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mod*mom ~
mod mcdonald's via blueantstudio by ~mod*mom~ at 28.9.07 © 7 Comments:
Glad you like it! By Joel, at 9/28/2007 10:47 AM I've seen something like this in the IKEA in the UK , atThis is a McDonald's in London. By mod*mom, at 9/30/2007 11:22 PM I wish our McD's looked like that and had modern food. , at
Amazing... I have a friend who has been there. Love this... now why would it be so difficult to do that HERE?? This is VERY different!! Kind of reminds me of IKEA. By FENICLE, at 10/07/2007 2:10 PM mc donald's was sued for using knock off's instead of the original's it was contracted to use. By mod*mom, at 10/31/2007 2:46 AM |