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mod*mom ~
![]() ![]() mod*mom giveaway :: (3) 1 year's supply of futuristic laundry soap $480 i LOVE to simplify my cleaning routine with environmentally friendly products that are gentle on fabrics + sensitive baby skin, with no perfumes or dyes. dropps is offering mod*mom readers 720 washloads of dropps free + clear premeasured concentrated liquid laundry soap packets. to enter to win a year's supply of dropps free + clear laundry soap packets, tell me in the comments, why do you + the planet need dropps? (include your email address + web url so i can contact you when you win!) if you have a blog or website, i'd love a link to mod*mom (click for code), before midnight, monday december 24 *everyone can get 20 free dropps soap packets at whole foods or target! (click here) by ~mod*mom~ at 3.12.07 © 138 Comments:
I'd share this with my grandma who can't handle big bottles of liquid soap or see very well to measure.
WOW! How do you find these wonderful products! I can't see those measuring lines in liquid bottle caps either + I always spill it on my machine.
That's fabulous! We need this because we have sensitive skin and it saves so many resources for our planet :)
This stuff really looks great! My son has sensitive skin, so I would love to try it with him! And not to mention using this would conserve a huge amount of natural resources! Thanks for the awesome chance to win! I love that there is so little waste! What a fantastic idea, and it will make helping with laundry that much easier for my daughter. By Becca, at 12/03/2007 7:44 PM
I need Dropps because I do a LOT of laundry, day in and day out. The planet needs Dropps because the landfills are bound to fill up sooner than later. By Emily, at 12/03/2007 8:05 PM This comment has been removed by the author. By Renae, at 12/03/2007 8:09 PM
This would be great! Having a little one, we do A LOT of laundry! This is a great product for the planet because there's far less waste...which is wonderful. Thanks for a great giveaway! By Renae, at 12/03/2007 8:12 PM These are excellent! My husband and baby both have sensitive skin, and I have searched for a laundry soap that will not irritate their skin and clean well. Seems like it is one or the other. I don't need to smell like a flower to feel clean. Really. Yuck. And then there's the issue of all the waste involved in packaging, chemicals no one would want on their skin, in their clothes, or in a landfill. I love how Dropps are premeasured for no screw-ups and how you toss the whole thing in. Love it. Hoping I'm a winner! If enough people used Dropps, there would be a lot less waste and contamination. I hope these catch on, they are so rad. By heather h, at 12/03/2007 9:00 PM
I could use this because I have three boys and their daddy to do laundry for! With toddlers there is so much more filth than I ever would have believed. By Shama-Lama Mama, at 12/03/2007 10:49 PM My son has so many allergies. The only detergent I can find that is GFCF, soy free and corn free is ALL free and clear...but it has chemicals. I would rather try something chemical free. could not find the ingredients on this one though...I'll try whole foods today! By Pickel, at 12/04/2007 6:46 AM
I like it won't take up a lot of space + use all that plastic, water + diesel fuel.
Less waste for the planet, less trips to the garbage for me. It's a win-win.
Wow wonderful! Im always in a hurry to get the laundry in the washer with Connor crawling now and I always end up making a disaster of a mess. Plus anything that cuts down on trash and clutter is wonderful! By Angela, at 12/04/2007 9:10 AM What an excellent concept and mind jarring facts! You'd be a complete idiot NOT to use drops unless you're like, allergic to them! The sheer amount of wasteful packaging is staggering! Even if I don't win, I'm so trying the free ones! COOL! By Ms. Mamma, at 12/04/2007 9:15 AM I need dropps because I am using cloth diapers for my new baby and so do alot of laundry. I obvsiouly want to lessen my impact on the environment (one of the reasons I am using cloth diapers) and would like to align my washing with the benefits of cloth. I also want to teach my son about proper stewardship of his earth! By Holly, at 12/04/2007 9:15 AM
I think it's really important to use non-petroleum based, clean products for ourselves AND for the environment. I hope to teach my son one little thing every day that he can do to help -- and when he gets big enough to help me with the laundry, we can do a little chemistry lesson about how Drops helps the environment! The reduced packaging is a huge benefit - think of all the transportation energy that is saved! This is a great new eco-friendly product! By Mindful Momma, at 12/04/2007 9:34 AM
Wow, I can't imagine the savings winning a year's supply of detergent would do for our family. Thank you! By Amanda, at 12/04/2007 10:33 AM
We just tried dropps for the first time and they're great. We live in the country with well water and a septic tank, so using regular detergent is bad! Thank goodness for dropps... I need soap that is free of dyes and softeners and boosters and fillers so I can use it with my cloth diapers, and two of my children need special soap for allergies. Plus less soap is better for the environment. By Qtpies7, at 12/04/2007 12:23 PM
My children and I have skin allergies and Eczema, so I think this soap would be great...and it is environmentally safe! The amount saved to have free laundry soap for a year is huge, too! By Sassyfrazz, at 12/04/2007 12:30 PM
Well, when you refer to Dropps as futuristic, it immediately makes laundry that much sexier! And mod. By Superdumb Supervillain, at 12/04/2007 1:00 PM
It would be so cool to win this! By Tricia, at 12/04/2007 1:01 PM If everyone was a little bit more conscience about the environment in all aspects of their lives, including laundry, just think of the impact! It would be huge! I'd love to try Dropps. By Amber, at 12/04/2007 1:08 PM Oh how great! No waste so it is perfect for the planet, and my little ones have such senitive skin this would be great! By Kammy, at 12/04/2007 1:09 PM my youngest has sensitive skin and this would be great for plus less waste is good for us and the planet!! By noreen, at 12/04/2007 1:20 PM
Hi, What more could we ask for? A product that helps us and the environment?! Please add me to your contest! Thanks,Cindi By windycindy, at 12/04/2007 1:22 PM
what a great giveaway. My baby has very sensitve skin! Sounds like a great product! Count me in! :) ~melody~ By Pennies In My Pocket, at 12/04/2007 2:36 PM My family needs a gentle detergent, and the planet needs less poison! Thanks for offering this product. By Thomas Donnelly, at 12/04/2007 2:47 PM I have been changing everything over to environmentally friendly things. Plus I hate using bottles because they are so messy! By Monique, at 12/04/2007 2:52 PM my sister-in-law uses this and swears by it. By 2migirlsmom, at 12/04/2007 3:02 PM Diaper wash! I do laundry with my baby strapped to me, and I always worry a little that even my enviro friendly detergent might splash or billow up on her. We CD for the environment 1st and hope to use detergent that is good for the planet. , atI am all about helping save the planet. I can't do the big things, but I can do the small things (like this) and hopefully it will all add up :-) By Angela, at 12/04/2007 3:09 PM I love the fact that you use less detergent and save the environment! I'm making my own detergent now to help lessen my carbon footprint, but this sounds like a great alternative. By Unknown, at 12/04/2007 3:45 PM Me + the planet need this because less trips to the grocery store = less gas spent driving back and force. By Kristen M., at 12/04/2007 3:45 PM My son has a lot of allergies and this would make life easier. By Julie, at 12/04/2007 4:45 PM Because I have sensitive skin and it would be less waste for the planet. By kitty, at 12/04/2007 4:53 PM
I need dropps because I have a 5 month old little boy and I would love to do laundry quickly, efficiently, hassle and mess free! I also think it's important for me to do things to preserve the planet for my son. By Rockin' Mama, at 12/04/2007 5:16 PM My son recently developed an allergy to the detergent that I've been using. I'd love to give this a try. By divrchk, at 12/04/2007 5:52 PM
I need dropps because we cloth diaper so I do extra extra laundry every week. I really feel that cding helps the planet but the water use, etc. still gets me bogged down. By Unknown, at 12/04/2007 6:02 PM
Thank you so much! By Maggie Smith, at 12/04/2007 6:13 PM For one, my 3 y.o. son has always wanted to help with the laundry and I've always said, maybe when you're older [and can handle a gallon jug!] but now I can say yes, which will be SOO fun for him! :) And ever since babies started arriving in our house, we've been trying to lessen our footprint on the earth with various things [cloth diapers, cloth wipes, etc] and dropps would help by decreasing water waste. Yay! By kevnjacks, at 12/04/2007 6:56 PM
I need dropps because I am always doing laundry. This would make laundry quick and fast. By lace, at 12/04/2007 6:59 PM I do laundry for my mother in assisted living and many times for three young grandchildren (and one on the way!). How much better to keep them safe and free of chemicals! By Deborah aka Miss Bee, at 12/04/2007 7:48 PM For starters, I'm becoming more "green" to set an example for the kids and also simply because I do want to lessen my impact on the environment. And, of course, having two young kids, we do TONS of laundry. This would be wonderful! By ChiefFamilyOfficer, at 12/04/2007 9:10 PM Because I have a 6 month old and we all need to tread lightly on this poor planet! eowyn (at) bigpanda -dot- com , atWe need this product to help reduce waste and keep chemicals off of our bodies! By Bree, at 12/05/2007 5:41 AM
We do a lot of laundry for out 7 month old, and something that's gentler on our bodies and gentler on the planet would make it a little less painful to run those loads so often. By Dani, at 12/05/2007 6:16 AM Wow. My son and I both have sensitive skin and can't use anything for washing clothes that has any dyes or perfumes. A product that suits those needs AND is friendly to the environment? Sign me up! By MamaChristy, at 12/05/2007 7:15 AM In my family we all have such sensitive skin that perfume and dye free detergent is a must. And the Earth needs every environmentally friendly product it can get! By Katie, at 12/05/2007 7:17 AM I'm a laundrahaloic. , atI'm a cloth-diapering mama that uses quite a lot of laundry detergent. My family also has sensitive skin so we usually have to buy the more expensive soaps. We are also making a conscious effort to conserve and reuse/recycle as much as possible. Thanks for the giveaway. By jenna, at 12/05/2007 8:33 AM I want to save the planet by using good products that are saving the earth. By superfizz, at 12/05/2007 9:02 AM I'd love these to help out my mom. She can't do laundry because she can't lift the container, these would be perfect for her. Give her some independence plus helping the environment. I love the idea of getting rid of that big plastic bottle! By Ginny, at 12/05/2007 9:16 AM
I would love to win this! I am the oldest of 13 children, still living at home though 24 years old. I help take care of the youngest 10 children who are still at home and we do a LOT of laundry. The 720 washloads would probably only last us half a year but would be a big help financially as well as good for the environment. We do our best by making our own laundry detergent right now, which is more eco-friendly, but this sounds like an all-around good deal. Don't you think so?
These look perfect - no harsh chemicals AND no big packaging. I would love to use these! We all need to do what we can to make this planet sustainable. And I really like products with no dyes and perfumes. By phxbne, at 12/05/2007 9:40 AM With 2 young kids we are constantly doing laundry. And my 4 year old has super sensitive skin. , atwhy do I need this? well, because I have three boys three and under, and we'll be having number 4 soon! Laundry is a common thing aorund our house, and the safer it is, the bette for us and our enviorment! So please pick me!!! two_oni@hotmail.com By Toni, at 12/05/2007 1:18 PM i could use this for the cloth diapers and the extra laundry our daughter generates. By The Saunders Family, at 12/05/2007 1:52 PM
The planet needs these to continue to make people more aware of environmental concerns. By Bebemiqui, at 12/05/2007 2:11 PM
My allergies have exploded in the last 3 years. I could really use this for my own gain! By Tiffany, at 12/05/2007 2:41 PM Having two little ones it seems we are always running out of this!! This is just another small step towards a cleaner environment!! By Stacey Moore, at 12/05/2007 5:16 PM
The reduction in packaging & transportation energy costs are so wonderful... By adrienne, at 12/05/2007 7:55 PM
We all need dropps to help make this planet a safer place for future generations. Small steps make great strides! By tami, at 12/06/2007 9:34 AM
The more natural products we put into the earth, the better the earth will be to us in return. I call it Earth Karma. The less waste I put in, the better Earth Karma I get!! By PS, at 12/06/2007 10:57 AM There are too many phosphates in the ground water as it is. Take almost any rafting trip and you will see pristine waters marred by little soap bubbles in the eddies. Any product that promises to limit its footprint is good by me. Please sign me up for the giveaway. , atI am all for reducing waste and being environmentally friendly - but I also love clean laundry. Count me in! By Laura, at 12/06/2007 7:31 PM We now alternate between the enviro-friendly -- but packaging heavy - liquid we get at Trader Joe's and the scent-free concentrated All that requires minimal liquid. But either way we're not happy. This seems like it could solve some problems and help with the eczema, too! By goodyoneshoe, at 12/06/2007 9:19 PM Hell ya! I'd LOVE to win this one. It would make me feel a little better about doing my laundry. We currently use Method products (phosphate free, no parabens, and not tested on animales) but would love to try this. Sounds so easy to use! By Heather of liliputians NYC, at 12/08/2007 7:56 AM
Wow... this sounds too good to be true!!! You've got sure neat treats on here Mod Mom! That's wonderful!
The little waste factor does it for me. I love the reduction in packaging and transportation costs. We do so much more laundry now so this would be great! By art-sweet, at 12/09/2007 6:14 PM
I need dropps because i'm making an active change to be more green in my lifestyle and thought processes By Re, at 12/09/2007 8:21 PM
I would love to try this! We are very much trying to cut down on waste b/c we live in the country and don't have good trash pickup. lol. Something most people take for granted. By Linda, at 12/09/2007 9:30 PM I always use free & clear detergents for my daughter. We don't have a great recycle program, so I always feel guilty about the plastic waste. By Lilypad Mom, at 12/10/2007 7:40 AM I love that it it pre-measured, good for the environment and has so little waste. What a great idea! By Heather Casey, at 12/10/2007 12:09 PM
As a family we try to do waht we can to imporve the environment, this is just one easy way to help, would love to try it! By Amanda Young, at 12/10/2007 5:56 PM
It's great that this is free of chemicals, my family has sensitive skin and I try and find free and clear detergents. And, like other people have mentioned, less waste for the world we live in is always nice. Great for my babies' sensitive skin and less waste is always good for the planet! By Emily, at 12/12/2007 12:28 PM
environmentally sensitive ingredients and premeasured for limited waste - brilliant
Dropps looks like a good solution to excessive packaging. While I recycle everything possible, it would be nice to have less packaging. That it cleans without suds and is gentle on clothing is another bonus. And only one product for both the whole family and the baby, even better. By Knittergirl, at 12/14/2007 7:11 AM This would go along great with the cloth diapering I am planning on doing with my new baby. Double the environmental help. By Bess, at 12/14/2007 4:05 PM Wow, a free year of super laundry soap? It is biodegradable and fragrance free? Why haven't I heard of this before? I make my own hand soap, and I make some without any scent to do laundry with, but it is such a booger to hand grate it, that sometimes I just by commercial stuff. My husband has very allergic skin (which is why I make my own soap and creams, etc) and this would be wonderful to us! Even if I don't win this, (which I hope I do) I will have to go to Target, (we don't have a Whole Foods) and try to find this product! By Terri B, at 12/14/2007 9:25 PM
I would love to use this product to feel even better about my family's environmental impact!
For the new baby! And all the laundry that I'll be doing. By melonkelli, at 12/15/2007 7:14 AM WOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Sweet!! Count me in please!! :) By roxxyroller, at 12/15/2007 8:41 AM I am moving over the holidays. What a great way to lift my spirits!! By aprilh, at 12/15/2007 9:30 AM
The planet can totally use this because we ALL can stand to be a little "greener". By Chrystal, at 12/15/2007 6:02 PM I have 3 kids under 3. I think that says it all! By Two Mittens, at 12/15/2007 7:00 PM
I need Dropps because packets are a lot easier to carry around and concentrates are lighter-weight for using in the Green RV and for camping. These'd even be great for washing clothes at the homestead and using the graywater for watering the garden! By TheyDHD, at 12/15/2007 11:08 PM
There are 7 people living in our household, so as you can imagine I do A LOT of laundry. It would be great to be able to do use something that is good for planet & still fit in my family's free & clear laundry requirement. By Jalapeno Mama, at 12/15/2007 11:40 PM
I really need this product my son has excema and his skin is like sand paper most times, there really isn't anything I can do for him that helps. This product might help with the irritation and itchiness. I like the fact that it saves water, and you don't have to lift a ten pound bottle of laundry soap.
Oh, a mothers dream prize! Hehehe! By Melissa, at 12/16/2007 12:42 PM well, i just had a baby. my laundry quotient just went up considerably! i very much need this. :) By julie beth, at 12/16/2007 1:06 PM i need need need this prize, i have a new baby, and do tons of laundry! and whatever helps the planet works for me!!! By Chelsey, at 12/16/2007 3:39 PM So cool and thanks so much for the heads up on the link for the rebate as well! By Unknown, at 12/16/2007 4:16 PM I need drops because I have 2 girls that can't seem to wear only 1 outfit a day. The environment needs them because there is less packaging :) By Ginny, at 12/16/2007 6:24 PM
We need it because we have six people living in our home and the youngest still wets the bed every night. I believe it's associated with her seizures. Makes for at least one additional full load of laundry every day. We have done what we can so far, geo-thermal & wood heat, HE washer/dryer, fluorescent lighting. Every little bit helps to be a good steward of our home. I love products like this. My kids are learning so much in school about our environment and making things better here while we still can. We talk about recycling, reusing ect. But by also using products like this, when we do the laundry (and they can see how measure it) it makes me feel good that they see that I practice what I preach. , ati'm so glad you're all loving the dropps as much as i do. By mod*mom, at 12/16/2007 11:44 PM I would like to try this detergent. My family and I are new to environmental issues and the chemicals in the things we use daily. We're slowly trying to fade out our current products and use more healthy environmentally friendly products. This would be a good start. By J_Mama, at 12/17/2007 12:02 AM
I do LAUNDRY like nobody's business. My washer/dryer are going constantly with two baby girls! To be Eco friendly, would be lovely. Especially for free! By Tatum, at 12/17/2007 4:18 PM The above comment was me! tatobug007@yahoo.com By Tatum, at 12/17/2007 4:18 PM
Laundry, oh Laundry, I hate you, you stink. My skin is sensitive to dyes and perfume also. And the packets would take less space in our landfill-good idea! By bison61, at 12/18/2007 6:24 AM I need them because I have a messy husband and an even messier toddler who is learning to feed herself, and well, the planet needs all the help it can get By HilaryS, at 12/18/2007 9:17 AM I need dropps because I am expecting. I want his laundry to be gentle on his skin. I'm going to be doing a lot of laundry so a year supply of soap will help a lot. Dropps eliminate the need for plastic containers that typical soaps come in. By Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog, at 12/18/2007 1:42 PM I need this because I am a poor student who can't afford soap. My apartment needs this because they use efficient washers and dryers that save on water usage and wastage :) By dodo, at 12/19/2007 9:20 PM
My baby, due in May, needs gentle laundry soap for his diapers that will be kind to his sensitive baby skin (no perfumes or dyes!). The planet can use all the help it can get, so if I can eliminate a small amount of chemicals from the water supply, that will help everyone. By Unknown, at 12/20/2007 8:18 AM
"Well, I personally believe that dropps could help the Iraq and everywhere like and such as. ."
It sounds perfect to wash my babies cloth diapers, without me felling guilty of the bunch of laundering every 3 days... By mariacarolinacs, at 12/21/2007 6:27 AM caring for our enviroment that was Created niot by us, is important, I think. By Hedi, at 12/21/2007 10:13 AM
I think 502 million gallons of water says it all. I would love to win this. By abby, at 12/21/2007 11:30 AM
Our two year old has atopic dermatitis and requires all her laundry to be washed free of chemicals - would love to try Dropps - being planet friendly in addition to gentle for children makes it a total winner!
Hello, with 3 kids who have sensitive skin and allergies we'd love to give these a try. I'm trying to eliminate all harmful cleaning products from our home to benefit us and the environment! Wih 2 kids with eczema, I need dropps for their sensitive skin. Plus there is no waste and no chemicals to pollute our water or ground. By Kristin, at 12/22/2007 4:50 PM I would love to try this on Brea she just started getting some eczema. It would also be convenient not to have to measure it out especially if she is crying. As for the environment this product would do away with a lot of waste and if we want the planet to be safe for our children when they get older then we should start planning now. By Unknown, at 12/22/2007 5:39 PM i need this because i try to teach my children that every action is important and impactful, even something as simple as doing the laundry. we truly can change the world with everything that we do, even washing our clothes. save the world, one load at a time? it works for me and hopefully for the world! By Phyllis Sommer, at 12/22/2007 8:49 PM We use cloth diapers, and have sensitive skin -- but the most important is that we have a beautiful wetland behind our house that our household water drains out to...we always try to use soap that is safe for our environment. By opal & eric, at 12/22/2007 8:51 PM I need the planet and the planet needs me :) And I would love to try this detergent, I am trying Shaklee Get Clean right now, but there is still a lot of packaging surprisingly with it. By Fulmer Fam, at 12/22/2007 10:32 PM This comment has been removed by the author. By Fulmer Fam, at 12/22/2007 10:32 PM
I am using the Trader Joes "cleanliness" soap right now which I feel better about but I'm not crazy that it's a powder. Selfishly, I'd love a smaller, easier package. Dropps looks awesome. I signed up to get the free coupon. Can't wait to try it!
I would love to win the Dropps because I think I could share dropps with many students and dropps could make a difference in many lives. I am a technology teacher in Brooklyn. I do a unit on the environment and how technology affects the environment. This year, I have 16 classes with 30 or 32 students in each class so if I win, I would be able to give each of them a dropp to try on their laundry with their parent/parents. By Marlene McGarrity, at 12/23/2007 10:05 AM This is a fantastic product! , at
I would love to win and use these for many reasons! The most important one for me is that I have super sensitive skin and so does my daughter. We are big on recycling in our house and I can appreciate the impact this will have on the amount of waste in our landfills. Most companies sell you huge containers only half full and this makes me so mad! By Cricket, at 12/23/2007 6:10 PM Mom to mom - do it for mother earth. By Unknown, at 12/24/2007 5:31 AM
What a great product. We are teaching our oldest how to do laundry and these would be fantastic. Several members of our family have problems with their skin and detergents. By Brook, at 12/24/2007 7:47 AM
I've never heard of this... amazing! It sounds terrific! What a great idea! I'm always one of those people who wants to invent something like this, but never thinks hard enough about it. :) , at
I don't know if we have that in my neck of the woods. I've never seen them at Target. By Reiza, at 12/24/2007 2:20 PM
The planet and I NEED this because with 3 VERY messy boys (including a newborn with reflux!) we do a Ridiculous amount of laundry every day in this house! I always say that I have the hardest working washer in the universe! Also, myself, and 2 of the boys have extremely sensitive skin and can only use the "Free" detergents! By Danielle, at 12/24/2007 3:04 PM Oh gosh, there are so many reasons why the planet and I need Dropps... First, there are the always soiled nursing pads;) Then of course there are the diapers! Add that to the fact that my husband thinks that the more detergent he adds, the cleaner the clothes will be (yuck!), and pre-measured, environmentally safe detergent seems to be in order for both this mother and mother nature! By JustLilia, at 12/24/2007 6:30 PM
The planet and I need this so that I don't waste soap (like I have the tendency to do). By Ms Moore, at 12/24/2007 6:46 PM I am always trying to do buy products that are safer for the environment. I would love to try this product! By Heather, at 12/27/2007 1:56 PM |