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mod*mom ~
![]() ![]() ![]() mod*mom giveaway :: personalized mod holiday notecards $250 i'm on the lookout for holiday cards + i love these at fabulous stationery. fabulous stationery is offering 5 lucky mod*mom readers $50 in cards! to enter to win personalized mod notecards, tell me in the comments, "what are your favorite holiday styles at fabulous stationery + why?" (include your email address + web url so i can contact you when you win!) before midnight, monday december 3 by ~mod*mom~ at 15.11.07 © 115 Comments:
I like that mod ornament in blue green and the mod hearth because it has a ball chair! I love the mod hearth and also the nifty sixties!! They totally look like something that I would pick and I am also on the lookout for new and different christmas cards!! , atI love the groovy garland. It's a mod depiction of such an old-fashioned holiday decoration. By Becca, at 11/15/2007 6:32 AM
Powder and George + Gracie are very unique and great design. Beautiful. By Stephanie Hatzenbuehler, at 11/15/2007 6:41 AM
I like the Abstract Trees for the message...And Flurry for the simple but pretty design! They are all great though...I love the modern look! Thanks for the chance to win! I love the groovy garland because it reminds me of my mom who always strung the cranberries and popcorn...and I love the mod fruitcake because it's fun! jennmckim@hotmail.com , at
I love the groovy garland - homey and nostalgic and I love the colors. Mod home is cool too. By Unknown, at 11/15/2007 7:39 AM
I love the Mod Homestead and Mod Hearth. Great designs! I like the mod hearth, because I love anything retro. :) By HilLesha O'Nan, at 11/15/2007 7:49 AM
The mod homestead is nice, and I like powder. All beautiful! By Emily, at 11/15/2007 7:50 AM
this stationary truly is fabulous!!!!! By concrete*enthusiast, at 11/15/2007 8:50 AM These are so great! I would have to say George and Gracie are my absolute fave just because they remind me of my little two person household AND they look a little like The Partridges...which I really dug back in the day! Sweet stuff! By Ms. Mamma, at 11/15/2007 10:09 AM
George and Gracie is my favorite.. im afraid same partridge family thing is going on for me too.
Hi, I like the "Groovy Garland!" The reason I like that particular card is I have strung popcorn and cranberries and I like that look. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks, Cindi By windycindy, at 11/15/2007 10:57 AM These are wonderful! I love the flurry in particular. But they are really all awesome. By superfizz, at 11/15/2007 11:03 AM Too many great choices! I love Retro Wreath, Flurry and Fab Kumquats. By Superdumb Supervillain, at 11/15/2007 11:27 AM
I really like the Flurry design b/c I love snow and that reminds of Christmas!! By JewelsHud, at 11/15/2007 11:34 AM These are all FABULOUS! My favorite is the Holiday Cheer Penguins - I love the non specific winter holiday feel to it. And the penguins are done so well and sparingly. By Brooke, at 11/15/2007 11:42 AM Great stationary! I love everything, but my favorite is Rudy. It's just so cute & different! I'd love to win! By Jennifer, at 11/15/2007 11:44 AM
I think Snowy Tree is great! Close second- Mod home. By PS, at 11/15/2007 11:49 AM my fav is the Mod Snowflake because we are an interfaith family and i can send this card to both sides of our family without offending anyone. By lev53211, at 11/15/2007 11:54 AM I love the George and Gracie but I also really like the Flurry. Lot of cute designs, I hope I win! By Unknown, at 11/15/2007 12:00 PM I love the george+gracie. The contrast is awsome.. and who doesnt like penguins!? By Angela, at 11/15/2007 12:46 PM The mod wreath because of all the green! By Alison, at 11/15/2007 12:49 PM That mod fruitcake design is so cool.. By Nissa, at 11/15/2007 1:09 PM I like the retro wreath. Traditional xmas sentiment without being sappy! By Julie, at 11/15/2007 2:08 PM Absolutely the Mod Homestead in blue -- because it reminds me of our cozy little home. By redheadedhowler, at 11/15/2007 2:40 PM I like the mod homestead in purple because it is purple and so homey :) By noreen, at 11/15/2007 2:40 PM Ooh, I love Bling Bling because I LOVE vintage ornaments, can never have enough! Groovy Garland is also adorable! By Jenna Z, at 11/15/2007 2:47 PM I like the Partridge cards. You find yourself saying (or singing!) "and a partridge in a pear tree" and there aren't even any words on there! By juliana, at 11/15/2007 3:20 PM
oh my goodness! this stationery really is FABULOUS! I love so many of the designs it is hard to narrow it down! Mod snowflake, Peace and mod peace! Icicles! But my absolute favourite are the Fab Kumquats. It makes me think of Christmas when I was growing up and the total sense of wonder and abundance I always felt at those times. Abundance in a New Year. Thanks, again, Mod*Mom for introducing me to amazing new things! Pihoq I love the "Mistletoe" best because it is so pretty and funky. Hard to pick just one! By Katie, at 11/15/2007 3:47 PM
I like the mod snowflake. Indeed, very mod. By abby, at 11/15/2007 4:11 PM Can't choose between mod homestead and holiday door. These are great. , atI like the partridge cards. :0) ( meg.wilson@gmail.com ) , atI love the green Groovy Garland because it reminds me of stringing popcorn (and eating half of it...). I also love Flurry, but I'm not sure why. By ikkinlala, at 11/15/2007 5:13 PM I love the George and Gracie set with the penguins. My 20 month old daughter is really into penguins and everyone knows this, so they would be awesome cards coming from our family. By ~Amber~, at 11/15/2007 5:39 PM It's all about the Mod Snowflake for me, it's the most authentic-feeling of the retros. Besides looking so dang cool. By david elzey, at 11/15/2007 6:06 PM I like the mod homestead! It is so warm and cozy yet mod! Love it! By Kammy, at 11/15/2007 6:58 PM
I like HOLIDAY DOOR and MOD HOMESTEAD. It's a toss up between the two. I like there to be Christmas trees on Christmas cards and both of these designs have them. Thanks for the giveaway! By Renae, at 11/15/2007 7:06 PM I like the Mod Peace because it would be fitting for pretty much anyone. I could send to people that celebrate Christmas or Chanukah. By Beth @ TheAngelForever, at 11/15/2007 7:16 PM Love the groovy garland - it's all nostalgic with the popcorn and I love all the non xmas color choices. , at
i love icicles beauces it states "have a chill new year" and the word shill reminded me of alot of friends back home, some loved, some lost. By Admin, at 11/15/2007 7:27 PM
Warm holiday wishes with the fruit because we are a Christian/Jewish combo family and I am a sucker for anything with fruit on it! By bioluminescence, at 11/15/2007 7:34 PM The holiday swirl is the nicest Hanukkah card I've ever seen :D By ChiefFamilyOfficer, at 11/15/2007 7:51 PM i love bounty...they are all great though! By The Saunders Family, at 11/15/2007 7:55 PM I like the "nifty sixties" design...brings out the hippie in me. :0) By Bebemiqui, at 11/15/2007 8:14 PM
I like the groovy garland... it takes me back to the simple days when we were kids... makes me want to do that again for my own kids... although they may be too young to still appreciate it! count me in !! By Toni, at 11/15/2007 8:18 PM
I like Groovy Garland, Rudy, and Partridge. They are all very cool and mod ...but not too formal and sterile ... very cheerful! I love the Holiday icon cards because they cover all the bases...Christmas and Hanukkah. By baileygp, at 11/15/2007 9:07 PM Snowy Tree is great because it's so different. My eye was really drawn to that one. And its next-door neighbor, Holiday Door, is also cute. I like it because it is whimsical and colorful. I love the colors used--festive but not traditional. Fun cards! By heather h, at 11/15/2007 9:53 PM
I like the flurry design i love "snowy tree" and "flurry" because they incorporate snow, which makes me think of peace, comfort, and the warmth of being inside your home with your family. i also love that you can personalize them with your family's name. these are great! By Melissa, at 11/15/2007 11:25 PM
My favorite is Frostie! Thank you!
I like Santa Baby cos it's funny!
I love Abstract trees and NOEL. Great giveaway! By Kristin, at 11/16/2007 5:28 AM This comment has been removed by the author. By Bree, at 11/16/2007 5:50 AM I like the Mod Fruitcake - it's simple and I love the color combinations! By ~Laurie~, at 11/16/2007 5:56 AM
I like the Mod Snowflake, an updated take on a classic. By Christina, at 11/16/2007 6:54 AM I love the penguins ... always! , at
Once again, too many awesome items to choose a favorite! I love Fab Kumquats, Retro Wreath, Rudy, Mod Peace... This is truly wonderful stationary.
I TOTALLY love flurry! It's so simple but I cna't stop looking at it! By Not So Anonymous Michelle, at 11/16/2007 9:25 AM
I'm diggin' Groovy Garland. It reminds me of the cranberry/popcorn strings we made as a kid. Only it looks a lot cooler. By Two Mittens, at 11/16/2007 11:19 AM The mod wreath is so cool! I love the colors! By kevnjacks, at 11/16/2007 12:05 PM The mod wreath is so cool! I love the colors! By kevnjacks, at 11/16/2007 12:05 PM I just love the Abstract Trees. I like being able to have my choice of words on the front. Great giveaway! By Cathi, at 11/16/2007 2:30 PM
Very cool mod*mom, I included the great cards in a recent post!
Flurry is great! By melonkelli, at 11/16/2007 6:48 PM
My favorite is the Mistletoe! I love the Mod Tree cards! So cute! By Emily, at 11/16/2007 11:49 PM
I like the Wonder rug in the blue and brown. By Unknown, at 11/17/2007 6:30 AM
I love the holiday door...the colors and modern design are so pretty. Reminds me of how much I love to look at people's front doors when driving around during Christmas. By Kathleen W., at 11/17/2007 7:24 AM
Oh man, I loved just about every single design on that site....but if I have to pick one and only one, I'd pick the Groovy Garland. By SJINCO, at 11/17/2007 8:55 AM I love Seasons Greetings. It's just simple and classy, but with a funky edge. By Mandy, at 11/17/2007 1:12 PM Rudy is just as cute as a button. I love his nose! By Memarie Lane, at 11/17/2007 3:14 PM I love George +Gracie because I love penguins! By Rose, at 11/17/2007 4:45 PM
love the retro look of the mod hearth...perhaps it's the brown...you just don't see brown on Christmas cards and it totally works! By lisa h., at 11/17/2007 10:24 PM I like mod wreaths and mod ornaments! Groovy cards! By Candace April, at 11/18/2007 7:48 AM
Retro wreath is so colorful and cheery! I'd love to send those.
I love the partridge in a pear tree. Love the colors and the modern design! By Jen, at 11/18/2007 12:15 PM I love the George + Gracie because it reminds me of the Partridge Family. And who didn't love the Partridge Family...come on get happy! , at
Mod homestead, holiday cheer and the ornaments. pick me!
MOd Fruitcake and Groovy Garland are my favorites. HOw do you find these cute cards?
HOliday Cheer and Mod Snowflake are very distinctive and graphic.
Peace and Groovy Garland and Mod Snowflake. I'll have to buy a lot more though, because I have over 70 people on my card list. I love the Holiday Stripes or the Noel. Such cute cards! We're putting out Christmas cards this year so I'd love to win! By Brit, at 11/19/2007 12:49 PM
I love "powder" and "mod snowflake". Powder looks like abstract art, and mod snowflake is old and modern at the same time -- they're both classic but new.
Powder is my favorite... By Rockin' Mama, at 11/19/2007 11:13 PM
wow, so may to pick from, I'm overwhelmed! I love the "mistletoe" design and the "mod tree". By tami, at 11/20/2007 8:42 AM
I like the Holiday Door card in Green. It is fun and funky with the cool colors of red, green, and lime green. Very inviting! By Don and Lisa Osborn, at 11/20/2007 11:31 AM
I love the ´Greetings´ stationary. It is very stylish I think. By Homemade by Margy, at 11/22/2007 5:39 AM
Hey, I love this site, I daydream there ever so often!! I am really feeling the Bounty (the one with the pomegranate and oranges. The colors feel so IN season and the colors are incredibly vibrant. Hm... 3D Holiday green, please ;) By Martin Klasch, at 11/22/2007 5:02 PM
I LOVE the Mod Homestead in black! I love it becasue it reminds me somewhat of a Shag print... it just screams have a happnin holiday!
There are too many good choices for cards! They are all so great, but I really like Flurry and Noel, though I came to that conclusion after a LOT of thought! Mod hearth is too cool. By Andrew, at 11/25/2007 2:11 PM
This was tough to narrow it down to just one. The GREETINGS card is my choice because it's straight forward and eye-catching. I'd love to send these out to family and friends this year!
My favorite holiday card designs are: "George and Gracie" because of the family/love theme and "Abstract Trees" because peace, love and joy are things of which we all need a little more. By LuAnn @ BackPorchervations, at 11/28/2007 5:43 AM
Okay... there are too many to choose!!! Love ALL the cards on this site, not JUST holiday ones. In fact, even if I don't win... I am placing an order asap. (Would be nice though!!!)
they are all so fun, but i like noel and abstract trees. By Dansie Family, at 11/29/2007 11:07 AM
I LOVE the groovy "ho ho ho", because it would be perfect to send home to my family back in Brazil (The good old man's Ho Ho Ho is the same in all languages, lol!), attatched to my son's last sonogram! My favorite is Rudy. It's mod but playful...and so Christmas. Love it. , atI love Rudy with names on his big red nose because it's fun. Also the Holiday Door in green...very simple and attractive. By Wil's Wheels, at 12/01/2007 1:37 PM
I really like the Greeting one, and think this would be very special to send to family and friends. Mod snowflake!! By Angela, at 12/01/2007 7:14 PM
My favorite is the Holiday Door in Green. I love it because of the bold vibrant colors and clean, simple lines.
I am digging the Icicles. But I would be lying if I didn't say that the Fruitcake one has me rolling. By Metalmeredith, at 12/03/2007 5:59 AM
I like their novelty notes!
Mod Ornaments, Mod Peace and By Holly, at 12/03/2007 1:57 PM These are so cool! I love the wreath and fruitcake ones. By Amanda, at 12/03/2007 3:31 PM
I love the "Bling Bling" design because it has a modern feel and I like the location of the personalization. Great giveaway!
I can't decide between the Mod Tree in red and Nifty Sixties in green. I love the colors, lines and contrasts. Thanks for the great giveaway! By Augusta's Grandma, at 12/03/2007 11:10 PM
This is Merle again. I forgot 'blogspot' in the website. By Augusta's Grandma, at 12/03/2007 11:12 PM I like the simplicity and design of George+Gracie. By kitty, at 12/09/2007 11:09 AM Definitely the blue Mod Ornament and Holiday door because the first one was bright, colorful, and eyecatching, and the second one was simple yet playful. By dodo, at 12/11/2007 3:09 PM |