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mod*mom ~
this cow milk ad trying to make it seem the baby prefers cow milk over mommy milk is just another example of advertisers trying to shape public opinion away from mother's milk + breastfeeding. this is a sore topic for me. i was even told by a lactation nutritionist that i should drink lots of cow milk while i was pregnant + nursing, which is a crock + caused my mod*tot needless months of colic, until i found out that mother's drinking cow milk is the #1 cause of colic (yogurt + cheese are okay). babies evolved to drink human mother's milk, not cow mother's milk. cowmilk processing doesn't remove the hormones that are meant for a calf's rapid growth + maturation. infants drinking cow milk is a major contributor to developing diabetes. soy milk is pretty scarey too. soy based infant formula is banned in canada + england, but so profitable here in the u.s. that the advertising has reached more health conscious mother's looking for a cow milk alternative, than the truth about the danger's of hormone imbalance in developing infants who drink soy based infant formula. breast is best. eat at mom's. by ~mod*mom~ at 22.1.06 © 8 Comments:
I know this comment is on a post that is quite old but I have stumble across your site and loved the irony that your story bought to this image promoting artificial baby fluid. I'm surprised to learn that soy-based formualae are banned in Canada. I nursed both of my children, but my 2nd was never satiated. He ate every hour, round the clock, leaving me with only snatches of sleep for 2 months. I let him nurse as often as he wanted for long as he wanted at each feeding, and I was drinking/eating through the day and night, so there should have been sufficient milk supply, but he always cried for more. I finally resorted to giving him a powdered milk formula at midnight, hoping he would sleep longer. Instead, he vomited - he's allergic to cow's milk, and lactose intolerant, which means no goat's milk either. The only alternative was the soy formula, which he had nightly, for one feeding a day only, until he was 18 months old. He developed fine, in fact, faster than his peers. As I understand, soy has estrogen, therefore the hormone imbalance should have delayed his masculine development. I also understand that the studies on soy all focused on people 50+ who had recently increased their soy consumption drastically, leading to hormone imbalances and dementia. I'd like to see the data that led Canada to ban soy infant formula. More than that, I want to know what alternatives there are for Canadian infants who are allergic to cow's milk and/or are lactose intolerant. Breast IS best, but situations arise that make the breast unavailable, and not every baby can handle cow or goat milk. , at
thank you for your comments :) By mod*mom, at 4/12/2007 12:36 AM I'm Kim's daughter. I live in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, which is a 3 hour drive west of Toronto. They have both organic and non-organic infant formulas at Zehr's, Wal-Mart, Zeller's, and the A&P chains here in town. , atI forgot to say both organic and non-organic soy infant formulas, sorry. , atHi again, mod*mom .. well, as you can see, I talked to my dau. this afternoon. She had just come back from a visit w/ her SIL, & mentioned looking for deals on infant formula for Nephew, so it brought this blog to mind. I had SIL in mind when I left my prev. comment -- a postpartum infection almost took her life when baby was 1wk old, she was DEVASTATED she couldn't breastfeed after. Well, I came back to report what Tif already said, but she beat me to it. I was trying to think of alternatives to soy, hadn't thought of rice milk, but that does seem like a good alternative for extreme cases. Tif also mentioned that she & SIL researched soy, & found that Canadian regulations require that estrogen be removed from soy used in infant formulae. Well, as a Gramma, I'm relieved that my grandson was exclusively breastfed for a year, like his mama, & @ 16mos is still getting the benefits. At one time, I was the smuggest of breastfeeders. The experience with my son took me down a notch, humbling me to appreciation when everything works out to the ideal. , atthank you so much for the information kimberly + tiffany. that is aweful about your SIL! that's a good use of formula. i'm so glad to hear they can take the estrogen out of soybased formula in canada now. soy is such a huge business + better than cow. By mod*mom, at 4/12/2007 10:35 PM That photo is SO disturbing!! , at |