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mod*mom ~
![]() ![]() ![]() mod*mom father's day giveaway :: eco-friendly alexander girard area rug FLOR modular tiles launched their alexander girard modern, modular carpet tiles today! they are eco-friendly, recycled + recyclable. i am a HUGE alexander girard fan! i've written about him + posted his designs here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here + here, so i am ecstatic that FLOR is offering an alexander girard mid-century design from his la fonda del sol collection on a 3x5 area rug to a lucky mod*mom reader! to enter to win, please leave me a comment telling me how you feel about alexander girard's designs + your favorite FLOR eco-friendly carpet prints. include your email address +/or url, before midnight, monday june 30 *use the little envelope icon below this post to share this with your friends subscribe to my feed + daily email updates to get mod*mom sent to you. by ~mod*mom~ at 2.6.08 © 314 Comments:
I LoVE these Girard designs, but the Disney prints are a close 2nd.
Those rugs would look good in our office. :) I love to put up rugs here as I also love to lie down there
I love the bright colors and the fun sun designs. By lace, at 6/02/2008 5:42 PM Girard's designs remind me of happy summer days. I also love the Twiggy Moss...not to mention the cool wide waled/textured ones. SO many to choose from! , at
I love the Disney prints. These rugs look very comfy and durable. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I love Flor tiles. Someday I'd love to have an indoor patio with the Green Acres tiles!
I love Alexander Girard's designs. They are colrful, exciting, and fun! His rugs are to die for. They could brighten any room. I also like the Martha Stewart collection. Thanks for another great giveaway! By Carly, at 6/02/2008 8:17 PM
I love Alexander Girard's designs, they are fun, colorful, young, vibrant, just fantastic! Another favorite of mine is the Martha Stewart needlepoint stripe in fawn, would look good in my hallway! Thanks for the great giveaway. By Ann, at 6/02/2008 10:03 PM
Alexander Girard's stuff makes me smile. Even in the middle of winter when it's been raining for 40 days straight. By Wendy, at 6/02/2008 10:33 PM
I love how bright and eclectic his designs are. Totally my style. By Unknown, at 6/02/2008 10:39 PM I love alexander girard's designs- the colors and prints, make me happy. Esp the sun's. They can be bright and bit, but never feel overdone. One of my favorite FLOR carpet designs is the Between the Lines set. laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com By Laura, at 6/03/2008 12:06 AM
Love his designs - very modern and abstract. One of my other favorites is Willow. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Flor! Alexander's designs are so playful and fun...sure to cheer up any room...and warm any home! La Fonda Del Sol - Pequeno is my FAVORITE! :) , atGirard's design's are so cheerful and bright. I also love the "soux chic" and "if there be thorn's" patterns at Flor. By Kristen M., at 6/03/2008 4:03 AM
I just love his designs...I love flor because you can place them however you want..great concept... By julie, at 6/03/2008 4:19 AM I LOVE his designs and would LOVE to win! My daughter's room is in such desperate need of a rug over the wood floor, and she would totally go nuts to win. I like Between The Lines. Thanx for the giveaway. cdziuba@aol.com , atI love the FLOR patterns, colors, playfulness, and ecological basis. My favorite (today, anyway) is the Organic Overlay in Foliage. By Aisling, at 6/03/2008 4:50 AM Love the one you have in the contest....but also love the colours in "souk chic". What a great discovery! By E. Shen, at 6/03/2008 5:15 AM These rugs are lovely and functional. I love the Trill Ride! By mar, at 6/03/2008 5:32 AM I love these bold, colorful designs. I've been looking at the everyday rugs at Lowe's, but these are awesome and it will be hard to go back to Basics. By listening2u, at 6/03/2008 5:38 AM
I absolutely adore Alexander Girard's prints. My husband laughs and says "Oh, now you have a favorite RUG designer"? Ah but, Girard is so much more than that! Artistry divine!
Love Flor and love Alexander Girard! In fact thought of you when I saw his dolls at the SF MOMA shop last month. By Mom101, at 6/03/2008 5:56 AM What's not to love - what a great partnership! i've always thought about creating a FLOR rug, but never was totally in love with any of the designs, though I do love Twiggy and Stampede, but NOW - OH, MY! By Molly & Bea & T., Tra-Lee, at 6/03/2008 6:00 AM Girard's designs are just fun, kind of psychedelic, and gorgeous colors. Besides his print in Verde I am loving Tapete in turquoise. My new obsession is turqoise and tangerine...trying to convince the husband that's how we should decorate the new living room. , at
I love the La Fonda del Sol I love how bright and cheery his designs are. I'd love to put this in our new office/study or bedroom. By melonkelli, at 6/03/2008 6:20 AM oh the girard is wonderful! would look amazing in our playroom! other prints i love are the old evidently phased out kid's room prints - i am sad i missed my chance to get me a big Happy Landings rug, but i've ordered some jig's up samples to see if those will work in the nursery. By julie beth, at 6/03/2008 6:23 AM
I love everytnhing about these rugs. The colors, the designs, the quality.My living room would really take on a whole new look with this fabulous rug. Alexander Girard's designs are so chic and retro, yet modern at the same time. My favorite Flor print would have to be the Disney Cars. By jenna, at 6/03/2008 6:43 AM
How could you not smile and be happy seeing a Girard design? They're bright and cheery; great for kid's rooms or mom's office! By Unknown, at 6/03/2008 6:57 AM
The greatest part about all of the carpet tiles is if you get a stain you can just replace one little tile and not the WHOLE rug, I love that most of all!!!!! I love the FLOR genre! Thanks mod*mom for introducing me to it!!! My favorite in the del sol collection is the Azul! I would LOve to add this to my home!! :) By butterflyny, at 6/03/2008 7:44 AM I'm so inspired by Alexander Girard...his designs are beautifully simplistic, yet colorful enough to spice up any boring room. God I sound like I'm trying to sell YOU his designs! By Danielle, at 6/03/2008 7:58 AM
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these rugs, and I would be so happy to own one. We just bought a house and are starting to buy some things, these rugs would be a fantastic addition. By Brooke, at 6/03/2008 7:59 AM
I love Alexander Girad as well, so colorful and happy are his designs. We have FLOR carpet in our dinning room, so I know the quality will be great!
Botanicals is cool along with the disney patterns I like the blue Botanicals rug. It would look lovely in my guest room. Overall I like Girad's designs. They area really modern with interesting shapes and lines. By Fangirl Jen, at 6/03/2008 9:01 AM Wow! These colors are amazing. How cool is it that they are made from recycled materials! While I love the Pequeno, the Mandarina goes better with the colors in my house. , at
Walking on Clouds in Baby Blue Eyes (we have those in my boys' room). The new Girad design would be sooo beautiful in the boys' playroom - fun but not too "babyish". By NSMOM, at 6/03/2008 9:06 AM I really like his bold colors and style. Also the eco-friendly aspect is great too. I like the Cream very bold yet nutural at the same time. katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com. By Katie, at 6/03/2008 9:25 AM I love the bright and bold colors! By Tonya, at 6/03/2008 9:31 AM I love his designs. I especially love that the colors are bright and uplifting. Thanks for this giveaway. By peg42, at 6/03/2008 9:36 AM
i love the girard designs...i've never seen them before, but i love how bright they are without being overdone. By elana, at 6/03/2008 9:51 AM Alexander Girard crosses mod with metro, and makes it work beautifully. The Multiform Pen from Acme Studio is simple, chic elegance. By Unknown, at 6/03/2008 9:55 AM loove flor anf love girard's stuff for them, totally drool worthy By monica, at 6/03/2008 10:06 AM Love these new girard flor tiles. I have flor throughout our home and we also have some girard fabrics. I can't wait to mix in these new tiles. I love the circle sun. By Unknown, at 6/03/2008 10:24 AM Love these new girard flor tiles. I have flor throughout our home and we also have some girard fabrics. I can't wait to mix in these new tiles. I love the circle sun. By Unknown, at 6/03/2008 10:24 AM I love the designs. They remind me of the 1960's, only better. I like the Flor tiles in the Botanical pattern. I would love this in my bedroom. By Amy L, at 6/03/2008 10:40 AM
Girard is brilliant! This would be my fav Flor pattern La Fonda del Sol Mandarina!!
Cheerful and bright. Would make me want to get energized. I can see this becoming a fave for an exercise room. By Mya Brooks, at 6/03/2008 11:08 AM
I love all of Girards things...fabulous and happy! As far as the Flor products...I've got to stick on the sam path -- my favorite is the La Fonda del Sol By arbrashears, at 6/03/2008 11:10 AM
I think my favorite is Tonal Vision cause it would match nicely in my home, but my kids would love the hopscotch and the Souk Chic is so fab! Oh, it's hard to decide. By Petula, at 6/03/2008 11:11 AM
His designs are amazing and make me want to dance! I love the Multi Souk Chic rug!
I think Alexander Girard's prints are awesome! The vibrant colors jump out at you! By monky, at 6/03/2008 11:29 AM
Happy Tuesday! I like his Pillows, April on Natural screen printed fabric and his stationery! My favorite rug design is his "Pequeno!" By windycindy, at 6/03/2008 11:46 AM I love the muti design rug. , at
I got my FLOR catalogue yesterday and was drooling over the new designs. They are fantastic! I love all the FLOR designs... I can never pick a favorite. They are all so fun. I think it would be fun to get the Fedora tiles and make custom stripes out of them... there's a how-to on the last page of the catalogue. AMAZING!! By evan, at 6/03/2008 12:06 PM Ocean Think n'thin, I am in the process of pulling up my son's carpet, there is hardwood underneath but this would look great in the middle of his room. He's thirteen and I think this print would be perfect. By Unknown, at 6/03/2008 12:09 PM I really like his designs. The "Pequeno" is my favorite of his collection, but I really love the "Morning Coffee" rug. I'd love to win. Thanks for the chance. By Jennifer, at 6/03/2008 12:27 PM The Girard designs are so bright and cheerful. I love them. The crazy daisy designs are awesome too. By superfizz, at 6/03/2008 12:50 PM Great design By jw1966, at 6/03/2008 1:02 PM I have to say, I was soooo impressed when you first posted this. The girard designs were not even on the FLOR website yet! You are so ahead:) I love FLOR! These new designs are gorgeous! I just got the catalog yesterday with the girard design featured, and would love to add it to our new house! janasterling@gmail.com By freckle mom, at 6/03/2008 1:15 PM wow the rugs are realy nice i love to have one thhats if i coulld a ford one lol there realy nice By jenny, at 6/03/2008 1:20 PM I love Girard's color use it is so vibrant. I also love love love the stampede and amazing lace carpet tiles, i like a bit of whimsy on the floor. By Suzanne, at 6/03/2008 1:35 PM
I love Girard's designs. They are always so clean and graphic. My favorite is probably Twiggy in red. By Miss Spoken, at 6/03/2008 1:44 PM The designs are cheerful,warm and playful.My fave is Willow. By danosor, at 6/03/2008 1:49 PM
Awe Girard~ *swoon* By Jules, at 6/03/2008 1:53 PM Its for my crib. , atTHE COLORS ARE JUST FABULOUS AND THE DESIGN IS JUST GREAT By bonnieann, at 6/03/2008 2:10 PM Girard's stuff brightens any room. I like the Souk Chic in multi. By agordon10, at 6/03/2008 2:21 PM girads has good designs By mverno, at 6/03/2008 2:24 PM I reall think they are a neat and affordable way to spice up any room or hallway. My two fave designs are the willow and amazing lace. By fidofido, at 6/03/2008 2:40 PM
Love love love Girad's designs but also love modern mix Amazing lace IS amazing, and absolutely gorgeous. I do love the idea of eco-friendly rugs, because so many are made with terrible chemicals or the process is highly polluting. By Rattlesnakechili, at 6/03/2008 2:59 PM
I am so excited to see this giveaway because I love the fun colors and patterns the designs have. They are so unique but very attractive, I don't own anything as cool as these designs. By Ane, at 6/03/2008 4:23 PM
Alexander Girard is dear to me because his frequent use of suns in his designs. With a name like Dawn, I am a big fan of anything with suns and celestial designs. I also love the Organic Overlay patterns from Flor. By Dawn, at 6/03/2008 5:14 PM
I love the Square Dance in the brown and tan. It would be spectacular in my family room. There are many exceptional designs on the website. I spent a fortune just daydreaming. What a great site! By taterbug, at 6/03/2008 5:34 PM
Wow!! I love the rug you are offering..its gorgeous. I love Girad's designs...they just are so cheerful, whimsical and happy. If I win the rug I would buy the matching round pillows. By Jo, at 6/03/2008 5:49 PM
Girard's fruit tree design is just fantastic...it's very fitting for me! I'm a big fan of the verde color scheme for the rug :) By Erica C., at 6/03/2008 6:06 PM nice looking rug. My kid would love it. By Unknown, at 6/03/2008 6:21 PM I like his La Fonda del Sol™ but my daughter would love the Disney Princess. By Uniquely Yours, at 6/03/2008 6:23 PM
I love the Classic Pooh Rug! The whole collection is lovely-beautiful bright patterns.
Girard's designs are awesome, my favorite print is the willow print.
I like how bright and summery looking the sun patterns are. By Amira M, at 6/03/2008 7:37 PM I've been waiting for what seems like forever for the Girard FLOR tiles to be released, how fun! I'm lucky enough to own Alexander Girard alphabet pillows, which I absolutely adore. His Vitra wooden dolls always catch my eye with their curious and whimsical shapes, colors, and expressions. We've actually been seriously considering getting FLOR tiles for our family room and I've had my eye on the Stampede pattern in grey or brown. , at
I like the big bold colors and beautiful designs He is a phenominol artist with such flare to his work...I love all of it, but my favorite rug is the Aubrey tote...sensational works of art is what he creates. , atLove, love, love the Girard FLOR tiles, they make me feel bright,cheery and happy inside! I also love the straight and narrow tiles. They would look perfect in my art studio. By Unknown, at 6/03/2008 8:48 PM I love the warm/tangerine color way of the Girard Flor carpet tiles. I have a short wall in my family room and I think the 6x6 would look great as wall art! By C.L. Davis, at 6/03/2008 8:55 PM
The Girard designs are colorful and fun. I also like the Martha adore it...how fun...would love to place right in the living room to keep things cheery. THANKS FOR GREAT CONTEST :) By Sharon, at 6/04/2008 4:35 AM Not to be repetitive, but Girard's prints are so cheerful. As for the other FLOR prints, I like the fact that there are so many that anyone should be able to find something they like. By clynsg, at 6/04/2008 5:20 AM I totally love the Girard design rugs. Great site! By jassmg2024, at 6/04/2008 6:26 AM Girard design make me happy-they are gorgeous! By sweetsue, at 6/04/2008 6:34 AM I like the colors of the Girard designs. There are so many designs to choose from and I like the Martha Stewart ones :) , atHave a great day. , atThis would make a great housewarming gift for my best friend! By Kristy Blanco, at 6/04/2008 7:24 AM
Between the Lines This comment has been removed by the author. By AmbieC, at 6/04/2008 8:04 AM
I love love the La Fonda Del Sol design- so colorful, funky and bright. It's be perfect in my baby's room. I also like the Souk Chic design. Thanks for the contest! By AmbieC, at 6/04/2008 8:06 AM I love Alexander Girard's designs, They are so fun and neat. By imjasonc, at 6/04/2008 8:17 AM they're so fresh & colorful. They remind me of Spring. By LINDALSHOT, at 6/04/2008 8:23 AM I wasn't familiar with his stuff before...his designs are so fun. I'm bookmarking the site for when I have some decorating money. At flor, the organic overlay is probably my favorite. By cl, at 6/04/2008 10:07 AM I really like the Classic Quilt in Mango. I don't have any rugs and it would go great with my couch By littlelatina, at 6/04/2008 10:29 AM Love Girard's designs and am very intrigued by the MAD PLAIDER FLOR pattern. By D., at 6/04/2008 10:36 AM
I love the Souk Chic area rug in blue. It is so attractive and different. Please enter me. By pintolinda, at 6/04/2008 10:58 AM
These are gorgous! I really like "stampede" but how do you pick a favorite? These would be wonderful for a children's play area - so much happy color! I love Toy Poodle in Kiki cream. I love how they are so beautiful and SO eco-friendly! By Cherry Blossoms, at 6/04/2008 11:03 AM
Mad Plaider I love the vintage look of his designs These rugs are beautiful works of art! I especially love the WILLOW! By mogrill, at 6/04/2008 11:41 AM I like the willow, would look nice in green By Sunnyvale, at 6/04/2008 11:52 AM I love the girad disigns great contest By boobles2, at 6/04/2008 11:57 AM
Girard rules!
I really love the "funkiness" (if that's even a word!LOL!) of A.G.'s designs! My favorite Flor pattern is the "Between the Lines"-Red...And I have just the perfect place for it! (wink!wink!) Very fond of the Flor carpet line. And love the fun design in the Girard's designs. By kmbennet, at 6/04/2008 12:47 PM
I love the Girard! Thanks for the offer! Between the Lines in Citron would be perfect for my kitchen. By greenly, at 6/04/2008 1:05 PM
my daughter needs a rug so bad,so this would be perfect for her room,please count us in,thanks By VickieC, at 6/04/2008 1:19 PM
I love how his designs are bright without being garish, and extremely stylish. And Kudos to Flor for going green! By Rashmi, at 6/04/2008 1:22 PM
I love the bright vibrant colors. By chuck82380, at 6/04/2008 1:23 PM ya gotta love his designs By jffryclough, at 6/04/2008 1:54 PM
I love them because they are all so fresh and unique! My favorite is the fuzzy button, if you can pull it off! Thanks! nice By dhunt, at 6/04/2008 2:18 PM I love the bright fun colors By DOODLEGIRL, at 6/04/2008 3:41 PM I like the Girard designs and La Fonda del Sol Azul By Garden Gnome, at 6/04/2008 5:36 PM Girard's designs are fresh and vibrant! My favorite Flor design is "Between the Lines" in cream.....I know, I'm so boring, but this would go perfect with my decor! By destee, at 6/04/2008 5:37 PM I would love any one of these for my family room , ati'm everything disney. so that is my choice. love em. By judybrittle, at 6/04/2008 5:56 PM The Del Sol Collection in Azul is my favorite. Thanks for the chance. By idahomom, at 6/04/2008 6:01 PM I think his design are fun and sunny and would look great in my kids rooms. My fave is La Fonda del Sol Azul By Tonya, at 6/04/2008 6:53 PM I love his fun and cheerful designs. My favorite is La Fonda del Sol Azul. By jdine, at 6/04/2008 7:03 PM I love his designs. They are uplifting when the weather won't cooperate. My granddaughter would love the disney designs. By housemouse88, at 6/04/2008 7:10 PM Cool Artsy Design :D , at
Like the Girard and Disney collections.............Pick me, please!!! By G. Stevens, at 6/04/2008 8:40 PM Would certainly brighten up a room. By skiffywife, at 6/04/2008 8:44 PM Would certainly brighten up a room. By skiffywife, at 6/04/2008 8:44 PM How cheerful Would love this. Thanks , atI like Girard's design. A little bright for me usually but since we are working on a play room for our kids, the bright and cheering colors would really work beautifully. My favorite is from the Martha Stewart collection-Corrugated Rib in Laurel By Emilie, at 6/05/2008 10:12 AM They're so cheerful and would go perfectly with my bright, eclectic home. I like the Crazy Daisy a lot too, and Jigs Up is great. By jennem, at 6/05/2008 10:56 AM Girard is a genius! Love all of his designs. My favorite on the Flor site is the Button rugs. , at
Love, love, love them! Love Flor. Perfect for my nursery! I would LOVE any of them! By dust and kam, at 6/05/2008 11:47 AM
So bright, so cheerful! I love the "La Fonda del Sol-Verde" printed tiles. There are so many possibilities to bring some joy and whimsy with color into any room. By Welcome to our blog!, at 6/05/2008 12:37 PM This comment has been removed by the author. By Jeff + Karla, at 6/05/2008 3:33 PM Love his desings for FLOR the best, they are vibrant, funky, and fabulous! By kdkdkd, at 6/05/2008 5:41 PM These look so bright and cheery and I only use eco friendly carpets in my all tiled home. By MCS Girl, at 6/05/2008 6:24 PM very colorful!! I love it! , ati love Girard's work things that are pleasing to both momma and baby- and i'm still kicking myself for passing up the Flor pieces i caught on clearance at Target last month. By the king of carrot flowers, at 6/05/2008 7:57 PM
a.g.'s designs are fun, funky and fresh! Absolutely beautiful! I just love it! , atThis comment has been removed by the author. By Jeff + Karla, at 6/06/2008 6:20 AM I love his designs! The colors are beautiful and the designs are very happy and fun! Thank you so much! By Tina12312, at 6/06/2008 10:02 AM
i love girard's designs. his work is amazing, i really love the colors and the patterns. the rugs are cute and definitely would cheer up my home. By Knead a Latte - Ruby, at 6/06/2008 1:37 PM Alexander Girard's designs are so fantastic. They remind me of innocence, joy, summertime, and totally appeal to my sense of whimsy. To have FLOR tiles with these designs is like a marriage in heaven. I never had a favorite FLOR line, I always thought of them as purely functional, but now, my favorite are the Girard designs. They would look fantastic in my baby's nursery which we did in orange and pink. Once she is born, I want her to grow up surrounded by joyful things. , atI think his design's are very trendy and cool. My favorite print of his carpets is Twiggy. I suspect his designs may have been inspired by the era when Twiggy was popular. By jfg06001, at 6/06/2008 2:36 PM I love the colors he uses and especially the one you are giving away plus La Fonda del Sol in Azul! By miriama, at 6/06/2008 2:43 PM
I love the designs, I particularly love "Between the Lines", which would look wonderful in my living room!
Love the Girard designs, and the Terra tiles, as a matter of fact I like them all. By Sunny, at 6/07/2008 3:04 AM Love the new Girard, but the Disney ones are tied. I can't decide. By Elizabeth, at 6/07/2008 4:46 AM LOVE anything Girard and the Flor rugs are especially brilliant! By meka foo, at 6/07/2008 7:00 AM I think Alexander Girard's are so cheerful and lively and will brighten any room up even on the gloomiest of days. Every room needs a focal point, and splashes of color and Alexander Girard's 6-tile rugs are perfect for those prominent places you want to accentuate! I love the colors in his patterns and the hues of the colors. They are not overly bright and over bearing, they are just the right intensity. They make me happy and smile when I look at the designs. I would most definitely place these in a room I spend the most amount of time in because then I would be happy all the time in my home! My favorite FLOR eco-friendly carpet prints are the La Fonda del Sol Azul, ORGANIC OVERLAY™, WILLOW™, and TWIGGY™. They are all fabulous so it was hard to narrow it down to just a few! Thanks for offering this very fab giveaway! By joannaonthelake, at 6/07/2008 12:48 PM I think his designs are bright and colorful and would be a great addition to any home By Unknown, at 6/07/2008 12:58 PM
Thank you for cluing me and everyone in on a great eco-friendly carpet source. With a lot of rugs you have to let all the chemical smells disperse for days & still?? I love all the pattern! My fave is the La Fonda Del Sol Pequena. Beautiful, bright...fun! By Hazel Martin Designs, at 6/08/2008 1:53 AM I love all of them but my kids really love the Disney prints. By Heather, at 6/08/2008 8:39 AM The Cars Disney print , atI think his designs are sooooo bright and cheerful--the sun designs would be great in our sunroom. By Sue Farrell, at 6/08/2008 4:16 PM I love Girard's designs - they are the perfect way to brighten up any room! I especially love the classic quilt! By kamewh, at 6/08/2008 4:44 PM
Girard's designs are so ultra cool 60's but still with a modern edge. Love him. By you big baby!, at 6/08/2008 11:09 PM
Girard's designs are so ultra cool 60's but still with a modern edge. Love him. By you big baby!, at 6/08/2008 11:09 PM Wow, they are so cool! I love Souk Chic! Such a beautiful design! By mel, at 6/09/2008 5:05 AM I love the designs By Valerie Taylor Mabrey, at 6/09/2008 7:19 AM
These flor tiles are so amazing, Alexander Girard is one of my favorites designers from the Mid century modern era. His work is so fun and bright, I love them!!!!! By Jeff + Karla, at 6/09/2008 8:01 AM
His designs are very bright and vibrant and would look good in some of our rooms. I particularly liked his La Fonda del Sol By Jayfr, at 6/09/2008 9:52 AM These designs are so sunny and will certainly brighten any home. By teddi, at 6/09/2008 10:12 AM how gloriously ful of color. I would love to have that as an entry rug. , atI've been eyeing the Martha Stewart Needlpoint Stripe for the family room By phxbne, at 6/09/2008 1:10 PM
I really like the girard designs and think it would go perfectly in the playroom, My favorite pattern on the site is probably the organic overlay in green. We are in need of a new rug and this is definitely a front runner.
I just love his designs! There are all kinds of different design paths, from palace prints and hearts to colorful dolls and blocks! So cool! By /\Heather/\, at 6/09/2008 6:21 PM I like the fact that they're recycled, and that you can pick up just one to clean or replace it. My favorites are the Camellia and Laurel strip prints. By Elisa Morrison, at 6/09/2008 6:42 PM I am so excited about the Girard FLOR titles.... these are by far my favorite development in the FLOR line. My wife and I made a special trip to San Francisco to see the Girard exhibit there, and our house is dotted with Girard suns and patterns. It's a real shame more of his work isn't licensed for use. By Richard, at 6/09/2008 9:12 PM These designs are playful and fun! By abeaudet, at 6/10/2008 4:46 AM what fun! From the FLOR tiles, my favorite is the "Martha Stewart Between the Lines" --- She knows about Lines --- waiting in them at the chowroom, reflecting on the line shadows on the floor of her cell --- anyway, they remind me of being a kid at my grandparents kitchen in dublin ohio! great for bobby jr to crawl inside and outside the line, and learn to cross the line when necessary. Thanks again mod*mom ! ! By Bobby, at 6/10/2008 4:28 PM
I love this rug! The Alexander Girard designs are so much fun, they are gorgeous! FLOR is amazing, they have awesome products and the Twill Ride looks like it would be a great addition to most rooms. Thanks for this offer!
The international love heart floor mat is pretty cool and I'd love to have that. As far as Flor in general, I'm loving the Souk Chic area rugs. Spectacular! my favorite is the Girard featured run but I also love the organic overlay and willow. We have neutrals in my house and I would love to add a splash of color. LOVE FLOR! By Unknown, at 6/11/2008 8:23 PM
OMG they are so bright and fun.. Id love to have a rug to go out on my sunroom.. how perfect would that be? By Angela, at 6/11/2008 11:26 PM the rugs are so colorful.i like souk chic. By vboackle, at 6/12/2008 4:46 PM Would love to have his cheery rug in my kitchen or laundry to make the household drudgery more enjoyable! I'd love the jigsaw one on clearance too for the kiddos' playroom! By Diana (Ladybug Limited), at 6/12/2008 8:24 PM
He's trendy, cheeky and I like his designs. It is something anyone would want in their home. By Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne, at 6/12/2008 10:08 PM I think the Girard collection will fit right in down here in the South West. I am torn between his stuff and the Organic Overlay pieces. By bluenude3, at 6/13/2008 6:02 PM It's wonderful how you can piece together whatever you want, in design and color scheme. My favorites include 'She loves you' and 'Crazy Daisy' By sillelin, at 6/13/2008 6:57 PM I love how to Girard rug is so bold and fun! I love the color combos and how happy it looks. :) Another favorite is the "Jigs Up" tiles - how cool is that?! And the kiddies love it! :) By kevnjacks, at 6/13/2008 7:22 PM I'm DYING to get my hands on these squares! What a fab idea - want to cover all floors with this! By Molly & Bea & T., Tra-Lee, at 6/14/2008 5:32 AM
I like that he has both bold colors/patterns and more neutral traditional ones as well. By Reiza, at 6/14/2008 7:22 AM I really like Alexander Girard's designs ... they are so colorful and bright and for me, puts a smile on my face. I am torn between which one is y favorite FLOR eco-friendly carpet print. I like both the Jigs Up and and Thick and Thing. Actually I like a lot of them. :) By ...team leung..., at 6/14/2008 9:36 AM
The Alexander Girard rugs would be perfect in my daughter's room. They are fun & cheery w/o being juvenile. I also like the Jigs Up (wish they would offer this in more neutral colors), Thick & Thin, & Stampede.
AHH now that I made it to the bottom I love the La Fonda del Sol™ Love the Alexander Girard rugs - love the bright pretty colors that brighten up any room By scottsgal, at 6/14/2008 1:02 PM I love the Girad designs-I'd love to design a room around them! The toy poodle is 2nd. By Ursula, at 6/14/2008 4:52 PM |