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mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

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:: happy mother's day ::


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i LOVE my zinc, copper, quartz shower filter by New Wave Enviro 

removes chlorine, naturally softens water, fits standard showers...

"a patented mixture of zinc + copper called KDF-55, plus crystal quartz, converts chlorine into zinc chloride. Zinc alleviates dandruff. KDF is very effective in filtering out chlorine, odors + dirt particles. KDF possesses strong bacteriostatic character, inhibiting the growth of bacteria, fungus, algae + mildew."

"long, hot showers are dangerous. volatile organics evaporate from water in a shower or bath. toxic chemicals are inhaled in high concentrations"

Chlorine is a toxic gas which attacks living cells. "It was used during World War I as a chemical warfare agent. It is used today as an additive to drinking water to kill harmful micro-organisms in pipelines. While this can be an important health benefit, chlorine itself is far from beneficial: it attacks organic material, such as the skin + skin oils, which dries out the skin and hair. Because chlorine vaporizes along with the hot water, it is inhaled into the lungs. It is also absorbed into the skin. the chlorine also kills the healthy probiotic bacteria in the intestines. According to some experts, 5 times more chlorine enters the body through the skin during a shower than enters through drinking 8 glasses of chlorinated tap water!"

Benefits of the zinc, copper, quartz shower filter: moister, smoother skin, less itching; healthier hair, less brittle, fewer split ends, deeper, longer lasting color for dyed or lightened hair. Eliminates chlorine odor from skin + hair; Prevents breathing chlorine gas + chlorine absorption into skin; Stops burning around the eyes of chlorine-sensitive people.

5 to 7 days are required for skin + hair to regain their natural balance.  lefor-openo

by ~mod*mom~ at 29.11.12 © 2 comments


i'm an avid adorer of Doris Day. look at her space age kitchen cooking contraptions :)

i met her grandson last easter at a garden party + he lifted his dark sunglasses for me:
he has her sparkling eyes that turn up at the corners, perky nose + beautiful smile!

i was thrilled to see 2 Doris Day movies on Netflix this weekend + she sent me this email:

Dear Kristen,
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I had friends visiting from Germany and Los Angeles, and we all enjoyed the day together. It was a wonderful holiday, and now I know we’re all getting ready to … SHOP!

Can I ask you all a favor? Would you please consider joining GoodSearch and selecting Doris Day Animal Foundation as your charity of choice? When you do, DDAF receives a penny per search. And if you use GoodShop when making your holiday purchases, DDAF gets a percentage of sales. Please visit our GoodSearch profile page and click “Support Us” to begin. Then, just start searching and shopping!

In my work with the 4-leggers, I’ve realized sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference. In this case, your pennies can really add up to aid our mission: To help animals and the people who love them.

Thank you and best of luck in your shopping adventures!

Doris Day

by ~mod*mom~ at 27.11.12 © 0 comments

Sad Santa by Dad Tad Carpenter has an adorable demo video

by ~mod*mom~ at 27.11.12 © 0 comments


november is native american month :: i'm proud of my cherokee ancestory

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.11.12 ©

inductive electric surface technology charges devices + cooking pans

"futuristic Energy Shield technology used for the table’s surface  enables any electrical appliance, like a smartphone or game device, to be powered wirelessly - just by placing it on the surface, which also is an inductive cooking system. Sensors detect when a cooking pan is placed anywhere on the table + directs heat to that pan only."

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.11.12 ©


PG&E hired Mom Central Consulting to engage influential Mom Bloggers
in a Social Media Smart Grid Smart Meter spin called Smart Moms

your home power use is measured + stored in Big Data warehouses.
smart meters installed on every home will automatically digitize data.
this makes it easy for you + the power companies to analyze + control.
power companies give their customers' power information to a vendor.

Opower is the vendor between power companies + power users.
Opower is 250 people cast as the Face of Big Data for power companies.
Opower has an app for you to access your thermostat on the internet.
digital programmable thermostats can remotely control home power.

Opower's blog:

"explores trends in how people are using energy at home. Pulling from an unprecedented (and still growing) amount of energy data—currently drawn from 50 million homes—Opower crunches energy-use information from more than 75 utility partners every day, and cross-references that with weather, household, and demographic information to produce compelling analyses..." 

energy information, tools + programs:

·  PG&E website:

o   PG&E facebook
o   twitter: @PGE4M

·  Opower website:

o   Opower facebook
o   twitter: @Opower

"I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by MomCentral Consulting on behalf of PG&E + Opower."

images 1964-65 World's Fair

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.11.12 ©


smartphone Infrared Thermometer + ElectroMagnetic Field sensor invented 

Infrared Module built into smartphones takes internal body temperature without contact in less than 1 second – with Phone’s Digital Camera, also measures surface temperature of any object: food, appliances, dishes, cookware, bathwater, playgrounds...

-also measures Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) Pollution
-future expansion to include Night Vision Camera + thermal Breast Exam :)

"President Dr. Jacob Fraden, inventor of the popular ThermoScan Ear Thermometer and the holder of over 50 patents, with clients including Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Braun, and Gillette, announced today the grant of a U.S. patent for Wireless Communication Device with Integrated Electromagnetic Radiation Sensors” for its new Infrared (IR) Thermometer Technology with built-in module for smartphones to remotely take temperatures without any contact with a person or object. 

Clinically Accurate Smartphone Thermometer for Parents with Small Children, Nurses, Doctors, & Caregivers Now available for licensing to qualified companies with a significant presence in the mobile phone market, the Fraden Smartphone Sensing patented technology and IP (Intellectual Property) employs a non-contact infrared sensor built into a smartphone or tablet to instantly and accurately measure patient temperature in less than 1 second with absolutely no contact with the human body. A priceless feature for parents with small children, nurses, doctors, caregivers or anyone that has ever had trouble taking a temperature, the sensor accurately detects infrared signals that naturally emanate from any surface. Just aim the smartphone at the face and it automatically takes the internal body temperature. A small infrared lens is positioned near the camera lens, with no protruding parts, making the device appear identical to existing smartphones.

The sensor’s wide range, from -22º F to +400º F, offers broad applications in taking temperatures of not only humans, but also of inanimate objects in the home environment, such as kitchen (cooking and refrigeration), bathroom (baby bath water temperature), school (science class), and industry (automotive and production machinery, chemical processes, energy management, and construction). 

“Most smartphone models differ little from one another, with only small evolutionary changes. The vendor with breakthrough functions for real world everyday use, like reading a child’s temperature, can distance themselves from their competitors. We believe this new patent can be a significant competitive differentiator for a smartphone manufacturer,” said Dr. Jacob Fraden, President of Fraden Corporation, a co-inventor of the technology and expert in non-contact temperature measurements, a holder of over 50 patents and the inventor of the popular Thermoscan ear thermometer. “We believe that major conveniences afforded by built-in sensors, particularly thermal infrared sensors and their low incremental cost in smartphones, represent a compelling proposition for the manufacturers,” added co-inventor, Dr. David Pintsov. 

Fraden Infrared Thermometer for Smartphone Technology Features: Ÿ Patented technology: U.S. issued + world pending patents. Ÿ No comparable products on the market – a great differentiator for the smartphone industry. Ÿ Minimal incremental cost. Ÿ Non-protruding, works with digital camera in smartphone. Ÿ Quick time to market. Ÿ Very easy to use. Ÿ Instant response, less than 1 second. Ÿ Computes the body’s inner temperature (medical mode). Ÿ Clinical accuracy meets ISO standards. Ÿ Measures temperatures of inanimate objects (food, water, buildings, machinery, circuit boards, etc.). Ÿ Small (2.5 mm) infrared (IR) lens is located next to the digital camera lens. Ÿ Technology is expandable to thermal imaging, UV and EMF pollution exposure and others. Technology Now Available for Licensing The Fraden Smartphone Sensing Technology and IP are now available for licensing to qualified companies with a significant presence in the mobile phone market.

by ~mod*mom~ at 15.11.12 © 1 comments

mod*pop is a dr.doolittle + we had a falcon sleeping in our bathtub :)

by ~mod*mom~ at 15.11.12 © 0 comments


Blythe's new animated comedy series follows Blythe Baxter + her father as they move into a Big City apartment above the Littlest Pet Shop store + pet day-camp. Blythe's real adventure begins when she discovers she can understand + talk to the pets. Littlest Pet Shop premiered this week on Hasbro's Hub TV channel :)

by ~mod*mom~ at 13.11.12 © 1 comments