

squeeze your lemons

give those lemons a squeeze! it's time again to go to lemonland to protect yourself from breast cancer. spread the word. it's time to squeeeeeze!
i went to a cardiologist last week for the results of an ekg, ecg + chest xray to see "where my hearts at" + what the cardiologist recommends regarding continuing 9 months of herceptin that previously damaged my heart. he said the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over again + expecting a different result. he also said my heart was into the normal range + their aren't any drugs to protect my heart from the damage, but i should resume the chemo because of it's cancer recurrence prevention benefits + he'll treat the heart failure symptoms as they reappear with ace inhibitors. now i have to have a follow up appointment with my chemotherapist, but i'm not in a hurry. i haven't seen her since november, when i refused to have my infusion + wrote about it here.
basically, it's up to me whether to resume infusions that have a 50% chance of preventing a life threatening cancer recurrence + a 100% chance of damaging my heart. the moral is: detect + treat life threatening illnesses as early as possible :)


  1. Thank you for the update on your health

  2. You're very brave, MM.

  3. Wow Modmom, that's such a lot to deal with. It's excellent news that your heart is up to snuff again, though. Thoughts are with you!

  4. hi surcie!
    thanks for saying i'm brave.
    cancer terrrifies me like anybody.

    hi kidslovecandy + casapinka!
    thanks for the well wishes!

  5. You are always on my mind.

  6. your sweet mom101in3rdtrimesterwith2ndbaby

  7. (((((((MM))))))))) just wanted to send you a hug.

  8. Wow... really fabulous, important post! Thanks... your blog is so delightful!

  9. wow- i had no idea. thanks for sharing.
    julia (at: the nursery)

  10. Hi, your blog is fantastic, I can't think of any other word, ok, it's wonderful. Very enjoyable!

    I have not walked in your shoes, and I don't know if this is a good thing to do on my part, but I feel it just might be. I have been totally awe struck by this blog that I have been reading since I found it in December. It's called I think, Please check it out. It is some of the most amazing writing that I have encountered. You are very brave and I wish you all good things.


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