastic free even with removable inserts. I love the Giggle Pink and Got Chocolate! what a great idea! I'd love to try these! By J_Mama, at 3/19/2008 2:30 AM what a great idea! I'd love to try these! By J_Mama, at 3/19/2008 2:30 AM Oh yeah...forgot my email address: jenni_aja at hotmail dot com By J_Mama, at 3/19/2008 2:31 AM I love that I wouldn't be piling up a garbage bag full of diapers every week, and that the velcro closes in the back! My favorite colors are the vanilla bean and giggle pink. Very cute, I would LOVE to try these out! By Abby, at 3/19/2008 3:50 AM
They look so comfortable! I like the velcro closure. Hard to believe they're flushable...wow! By jennifer57, at 3/19/2008 5:04 AM
I like that they're flushable, chlorine and dye free (my son has sensitive skin). Global Blue and Goodwill Green are cute! By Rockin' Mama, at 3/19/2008 6:07 AM
I have been wanting to try these for a long time now - they look like they are a lot easier to handle than regular cloth diapers and I like the thought that they are flushable - no stacks of dirty cloth diapers waiting to be laundered. :P The Goodwill Green is my favorite color. By Nicole G, at 3/19/2008 6:21 AM |