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mod*mom ~
san francisco, california, is going to encourage people to convert dog poop into an energy source. (by paul sakuma, a.p., via washington post) in the next few months, san francisco will start a program at a popular dog park that will encourage people to drop their dog droppings into a methane digester, a contraption in which bacteria eat at doggie doo for weeks until the poop becomes methane gas. the gas could then be used to power gas stoves + heaters. it also could be used to generate electricity. how much energy could be generated by fido's feces? well, city officials say that almost 4% of household trash is dog waste. that's about 6,500 tons a year. san francisco, named after saint francis of assisi, the patron saint of animals, is home to about 120,000 dogs." by ~mod*mom~ at 28.2.06 © |