no ad box by mod*mom
mod*mom ~

:: about ::
occupation:full-time mom + wife
interests:mod, modern, futuristic + space-age design, technology, music, books, blogs + adventures
diet:vegan, atoxic, organic
resides:sixties vintage prefab in silicon valley between yahoo + google since summer 2005, but we lived in a tiny apartment in oakland,ca before that

:: links ::
pbs kids
mom forum
mod*pals [*]

:: archives ::
09.2004 01.2006 02.2006 03.2006 04.2006 05.2006 06.2006 07.2006 08.2006 09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 02.2007 03.2007 04.2007 05.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 09.2007 10.2007 11.2007 12.2007 01.2008 02.2008 03.2008 04.2008 05.2008 06.2008 07.2008 08.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 12.2008 01.2009 02.2009 03.2009 04.2009 05.2009 06.2009 07.2009 08.2009 09.2009 10.2009 11.2009 12.2009 01.2010 03.2010 06.2010 07.2010 10.2010 11.2010 01.2011 02.2011 03.2011 04.2011 05.2011 06.2011 07.2011 09.2011 10.2011 11.2011 01.2012 02.2012 04.2012 05.2012 06.2012 07.2012 08.2012 09.2012 10.2012 11.2012 12.2012 01.2013 02.2013 03.2013 04.2013 05.2013 07.2013 08.2013 09.2013 10.2013 11.2013 02.2014 03.2014 04.2014 05.2014 06.2014 07.2014 08.2014 09.2014 10.2014 11.2014 12.2014 01.2015 02.2015 03.2015 05.2015 08.2015 10.2015 11.2015 01.2016 09.2016 05.2017 06.2017 07.2017 08.2017 08.2018 11.2018
check out my archives for more mod stuff!

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:: happy mother's day ::


:: happy father's day ::



mod*mom partners with fredflare to benefit breast
i've been trying to take photographs of me with some retro scarves that fredflare will sell this fall to benefit

the scarves have already been photographed separately for real simple magazine + will appear in their october breast cancer awareness issue,
due to "drop" next week.
in addition to modeling the scarves, i've been answering interview questions for fredflare's blog bff

by ~mod*mom~ at 31.8.07 © 7 comments

mod*mom giveaways :: reminder
enter these giveaways by midnight tonight:
the art of storage :: 4-bike storage rack
kaboost :: chair booster

enter these giveaways by september 15:
sparkability :: infant transportation system
boon :: infant + toddler feeding products

enter this giveaway by october 1
dyson :: pink vacuum

by ~mod*mom~ at 31.8.07 ©


mod*mom giveaway + sneak preview: boon feeding products
boon is launching their infant + toddler feeding products line in october
to enter to win 1 of each of these new products, go to boon
+ read about them + tell me in the comments, what you think of them
(include your email address or blog url, so i can contact you when you win)
before september 15

by ~mod*mom~ at 27.8.07 © 133 comments


the hp touchsmart pc is a video phone when used with msn live messenger.
it has a built-in webcam + microphone, so you can make free pc to pc calls.

"AT&T conducted experiments and demonstrations of a Picturephone product and service in the early 1960s, including at the 1964 New York World's Fair. The demo unit was usually in a small oval cabinet on a swivel stand, intended to stand on a desk. Videophones, possibly AT&T units, were featured at Expo 67, an International World's Fair held in Montreal, Canada in 1967. Several demonstration videophone units were available for the Fair-going public to try, who were permitted to make live video calls to recipient volunteers in the United States.

Picturephone was offered to the public in New York City and Washington DC in the early 1970s. The screen was larger than in the original demo units, approximately half a foot (15 cm) square in a roughly cubical cabinet. Picturephone booths were set up in Grand Central Station and elsewhere. With fanfare, Picturephones were installed in offices of Westinghouse and other progressive companies

AT&T sold the VideoPhone 2500 to the general public in 1992 to 1995 with prices starting at US$1500 and later US$1000.

Today the principles, if not the precise mechanisms of a videophone are employed by many users world-wide in the form of webcam conferences using personal computers, with cheaply available webcams and microphones and free instant messenger programs. Thus an activity that was disappointing as a separate service found a niche as a minor feature of products intended for other purposes."
via wikipedia (pics plan59)

here's a video of the videophones at expo 67 (via expo lounge)

by ~mod*mom~ at 26.8.07 © 6 comments


mod*mom giveaways :: reminder

sparkability :: infant transportation system
whole foods :: gift cards + gift boxes
the art of storage :: 4-bike storage rack
kaboost :: chair booster
dyson :: pink vacuum

by ~mod*mom~ at 23.8.07 ©


mod*mom giveaway :: pink dyson vacuum
dyson is celebrating the debut of the dc07 pink by giving one away!
"Dyson is proud to support breast cancer research with the introduction of the DCO7 Pink. The limited edition vacuum, which uses Dyson’s patented cyclone technology + does not lose suction, is available exclusively at Target. Dyson + Target will donate $40 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation for every DCO7 Pink sold. Dyson understands how critical research is to the advancement of breast cancer treatment + prevention + is dedicated to supporting efforts to develop a cure in our lifetime."

as a breast cancer survivor, i'm so excited dyson is offering this giveaway prize + raising awareness that 1 in 8 women in the us will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime according to the american cancer society.

to enter to win a dyson dc07 pink vacuum, tell me in the comments how breast cancer has affected you + ways you can detect it early.
if you have a blog or website, please link to mod*mom
before midnight october 1
(include your email address or blog url, so i can contact you when you win)

by ~mod*mom~ at 22.8.07 © 512 comments


mod*mom giveaway :: kaboost
kaboost is brand new + just began shipping last week on august 15th
they'd like to introduce kaboost to mod*mom readers for feedback.
to enter to win a kaboost compact collapsible chair booster,
tell me in the comments what you like about
(include your email address or blog link, so i can contact you when you win)
before midnight august 31

by ~mod*mom~ at 21.8.07 © 117 comments

mod*mom giveaway ::
the art of storage ::
4-bike storage rack
sculptural storage

to enter to win a botticelli
free standing 4-bike storage rack, tell me in the comments, "what is your favorite art of storage product?"
(include your email address or blog link, so i can contact you when you win) before midnight august 31

by ~mod*mom~ at 17.8.07 © 110 comments


mod*mom giveaway :: whole foods gift cards + gift boxes

(i absolutely LOVE whole foods + organic everything!
i practically live there. the employees are the best!)

whole foods has a new podcast series about natural + alternative health approaches + they want to know what mod*mom readers think of their work. they’re offering the following incentives for you to listen + provide feedback to their “back to school” podcast:

$100 gift card, $50 gift card, 3 gift boxes containing 1 box of rainbow light multi vitamin gummy bears, 1 box of esberitox supercharged chewable echinacea + 2 bars of 365 lavender soap, +1 gift box, which includes the following: 365 shampoo, conditioner, lotion, shower gel, lavender soap, rosemary mint soap + alba botanica facial mineral sunscreen .

to enter to win a gift card or gift box from whole foods market,
listen to one of their "back to school" podcasts at
then, scroll to the bottom of the page + leave your feedback comment
with in the website field.
on august 25th, the winners will be randomly selected.

by ~mod*mom~ at 16.8.07 © 42 comments


palo alto weekly newspaper story : 'mod*mom gets a makeover'
thank you again silicon valley moms blog + mod*mom readers + friends :)
i really enjoyed my makeover day + romantic dinner (we brought mod*tot)
i got some cute jeans + t shirts + i'm getting in great shape at the gym!

pic: bo lundgren

by ~mod*mom~ at 14.8.07 © 14 comments


mod*mom giveaway :: micralite toro newborn transportation system $789
sparkability is celebrating the debut of the new toro by giving one away!
if you have a blog or website, please link to mod*mom +/or if not, please
join my email list
+ post a comment by midnight est september 15 to enter
(contest open to us + canada)

by ~mod*mom~ at 10.8.07 © 455 comments


mod*tot loves to cook. she stands on a step stool or chair like this.

pic charmandpoise

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.8.07 © 6 comments

karim rashid sunglasses: "ultra light, extremely strong + unbreakable. handmade in sweden of titanium with uv400 photocromatic lenses."

by ~mod*mom~ at 8.8.07 © 6 comments


time to squeeze your lemons for signs of breast cancer.

by ~mod*mom~ at 5.8.07 © 7 comments


mod*mom giveaways :: july winners

notneutral :: rug or toybox :: naomi in kansas
twig :: candeloos :: candace in new york
skimbaco :: shoes :: amy in colorado
oyikes :: diaper/laptop bag :: jules of virginia
kimthings :: kitchen set :: kailani of hawaii
dwell :: twin bed set :: lynette of gold run, california

by ~mod*mom~ at 2.8.07 © 6 comments

world breastfeeding week 8/1 :: 120 countries worldwide: mod*tot + i proudly breastfed as a team in the 2003 defense of the u.s.a's guinness world record for "simultaneous breastfeeding in a single site" in berkeley, california (australia had the record before the u.s.a.)
"in may 2006, the philippines, broke the Guinness World Record on Simultaneous Breastfeeding in a Single Site when they gathered 3,541 mothers with the City of Manila. This year, they created the First Guinness World Record on Simultaneous Breastfeeding in Multiple Sites when they gathered more than 20,000 mothers in more than 400 sites. The organizing group, Children for Breastfeeding, in partnership with WABA, is planning for the first ever attempt to foster cooperation among nations to establish another Guinness World Record in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week. The idea is simple: Join as a pair of breastfeeding mother + child or organize breastfeeding mothers + children in as many sites as possible in your own country + be a part of the network around the world! If you are interested to join in making history with this WBW project, please register at "

by ~mod*mom~ at 1.8.07 © 5 comments