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occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

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mod*tot is growing up so fast + had another great dentist exam + cleaning :)
i'm thrilled mod*tot still has no cavities + loves to brush, floss + gargle :)
maybe there will be no decay in the future because of oral probiotics!!! yay!!!! 
she was so cute in the purple miniature dental chairs getting examined.

pic lark

oral care of the future :: probiotics crowd out decay-producing plaque.
our children can avoid decay, drills, morning breath, yellow teeth...

oragenics specializes in innovative biotechnology for oral health + launched the 1st ever probiotic oral care chewable for kids.
"designed for kids 3 to 10, EvoraKids is 100% natural + targets only the bad bacteria in the mouth + establishes a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria."
oral probiotic mints colonize healthy bacteria to "crowd out" bad bacteria.
before i was offered samples of evora oral probiotics, i had my teeth cleaned + my dentist gave me a folder with pictures of gingivitis, periodontitis , + bad news. parents like me often concentrate on their children + neglect their own oral health, then pass the harmful oral bacteria to their children.

my pregnant dental hygienist confirmed this week, that my gum "issues" have almost completely resolved in about a month of using oral probiotics, desert essence tea tree oil toothpaste + mouthwash, which saved $2,000 she quoted for deep cleaning, antibiotics + placing the antibiotics under the gumline, which she + my dentist warned wasn't a cure + would quickly grow back if i didn't religiously brush, floss, have 4 cleanings a year...

also, my teeth are noticeably whiter + my breath is much better + i don't get bad taste in mouth - morning breath as much + my sinuses feel clear.
this is so amazing for my total health, because it relieves the burden my immune system was fighting as a "wound". i want everybody to use oral probiotics.

very important for seniors + disabled too, since medicare does not cover dentistry.
they also have evora for dogs and cats called teddy's pride. you mix in food.

i am so excited with oral probiotics i interviewed a company spokesperson at evora:

the directions don't say if it's ok to drink water after chewing mint?

With either EvoraKids or EvoraPlus (Oragenics' probiotic oral care
product for those over the age of 11) it's best to wait 30 minutes after
the chew or mint dissolves to eat or drink anything.

how does it affect gut bacteria?
ProBiora3(r), the active ingredient in EvoraKids and EvoraPlus, is a
blend of beneficial bacteria that survives only in the environment of
your mouth. If you swallow some of the probiotics, those beneficial
bacteria become inert and have no effect on your gut bacteria.

how does it work if it's chewed + swallowed immediately?

Try to allow the EvoraPlus mint or EvoraKids to dissolve in the mouth.
The absolutely best way to use it is to let it first dissolve, then
swish it between your teeth. We know it may not be easy for many kids to
understand those directions, but remember - some of the EvoraKids chews
will stay in the crevices of the teeth even if they chew it (just like
tiny particles of food linger after eating) so kids get plenty of
probiotics from EvoraKids even if they chew it right up.

i only chewed with side teeth, so how does it help front gums?
The ProBiora3(r) probiotics are living bacteria that move around in your mouth - just like the other 700+ bacteria that normally reside in your mouth. Even if you chew with your side teeth (we all do!) the bacteria floods the entire mouth and sets up camp below the gum line and between the teeth.

The mint in the EvoraPlus is not super strong like many breath mints, and the mint itself is not actually meant to freshen your breath. It's the probiotics that freshen your breath by crowding out the harmful bacteria that produce the foul-smelling sulfur gases that give us all bad breath. If you use the EvoraPlus for about 5 consecutive days, you notice a significant decrease in bad breath and morning breath. It's very important to use the mints as directed. Not using them twice daily will allow the smelly bacteria the opportunity to begin to repopulate right away.

harmful bacteria are common in children’s mouths and are passed from parent to child, usually when the child is between 6 months to three years old – a time–frame dentists refer to as “the window of infectivity". These bacteria can be passed through kissing, sharing cups or utensils or food.

One simple step parents can take to reduce the risks of passing these harmful bacteria to their children is through daily use of EvoraPlus® to keep their own mouths healthy while reducing the risk of passing these harmful bacteria to their children.

The beneficial bacteria found in EvoraKids™ are natural residents in very healthy mouths. Using EvoraKids™ daily ensures that the beneficial bacteria have the upper hand in maintaining a healthy bacterial balance in your children’s mouths.

EvoraKids™ reaches where toothbrushes and floss can’t – into the crevices on the chewing surfaces of teeth

"tonsil stone" bacteria is not same as mouth plaque. it's anaerobic, so it's treated with "oxygenated" mints. how do you use both mints, if you need to solve both problems?
Tonsilith is defined as an infection occurring over the tonsils. This infection is generally associated with bacteria. EvoraPlus does not claim to address tonsilith. If someone uses "oxygenated" mints to treat tonsilith, these mints will not affect the activity of our probiotics mint. The two mints can be used together, or best separated by about 30 minutes. Our probiotics are not anaerobes and so extra oxygen will not affect them. However, our probiotics generate hydrogen peroxide (oxygen) and that is how they negatively impact on the
anaerobes that occupy the space around and under the gum line, and these anaerobes have been identified as risk factors to gingival health. Our probiotics may be transient colonizers on tissues at the back of the mouth, and could temporarily occupy space on the tonsils, but no studies have been done to determine if our probiotics have beneficial value past their existing health benefit claims for oral care 

food yogurt probiotics: do these linger in mouth + compete with evora?
Yogurt probiotics are residents of the gastro-intestinal tract and not the mouth, so they would only be present in the mouth for brief periods of time as they pass through to the gut. The yogurt strains may
loosely attach indiscriminately to oral tissues but not likely to compete directly for space and nutrients with our probiotic strains since our strains are natural colonizers of the mouth have very specific
niches in the complex 3-dimensional oral biofilm surrounding the teeth and around the gums. One should be able to use our product without concern, even if the previous meal/snack included a fermented dairy product such as yogurt evora 

"whitens teeth 4-5 shades in 30 days" : how does that work? will your teeth get tooo white if you use evora daily for years?
Evora can whiten up to 4 shades in 30 days.  This whitening effect is achieved by the low dose of hydrogen peroxide naturally produced by our probiotic strains on a 24/7 basis.  Because the whitening effect is gradual, there is not the threat of damage or sensitivity that can sometimes be experienced with whitening kits that rely on much higher strength hydrogen peroxide and short contact times with the teeth.  Our product can maintain its moderate whitening effect over time, even without a change in life-style (e.g., smoking or drinking wine or coffee). By regularly using our oral care probiotics, you are not adding anything to your mouth that's not already contained in a healthy mouth.  Our product has been on the market for 2 years, and none of its long-term users have complained that their teeth were "too white"

pic: disneyland house of the future 1957, life magazine 

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.6.11 © 3 comments


eco laundry love video :: method :: good clean fun
watch this a bunch of times to really appreciate the stop motion animation + spot me
director tony benna of mekanism in san francisco

by ~mod*mom~ at 1.6.11 ©