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mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

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pbs kids
mom forum
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bloggers were invited to partner with target in party products design :: target's top pinning bloggers on pinterest are Jan Halvarson of PoppytalkJoy Cho of OhJoy, + Kate Arends of WitandDelight :: OhJoy + Poppytalk cake stands + checkers are my favorites

my invitation was "lost in the mail"; here are my target garden party picks:

now you can also impulse buy on target instagram images

by ~mod*mom~ at 31.8.14 ©


quake + quack :: city + bay tour :: san francisco 6.O earthquake

we rode an amphibious duck tour last weekend (via our bikes + caltrain),
after jolting awake at 3:20am + standing up as the quake rumbled through.
see our 69 pic slide show above. it was a beautiful uncrowded day to see the sites, hear jokes + history, + assess the city skyline expansion.

i love the "streets of san francisco" era stuff like these 49 mile scenic drive signs, midcentury architecture, + vintage museum mechanique where the custodian on retro roller skates uses a futuristic dyson stick vaccuum as we play an original PONG game...


by ~mod*mom~ at 29.8.14 ©


"Migrant Mother" story :: famine + fame

"As the United States sank into the Great Depression, a female photographer named Dorothea Lange turned her attention away from studio + portrait work toward the suffering. Taking a Government job as a photographer for the U.S. Resettlement Administration, a New Deal agency tasked with helping poor families relocate, Lange went to California, to a campsite of out-of-work pea pickers. The crop had been destroyed by freezing rain; there was nothing to pick. Lange approached a woman sitting in a tent, surrounded by her 7 children, + asked if she could photograph them.

"Migrant Mother" became the iconic photo of the Depression, + one of the most familiar images of the 20th century. At the time, the dust-blown interior of the United States was full of families like hers, whom poverty had forced off their land into a life of wandering. Their poverty was total; they had nothing. Where is her husband, the children's father? She is on her own. There is no help, no protection.

There are few images as deeply ingrained in the national consciousness as Migrant Mother. Yet for decades, no one knew what had become of this woman + her family. No one even knew her name: Lange never asked.

Finally, in 1978, a reporter from the Modesto Bee found the Migrant Mother in a trailer park outside Modesto, California. Her name was Florence Owens Thompson; she was 75.
Thompson was born a Cherokee, in Indian Territory, Oklahoma, in 1903. She married at 17, then moved to California. When she was 28 years old + pregnant, her husband died. Thereafter Thompson worked odd jobs of all kinds to keep her children fed. For most of the 1930s, she was an itinerant farmhand, picking whatever was in season.
During harvests, she would put her babies in bags + carry them along with her as she worked down the rows. She earned 50 cents per 100 pounds picked + says she generally picked around 450 - 500 pounds a day. For a while, she and her children lived under a bridge.
In 1936, at a pea-pickers camp, Dorothea Lange appeared. Thompson was not eager to have her family photographed + exhibited as specimens of poverty, but there were people starving in that camp, + Lange convinced her that the image would educate the public about the plight of hardworking but poor people like herself. Within days, the photo was being published in papers across the country — an instant classic of American photography.
Thompson moved to Modesto in 1945 + went to work in a hospital there. She had one of the most famous faces in the United States, yet, to keep her family together, she had to work 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. "I worked in hospitals, I tended bar, I worked in the field. So I done a little bit of everything to make a living for my kids." Thompson profited nothing from Migrant Mother.
Meanwhile, Migrant Mother made Dorothea Lange's reputation, helped earn her a Guggenheim fellowship, + conferred fame + a permanent place in the canon of American photographers. Lange certainly deserved her success; she had an eye, talent, training, + drive. Yet it seems unjust that Migrant Mother, one of the most successful photographs in American history, should have helped so many, but done nothing for the woman whose face + body were able to express so much. Thompson was a model; she was posing, + she knew why. She was to represent the very Figure of Poverty. So she organized her posture + set her expression just so for Lange's camera. And that is a talent, too. Thompson + Lange, for an instant in 1936, were collaborators. Yet the gulf between their fortunes, already colossal, would only grow wider as years passed.via pbs

images: califoria history museum

American Masters: Dorothea Lange : Grab a Hunk of Lightning, new documentary about "Migrant Mother" photographer :: broadcast premiere this Friday, August 29 on PBS

"Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning documentary explores the life + vision of the influential photographer, whose enduring images document 5 decades of American history. features interviews + vérité scenes with Lange at her San Francisco Bay Area home studio, circa 1962-1965, including work on her unprecedented 1-woman career retrospective at New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Reveals the camera as Lange’s first muse + the confluence of artists at work + in love, explains the impact of these relationships on Lange’s life, + demonstrates the challenges of balancing artistic pursuits with family."

"Dorothea Nutzhorn was born in 1895, in Hoboken, New Jersey. She enrolled in the New York Training School for Teachers 1914 - 1917. She dropped her father's surname + adopted her mother's. Lange worked in photography studios + attended a class at Columbia University.
In 1918, she moved to San Francisco, where she opened a successful portrait studio. She lived in Berkeley. In 1935 she married a Professor of Economics at University of California, Berkeley. Together they documented rural poverty + migrant laborers for 5 years; Lange took the photos, + Taylor interviewed people + collected data.

During World War II she was hired by the U.S. War Relocation Authority to document the internment camps of Japanese-Americans, + by the U.S. State Department to photograph the United Nations Conference in San Francisco.

In 1952, she cofounded the photography magazine Aperture." 

by ~mod*mom~ at 26.8.14 ©

contemporarymuseumart lacma circa 1965 Circus Family ad Todd Walker

Ringling Bros + Barnum&Bailey® presents LEGENDS!  The Greatest Show On Earth®
"Children Of All Ages experience unimaginable family fun as amazing performers from around the globe perform awe-inspiring feats of daring, spectacles of strength and thrills of wonder to summon the mythical and the mysterious visions that have only existed in your imagination + now materialize before your eyes: the Unicorn, Pegasus + a Woolly Mammoth!"

families can come to the arena floor to participate in interactive, up-close circus experiences:
Pre-Show: included with admission, allows circus fans to learn juggling + balancing skills, meet performers of The Greatest Show On Earth, get autographs, take photos, + enter a prize raffle.

Ringmaster Zone: ultimate, intimate, exclusive circus fan experience. exciting pre-show experience combines tickets to the best seats in the house with walk on the Ringling Red Carpet with Ringmaster + the stars of the show, step inside the Globe of Steel, take photos on the ringmaster’s float, + have an elephant encounter. Ringling ticketmaster 

feldentertainment : worldwide leader in producing + presenting live touring family entertainment experiencess, with 30 million people in attendance at its shows each year. Feld Entertainment’s productions have appeared in over 70 countries + on 6 continents." 


by ~mod*mom~ at 20.8.14 ©


mod*miss back to school shopping time

we checked out target + thriftshops for a mix of new + vintage clothes, supplies + room refreshers.
this year mod*tween gets a locker, so she was excited target sent her a chandelier (also for doll house)!


by ~mod*mom~ at 14.8.14 ©


cat mom Kate, founder of hauspanther :: Catification book

being a cat mom parallels nurturing, protecting, cherishing of child mom, + requires imagination, information + products to express your style as you care for + enjoy your family

Kate created + curates a cat-family community from her perspective as cat mom
:blogs cat activism
:catification: use of space
:cat care: food, health
:cat style
:healing comfort of cats

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.8.14 © 0 comments


utopia or dystopia? "THE GIVER  scifi flic centers on a young man who lives in a seemingly ideal, colorless, world of conformity + contentment. Yet as he begins to spend time with The Giver, who is the sole keeper of all the community’s memories, he quickly begins to discover the dark truth of his community’s secret past." the Giver trailer opens august 15

i just want to see the futuristic stuff :)
Color Party invite: August 9,  1–3pm Hillsdale Mall in San Mateo, CA. activities include hair chalking, nail stations, twister, spin art, raffles + prize giveaways, screening passes

by ~mod*mom~ at 7.8.14 ©


oral care of the future :: probiotics crowd out decay-producing plaque.
our children can avoid decay, drills, morning breath, yellow teeth...

mod*tot is growing up so fast + had another dentist exam + cleaning :)
maybe there'll be no decay in the future because of oral probiotics!!! 

Garden of Life probiotic smile mints
innovative biotechnology for oral health launched the 1st ever probiotic oral care chewable for kids to colonize/protect gums, teeth + tongue.
"designed for kids 3 - 10 years old, it's 100% natural + targets only the bad bacteria in the mouth + establishes a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria."
oral probiotic mints colonize healthy bacteria to "crowd out" bad bacteria.

a few years ago, i had my teeth cleaned + then my dentist gave me a folder with pictures of gingivitis, periodontitis , + bad news: most people over 18 have gum disease. parents like me often concentrate on their children + neglect their own oral health, then pass the harmful oral bacteria to their children.

my gum "issues" almost completely resolved in about a month of using oral probiotics, + desert essence tea tree oil toothpaste, which saved $2,000 she quoted for deep cleaning, antibiotics + placing the antibiotics under the gumline, which she + my dentist warned wasn't a cure + would quickly grow back if i didn't religiously brush, floss, have 4 cleanings a year...

also, my teeth are noticeably whiter + my breath is much better + i don't get bad taste in mouth or morning breath as much + my sinuses feel clear.
this is so amazing for my total health, because it relieves the chronic gum infection my immune system was fighting as a "wound". now my immune system can be more efficient. i want everybody to use oral probiotics.

oral probiotics are very important for seniors + disabled too, since medicare doesn't cover dentistry.

i am so excited with oral probiotics i interviewed a company spokesperson:

how do mouth probiotics effect gut bacteria?
ProBiora3(r), the active ingredient, is a blend of beneficial bacteria that survives only in the environment of your mouth. If you swallow some of the probiotics, those beneficialbacteria become inert and have no effect on your gut bacteria.

how does it work if it's chewed + swallowed immediately?

Try to allow the mint to dissolve in the mouth. The absolutely best way to use it is to let it first dissolve, then swish it between your teeth. We know it may not be easy for many kids to understand those directions, but remember - some of the probiotic smile mints chews will stay in the crevices of the teeth even if they chew it (just like tiny particles of food linger after eating) so kids get plenty of probiotics even if they chew it right up.

if i only chew it with side teeth, how does it help front gums?
The ProBiora3(r) probiotics are living bacteria that move around in your mouth - just like the other 700+ bacteria that normally reside in your mouth. Even if you chew with your side teeth (we all do!) the bacteria floods the entire mouth and sets up camp below the gum line and between the teeth.

The mint is not super strong like many breath mints, and the mint itself is not actually meant to freshen your breath. It's the probiotics that freshen your breath by crowding out the harmful bacteria that produce the foul-smelling sulfur gases that give us all bad breath. If you use the mint for about 5 consecutive days, you notice a significant decrease in bad breath and morning breath. It's very important to use the mints as directed. Not using them twice daily will allow the smelly bacteria the opportunity to begin to repopulate right away.

harmful bacteria are common in children’s mouths + are passed from parent to child, usually when the child is between 6 months to 3 years old – a time–frame dentists refer to as “the window of infectivity". These bacteria can be passed through kissing, sharing cups or utensils or food.

1 simple step parents can take to reduce the risks of passing these harmful bacteria to their children is through daily use of probiotic smile mints to keep their own mouths healthy while reducing the risk of passing these harmful bacteria to their children.

The beneficial bacteria found in 
probiotic smile mints are natural residents in very healthy mouths. Using probiotic smile mints daily ensures that the beneficial bacteria have the upper hand in maintaining a healthy bacterial balance in your children’s mouths.

probiotic smile mints reach where toothbrushes and floss can’t – into the crevices on the chewing surfaces of teeth.

do yogurt probiotics compete with 
probiotic smile mints?
Yogurt probiotics are residents of the gastro-intestinal tract a+ not the mouth, so they would only be present in the mouth for brief periods of time as they pass through to the gut. The yogurt strains may loosely attach indiscriminately to oral tissues but not likely to compete directly for space + nutrients with our probiotic strains since our strains are natural colonizers of the mouth have very specific niches in the complex 3-dimensional oral biofilm surrounding the teeth + around the gums. One should be able to use our product without concern, even if the previous meal/snack included a fermented dairy product, such as yogurt

"whitens teeth 4-5 shades in 30 days" : how does that work? will your teeth get tooo white if you use 
probiotic smile mints daily for years?probiotic smile mints can whiten up to 4 shades in 30 days.  This whitening effect is achieved by the low dose of hydrogen peroxide naturally produced by our probiotic strains on a 24/7 basis.  Because the whitening effect is gradual, there is not the threat of damage or sensitivity that can sometimes be experienced with whitening kits that rely on much higher strength hydrogen peroxide and short contact times with the teeth.  Our product can maintain its moderate whitening effect over time, even without a change in life-style (e.g., smoking or drinking wine or coffee). By regularly using our oral care probiotics, you are not adding anything to your mouth that's not already contained in a healthy mouth.  Our product has been on the market for 2 years, + none of its long-term users have complained that their teeth were "too white"

GardenofLife probiotic smile

pics: disneyland house of the future 1957, life magazine midcentarc

Monsanto House of the Future - June 12, 1957–December 1967

by ~mod*mom~ at 6.8.14 © 0 comments


Save Your Eyes from #screenblindness with Vision Protective Shields

neuron research has illustrated that blue light + ultra-violet from LED screens of all electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions, kill photoreceptor cells... professionals in the fields of light energy + vision study the hazards ultraviolet (UV) light presents to ocular health. we are gradually having longer + more intense exposures to blue light; much of the world's stores, schools, homes, offices, stadiums + industry is lit with cool white fluorescent tubes which emit a strong spike of light in the blue + ultraviolet ranges.

harmful UVt MAX can cause Myopia (near-sightedness), Macular Degeneration (loss of vision in the center of the visual field (the macula) due to damage to the retina), Chloasma (skin hyperpigmentation), wrinkles, cataracts (clouded lens blindness), headaches, dry red eyes...

cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye which leads to a decrease in vision. It is the most common cause of blindness and is conventionally treated with surgery. Visual loss occurs because opacification of the lens obstructs light from passing and being focused on the retina at the back of the eye.
It is most commonly due to aging, but there are many other causes. Over time, yellow-brown pigment is deposited in the lens and this, together with disruption of the lens fibers, reduces the transmission of light and leads to visual problems.
Those with cataracts often experience difficulty in appreciating colors and changes in contrast, driving, reading, recognizing faces, and coping with glare from bright lights.
Children are at high-risk to develop Myopia because of the extended use of smart devices. schools such as Taiwan’s Education + Science, + Hong Kong International School have begun bundling the Vision Protection Shield on tablets.
US National Institute of Health: long-term blue light exposure induces photoreceptor cell death
LED UV light hazard study at:, creator + distributor of gaming + consumer electronics products, makes Konnet Care Vision Protective Shield to protect your eyes from 99.99% of ultraviolet (UV) light with new advanced Patent-Pending UV Blue Light Deflection Technology with fiber coating that deflects UV blue light so it does not penetrate your eyes as you stare into devices,

•       advanced UV Blue Light Deflection Technology.
•       highest clarity
•       protect eyes from cataracts, Myopia, Macular Degeneration.
•       prevents skin damage: Chloasma, freckles, wrinkles stimulated by UVt Max light waves
•      scratch, shatter, + glare protection

for iPhone, iPad, Galaxy + other smartphones + tablets.
available from amazon + amazingstuffshop
Visual Protective Shield video skin damage 
vision technology video
eyephone fundus exam iphone

ophthalmoscope for professional or amateur trans-pupillary pictures of the eyes, then transfer them to teleophthalmology system so an ophthalmologist will diagnosis + send a report. Eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathycataractsglaucoma, etc ... can be diagnosed from home, health clinics or when the eye is in another country.
eyePhones :: examine  adapters convert iPhones into microscopes for eye exams + take pictures.. iExaminer App optimizes iPhone camera for eye exams capturing up to 85 pictures in 5 seconds + the App can store up to 10 people's pictures. this peripheral accessory + app received marketing approval in 2013 + offers the ability to perform eye examinations like primary care physicians without investing in expensive ophthalmological equipment. the adapter is a portable ophthalmoscope, since its objective is to capture high-quality images of the fundus, front + back part of the eyeThe goal is to be used by with minimal training. phones with a high resolution camera quality, upload photos + secure patient medical history, in seconds. adapters make it easy for anyone with minimal training of the eye, to save digital patient records. use of smart phones ophthalmic medical apps has the potential to revolutionize eye care.  pictures of the interior of the eye, allows observing the retina + adjacent structures allowing diagnosis common + serious eye diseases.
eye exam Apps  :: vision test

by ~mod*mom~ at 1.8.14 ©